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Tournament Rounds

M15 Heraklion 07 [Q], 2021, M15

Lyttos Beach Tennis Academy

Park, Uisung[1] [KOR]  
    Park, Uisung[1]
Tsitsipas, Pavlos (WC) [GRE] 61 61 
Quayle, David [GBR]  
    Tzicas, Charles
Tzicas, Charles [BEL] 63 26 106 
Nedelchev, Nikolay [BUL]  
    Nedelchev, Nikolay
Hoole, Austin [CAN] 62 60 
Fellin, Christian [ITA]  
    Fellin, Christian
Krstic, Veljko[15] [SRB] 76(3) 16 108 
Ivanov, Simon Anthony[2] [BUL]  
    Ivanov, Simon Anthony[2]
Shrolik, Igor [RUS] 66 Ret'd 
Puttergill, Liam [AUS]  
    Brun, Thomas George (ALT)
Brun, Thomas George (ALT) [SUI] 76(4) 61 
Mitsakos, Theodoros (WC) [GRE]  
    Panagoulopoulos, Gosse
Panagoulopoulos, Gosse [NED] 26 64 108 
Coloma-Heck, Gianluca [GER]  
    Coloma-Heck, Gianluca
Macovei, Radu Florin[16] [ROU] 62 62 
Zhu, Michael[3] [USA]  
    Zhu, Michael[3]
Van Den Ham, Tomi (WC) [NED] 62 62 
Soghoyan, Artur [ARM]  
    Tanner, Gian Luca
Tanner, Gian Luca [SUI] 60 61 
Van Zijl, Twan [NED]  
    Stepanov, Timofey
Stepanov, Timofey [SUI] 63 75 
Di Natale, Gian Matias [ARG]  
    Ginat, Roi[13]
Ginat, Roi[13] [ISR] 63 75 
Trinker, Jonas[4] [AUT]  
    Papounidis, Ioannis
Papounidis, Ioannis [GRE] 36 61 108 
Kim, Dong Ju [KOR]  
    Kim, Dong Ju
Lawrence, Scott (WC) [GBR] 60 60 
Nouchakis, Georgios (WC) [GRE]  
    Monclus Martin, Mario
Monclus Martin, Mario [ESP] 51 Ret'd 
Fortin, Michel-Alexandre [CAN]  
    Donders, Dax[11]
Donders, Dax[11] [NED] 63 62 
Houkes, Max[5] [NED]  
    Houkes, Max[5]
Schinas, Stephanos [GRE] 62 64 
Roe Flannelly, Josh [IRL]  
    Moceanu, Nikolas
Moceanu, Nikolas [USA] 61 60 
Knippling, Paulo (WC) [GER]  
    Gleeson, Alan
Gleeson, Alan [IRL] 62 63 
Wassermann, Miko [NED]  
    Lemstra, Kai[9]
Lemstra, Kai[9] [GER] 63 62 
Wassermann, Deney[6] [NED]  
    Wassermann, Deney[6]
Kulakowski, Mateusz (WC) [POL] 61 36 108 
Tamiolakis, Chrisovalantis (WC) [GRE]  
    Cuceu, Andrei
Cuceu, Andrei [ROU] 64 64 
Cohen, Eduardo [ISR]  
    Cohen, Eduardo
Markiewicz, James [GBR] 63 64 
Patrikios Zeniou, Aimilianos [GRE]  
    Brown, Preston[14]
Brown, Preston[14] [USA] 60 60 
Ruzgas, Marius[7] [SWE]  
    Elamin, Ammar
Elamin, Ammar [IRL] 64 63 
Schaer, Raffael [SUI]  
    Schaer, Raffael
Kountourakis, Ioannis [GRE] 64 62 
Salomone, Federico [ITA]  
    Salomone, Federico
Najvirt Kolaric, Maj [SLO] 60 62 
Cohen, Aaron [ISR]  
    Cohen, Aaron
Van Wijk, Max (ALT) [NED] 62 64 
Dray, Eitan (ALT) [ISR]  
    Ktiri, Marc Othman
Ktiri, Marc Othman [ESP] 60 61 
Hoeveler, Leon [GER]  
    Hoeveler, Leon
Gentzsch, Tom [GER] 64 63 
Savic, Mihailo (ALT) [SRB]  
    Savic, Mihailo (ALT)
Bajwa, Cheraag [GBR] 75 67(11) 102 
Patzanovsky, Christopher [GER]  
    Zima, Leopold[10]
Zima, Leopold[10] [GER] 63 63 
Park, Uisung[1] [KOR]  
    Park, Uisung[1]
Tzicas, Charles [BEL] 62 63 
Nedelchev, Nikolay [BUL]  
    Nedelchev, Nikolay
Fellin, Christian [ITA] 61 60 
Ivanov, Simon Anthony[2] [BUL]  
    Ivanov, Simon Anthony[2]
Brun, Thomas George (ALT) [SUI] 62 60 
Panagoulopoulos, Gosse [NED]  
    Coloma-Heck, Gianluca
Coloma-Heck, Gianluca [GER] 62 61 
Zhu, Michael[3] [USA]  
    Zhu, Michael[3]
Tanner, Gian Luca [SUI] 36 62 108 
Stepanov, Timofey [SUI]  
    Ginat, Roi[13]
Ginat, Roi[13] [ISR] 46 75 108 
Papounidis, Ioannis [GRE]  
    Kim, Dong Ju
Kim, Dong Ju [KOR] 62 63 
Monclus Martin, Mario [ESP]  
    Donders, Dax[11]
Donders, Dax[11] [NED] 60 60 
Houkes, Max[5] [NED]  
    Houkes, Max[5]
Moceanu, Nikolas [USA] 60 64 
Gleeson, Alan [IRL]  
    Lemstra, Kai[9]
Lemstra, Kai[9] [GER] 76(1) 63 
Wassermann, Deney[6] [NED]  
    Wassermann, Deney[6]
Cuceu, Andrei [ROU] 62 61 
Cohen, Eduardo [ISR]  
    Brown, Preston[14]
Brown, Preston[14] [USA] 46 63 105 
Elamin, Ammar [IRL]  
    Schaer, Raffael
Schaer, Raffael [SUI] 62 62 
Salomone, Federico [ITA]  
    Cohen, Aaron
Cohen, Aaron [ISR] 76(4) 76(5) 
Ktiri, Marc Othman [ESP]  
    Ktiri, Marc Othman
Hoeveler, Leon [GER] 64 64 
Savic, Mihailo (ALT) [SRB]  
    Zima, Leopold[10]
Zima, Leopold[10] [GER] 64 62 
Park, Uisung[1] [KOR]  
    Park, Uisung[1]
Nedelchev, Nikolay [BUL] 64 62 
Ivanov, Simon Anthony[2] [BUL]  
    Ivanov, Simon Anthony[2]
Coloma-Heck, Gianluca [GER] 61 62 
Zhu, Michael[3] [USA]  
    Zhu, Michael[3]
Ginat, Roi[13] [ISR] 62 63 
Kim, Dong Ju [KOR]  
    Donders, Dax[11]
Donders, Dax[11] [NED] 63 75 
Houkes, Max[5] [NED]  
    Lemstra, Kai[9]
Lemstra, Kai[9] [GER] 64 76(4) 
Wassermann, Deney[6] [NED]  
    Brown, Preston[14]
Brown, Preston[14] [USA] 63 51 Def. 
Schaer, Raffael [SUI]  
    Schaer, Raffael
Cohen, Aaron [ISR] 75 62 
Ktiri, Marc Othman [ESP]  
    Zima, Leopold[10]
Zima, Leopold[10] [GER] 75 63 
Park, Uisung[1] [KOR]  
Ivanov, Simon Anthony[2] [BUL]   
Zhu, Michael[3] [USA]  
Donders, Dax[11] [NED]   
Lemstra, Kai[9] [GER]  
Brown, Preston[14] [USA]   
Schaer, Raffael [SUI]  
Zima, Leopold[10] [GER]   
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