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M15 Cancun 01 [Q], 2021, M15

Gomez, Federico Agustin[1] [ARG]  
    Gomez, Federico Agustin[1]
Bhangdia, Jake [USA] 75 61 
Kaghami, Joel [CMR]  
    Sanchez Elizondo, Edson Alejandro
Sanchez Elizondo, Edson Alejandro [MEX] 60 60 
Moheno, Yahir Emiliano (WC) [MEX]  
    Moheno, Yahir Emiliano (WC)
Gonzalez, Juan Arias [CHI] 64 41 Ret'd 
Alexandre, Ronaldo [BRA]  
    Jones, Alex[10]
Jones, Alex[10] [USA] 62 36 102 
Cundom, Julian[2] [ARG]  
    Cundom, Julian[2]
Aracena, Guillermo [CHI] 62 60 
Langle, Arturo [MEX]  
    Langle, Arturo
Arias Ordonez, Luis Alberto [MEX] 64 57 103 
Lopez Valdes, Roberto Alejandro [MEX]  
    Fuly, Lucas
Fuly, Lucas [BRA] 60 61 
Yapur, Jose Elias [CHI]  
    Mugelli, Pietro[8]
Mugelli, Pietro[8] [ITA] 36 76(5) 102 
Maier, Jonas[3] [GER]  
    Maier, Jonas[3]
Carmona, Cesar [MEX] 60 60 
Ortega, Joao Victor (WC) [MEX]  
    Cameron, Scott
Cameron, Scott [USA] 63 62 
Sanchez, Samuel (WC) [MEX]  
    Sanchez, Samuel (WC)
Prado, Evani (WC) [MEX] 63 62 
Embry, Patricio [CHI]  
    Olaya, Jorge Alejandro[12]
Olaya, Jorge Alejandro[12] [MEX] 61 36 108 
Markes, Colin[4] [USA]  
    Markes, Colin[4]
Frances Tessari, Enzo [FRA] 61 63 
Achurra Contreras, Vicente Martin [CHI]  
    Lage Castelan, Lance Amaury
Lage Castelan, Lance Amaury [MEX] 60 62 
Reyna, Rodrigo (WC) [MEX]  
    Reyna, Rodrigo (WC)
Barrett, Henry M. [USA] 62 63 
Moceanu, Nikolas [USA]  
    Moceanu, Nikolas
Leiva Biason, Oscar Matias[9] [CHI] 61 63 
Reinberg, Emil[5] [USA]  
    Reinberg, Emil[5]
Espinoza Tapia, Pedro [CHI] 60 60 
Fuentes Gilbert, Blake Antonio [MEX]  
    Fuentes Gilbert, Blake Antonio
Gutierrez, Kin Javier [MEX] 64 62 
Zarate, Leonardo (WC) [MEX]  
    Bowers, Tyler
Bowers, Tyler [USA] 60 60 
Zamorano, Cristobal [CHI]  
    O'hoisin, Osgar[7]
O'hoisin, Osgar[7] [IRL] 62 60 
Jones, Miles[6] [USA]  
    Jones, Miles[6]
Bustamante, Diego (WC) [MEX] 60 60 
Lopez Tapia, Juan Pablo [MEX]  
    Liokossis, Stefano
Liokossis, Stefano [CAN] 60 62 
Younan, Michael [CAN]  
    Delgado Candano, Alonso Alejandro
Delgado Candano, Alonso Alejandro [MEX] 61 62 
Chavez, Andres [BOL]  
    Chavez, Andres
Reyna, Ricardo[11] [MEX] 61 76(3) 
Gomez, Federico Agustin[1] [ARG]  
    Gomez, Federico Agustin[1]
Sanchez Elizondo, Edson Alejandro [MEX] 75 63 
Moheno, Yahir Emiliano (WC) [MEX]  
    Moheno, Yahir Emiliano (WC)
Jones, Alex[10] [USA] 75 62 
Cundom, Julian[2] [ARG]  
    Cundom, Julian[2]
Langle, Arturo [MEX] 62 61 
Fuly, Lucas [BRA]  
    Mugelli, Pietro[8]
Mugelli, Pietro[8] [ITA] 64 62 
Maier, Jonas[3] [GER]  
    Maier, Jonas[3]
Cameron, Scott [USA] 61 62 
Sanchez, Samuel (WC) [MEX]  
    Sanchez, Samuel (WC)
Olaya, Jorge Alejandro[12] [MEX] 63 57 104 
Markes, Colin[4] [USA]  
    Markes, Colin[4]
Lage Castelan, Lance Amaury [MEX] 62 61 
Reyna, Rodrigo (WC) [MEX]  
    Moceanu, Nikolas
Moceanu, Nikolas [USA] 62 64 
Reinberg, Emil[5] [USA]  
    Reinberg, Emil[5]
Fuentes Gilbert, Blake Antonio [MEX] 60 62 
Bowers, Tyler [USA]  
    O'hoisin, Osgar[7]
O'hoisin, Osgar[7] [IRL] 63 64 
Jones, Miles[6] [USA]  
    Jones, Miles[6]
Liokossis, Stefano [CAN] 62 62 
Delgado Candano, Alonso Alejandro [MEX]  
    Delgado Candano, Alonso Alejandro
Chavez, Andres [BOL] 75 63 
Gomez, Federico Agustin[1] [ARG]  
    Gomez, Federico Agustin[1]
Moheno, Yahir Emiliano (WC) [MEX] 62 63 
Cundom, Julian[2] [ARG]  
    Cundom, Julian[2]
Mugelli, Pietro[8] [ITA] 61 62 
Maier, Jonas[3] [GER]  
    Maier, Jonas[3]
Sanchez, Samuel (WC) [MEX] 63 61 
Markes, Colin[4] [USA]  
    Markes, Colin[4]
Moceanu, Nikolas [USA] 63 62 
Reinberg, Emil[5] [USA]  
    Reinberg, Emil[5]
O'hoisin, Osgar[7] [IRL] 63 63 
Jones, Miles[6] [USA]  
    Jones, Miles[6]
Delgado Candano, Alonso Alejandro [MEX] 61 61 
Gomez, Federico Agustin[1] [ARG]  
Cundom, Julian[2] [ARG]   
Maier, Jonas[3] [GER]  
Markes, Colin[4] [USA]   
Reinberg, Emil[5] [USA]  
Jones, Miles[6] [USA]   
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