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Tournament Rounds

J60 Atlanta \ Atlanta ITF [Q], 2021, J60 Girls

Sandy Springs Tennis Center

Miller, Reese[1] [USA]  
    Miller, Reese[1]
Schoch, Catharina [CAN]  
    Schoch, Catharina
Bishop, Lillian [USA] 46 62 106 
Henderson, Gabrielle [USA]  
    Henderson, Gabrielle
Iantcheva, Victoria [USA] 75 64 
    Cisse-Ignatiev, Sophia
Cisse-Ignatiev, Sophia [USA]   
Nask, Juliette[2] [USA]  
    Nask, Juliette[2]
Capuano, Peyton [USA]  
    Capuano, Peyton
Williams, Hi'ilani [USA] 60 60 
Bowman, Addison [USA]  
    Mcneil, Christasha
Mcneil, Christasha [USA] 62 64 
    Jean, Imani
Jean, Imani [USA]   
Charney, Piper[3] [USA]  
    Charney, Piper[3]
Jewelewicz, Amelie Nicole [USA]  
    Bernales, Jessica
Bernales, Jessica [USA] 60 62 
Kolyszko, Emmi [USA]  
    Yli-Piipari, Saray
Yli-Piipari, Saray [USA] 63 64 
    Weekley, Madison T.
Weekley, Madison T. [USA]   
Bohrer Martins, Carolina[4] [BRA]  
    Bohrer Martins, Carolina[4]
Simunyola, Natazya [USA]  
    Tallamraju, Sanjana M.
Tallamraju, Sanjana M. [USA] 60 63 
Barrera Aguirre, Camila [USA]  
    Denker, Estelle
Denker, Estelle [SWE] 16 61 1412 
    Delgado, Sarah
Delgado, Sarah [USA]   
Gomez, Valerie[5] [USA]  
    Gomez, Valerie[5]
Kravchenkova, Iana [RUS]  
    May, Isabelle
May, Isabelle [USA] 75 60 
Brown, Carrington [USA]  
    Brown, Carrington
Lopez, Adla [USA] 63 36 119 
    Gusavac, Visnja
Gusavac, Visnja [USA]   
Deatherage, Mary Boyce[6] [USA]  
    Deatherage, Mary Boyce[6]
Thomas, Aleynah [USA]  
    Suk, Ella
Suk, Ella [USA] 63 62 
Shelton, Mckenzie [USA]  
    Shelton, Mckenzie
Smelley, Madalyn [USA] w/o 
Lam, Shannon [USA]  
    Lam, Shannon
Cardona-Carballosa, Catherin [USA] 61 60 
Wuhrman, Ryan[7] [USA]  
    Wuhrman, Ryan[7]
Shabashkevich, Katerina [USA]  
    Shabashkevich, Katerina
Cote, Alem [CAN] 63 63 
Branicki, Sarah Elizabeth [USA]  
    Branicki, Sarah Elizabeth
Baek, Emily [USA] 63 26 105 
Motam, Lakshya [USA]  
    Chan, Jo-Yee
Chan, Jo-Yee [USA] 60 62 
Thornton, Maeve W. [USA]  
    Thornton, Maeve W.
Butt, Fatimah [USA]  
    Rawles, Gabriella
Rawles, Gabriella [GBR] 61 62 
Mcginley, Caroline [USA]  
    Bittner, Allie
Bittner, Allie [USA] 64 62 
Sanchez, Valeria [USA]  
    Sanchez, Valeria
Brown, Franchesca [USA] 63 62 
Miller, Reese[1] [USA]  
    Miller, Reese[1]
Schoch, Catharina [CAN] 60 61 
Henderson, Gabrielle [USA]  
    Henderson, Gabrielle
Cisse-Ignatiev, Sophia [USA] 64 16 1210 
Nask, Juliette[2] [USA]  
    Capuano, Peyton
Capuano, Peyton [USA] 76(8) 75 
Mcneil, Christasha [USA]  
    Mcneil, Christasha
Jean, Imani [USA] 60 60 
Charney, Piper[3] [USA]  
    Charney, Piper[3]
Bernales, Jessica [USA] 61 61 
Yli-Piipari, Saray [USA]  
    Yli-Piipari, Saray
Weekley, Madison T. [USA] 60 64 
Bohrer Martins, Carolina[4] [BRA]  
    Bohrer Martins, Carolina[4]
Tallamraju, Sanjana M. [USA] 60 62 
Denker, Estelle [SWE]  
    Delgado, Sarah
Delgado, Sarah [USA] 62 61 
Gomez, Valerie[5] [USA]  
    May, Isabelle
May, Isabelle [USA] 61 62 
Brown, Carrington [USA]  
    Gusavac, Visnja
Gusavac, Visnja [USA] 61 63 
Deatherage, Mary Boyce[6] [USA]  
    Suk, Ella
Suk, Ella [USA] 26 62 104 
Shelton, Mckenzie [USA]  
    Lam, Shannon
Lam, Shannon [USA] 60 61 
Wuhrman, Ryan[7] [USA]  
    Shabashkevich, Katerina
Shabashkevich, Katerina [USA] 62 76(7) 
Branicki, Sarah Elizabeth [USA]  
    Chan, Jo-Yee
Chan, Jo-Yee [USA] 60 60 
Thornton, Maeve W. [USA]  
    Rawles, Gabriella
Rawles, Gabriella [GBR] 63 61 
Bittner, Allie [USA]  
    Bittner, Allie
Sanchez, Valeria [USA] 62 64 
Miller, Reese[1] [USA]  
    Miller, Reese[1]
Henderson, Gabrielle [USA] 62 61 
Capuano, Peyton [USA]  
    Capuano, Peyton
Mcneil, Christasha [USA] 62 64 
Charney, Piper[3] [USA]  
    Charney, Piper[3]
Yli-Piipari, Saray [USA] 62 64 
Bohrer Martins, Carolina[4] [BRA]  
    Bohrer Martins, Carolina[4]
Delgado, Sarah [USA] 63 60 
May, Isabelle [USA]  
    Gusavac, Visnja
Gusavac, Visnja [USA] 75 46 105 
Suk, Ella [USA]  
    Lam, Shannon
Lam, Shannon [USA] 63 62 
Shabashkevich, Katerina [USA]  
    Chan, Jo-Yee
Chan, Jo-Yee [USA] 62 75 
Rawles, Gabriella [GBR]  
    Rawles, Gabriella
Bittner, Allie [USA] 61 64 
Miller, Reese[1] [USA]  
Capuano, Peyton [USA]   
Charney, Piper[3] [USA]  
Bohrer Martins, Carolina[4] [BRA]   
Gusavac, Visnja [USA]  
Lam, Shannon [USA]   
Chan, Jo-Yee [USA]  
Rawles, Gabriella [GBR]   
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