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Tournament Rounds

M15 Monastir 46 [Q], 2021, M15

Brigida, Omar[1] [ITA]  
    Brigida, Omar[1]
Ramiaramanana, Lofo (WC) [MAD] 61 61 
Misrahi, Joe (WC) [FRA]  
    Misrahi, Joe (WC)
Verdes, Eric David [ROU] 61 62 
Jans, Jarno [NED]  
    Jans, Jarno
Schurdevin, Lucas [FRA] 75 64 
Cattaneo, Edoardo Lodovico [ITA]  
    Khoeblal, Elgin[16]
Khoeblal, Elgin[16] [NED] 63 61 
Mu, Tao[2] [CHN]  
    Mu, Tao[2]
Haefele, Andres [CHI] 62 60 
Prince, Zachary (WC) [USA]  
    Van Donselaar, Freek
Van Donselaar, Freek [NED] 61 60 
Zhibul, Daniil [RUS]  
    Zhibul, Daniil
Li, Zhuyuan [CHN] 26 63 106 
Gao, Mai [CHN]  
    Larwig, Noel[13]
Larwig, Noel[13] [GER] 62 62 
Volonski, Nikita[3] [AUS]  
    Volonski, Nikita[3]
Arcon, Adrian [AUS] 62 62 
Southcombe, Mattias [GBR]  
    Southcombe, Mattias
Duncan, Dwaine [AUS] 61 63 
Shah, Dharmil [IND]  
    Zhang, Linghao
Zhang, Linghao [CHN] 64 61 
Winter, Edward [AUS]  
    Winter, Edward
Bojarski, Alan[9] [POL] 63 62 
Dermiens, Guillaume[4] [BEL]  
    Dermiens, Guillaume[4]
Cunat, Max [FRA] 61 64 
Schroeter, Moritz [GER]  
    Stone, Zakai
Stone, Zakai [USA] 46 75 106 
Pawelski, Martyn [POL]  
    Pawelski, Martyn
Bonnaud, Arthur [FRA] 76(3) 63 
Bai, Wenbo [CHN]  
    Bourgois, Cesar[12]
Bourgois, Cesar[12] [FRA] 61 61 
Boureau, Alexis[5] [FRA]  
    Boureau, Alexis[5]
Biagiotti, Richard [DEN] 63 63 
Connor, Preston [IRL]  
    Sueoka, Yamato
Sueoka, Yamato [JPN] 60 62 
Chanbubpha, Songrit David [THA]  
    Cosnet, Charlelie
Cosnet, Charlelie [FRA] 61 60 
Swaroop, Shiva [IND]  
    Suntic, Sabit[11]
Suntic, Sabit[11] [SRB] 62 62 
Vasiliauskas, Matas[6] [LTU]  
    Vasiliauskas, Matas[6]
Utreras Santander, Bastian Alonso [CHI] 63 63 
Pennaforti, Gabriele (WC) [ITA]  
    Pennaforti, Gabriele (WC)
Berg, Leon [GER] 63 63 
Aissa Khelifa, Mohamed Amine [ALG]  
    Aissa Khelifa, Mohamed Amine
Hoogland, Joris [NED] 62 63 
Kleinert Paonessa, Lucas Antonio [CHI]  
    Calzi, Raphael[10]
Calzi, Raphael[10] [LUX] 63 60 
Chikami, Shohei[7] [JPN]  
    Chikami, Shohei[7]
Nithithananont, Natthayut [THA] 62 60 
Zhou, Xian Yao [CHN]  
    Zhou, Xian Yao
Desousa, Julian [NED] 63 63 
Turchi, Anthony [FRA]  
    Turchi, Anthony
Jones, Roan [GBR] 06 63 103 
Bennour Dit Sahli, Anas (WC) [TUN]  
    Dubouch, Maxime[14]
Dubouch, Maxime[14] [FRA] 60 60 
Bronka, Adam[8] [AUS]  
    Tsarapkin, Egor
Tsarapkin, Egor [RUS] 61 76(5) 
Cardinaud, Hugo (WC) [FRA]  
    Busoms Puig, Joan
Busoms Puig, Joan [ESP] 76(1) 10 Ret'd 
Carretero, Pablo [ESP]  
    Carretero, Pablo
Simpson, Maceo (WC) [GBR] 61 61 
Ben Abdennibi, Sami [MAR]  
    Ruscica, Alexandre[15]
Ruscica, Alexandre[15] [FRA] 60 63 
Brigida, Omar[1] [ITA]  
    Brigida, Omar[1]
Misrahi, Joe (WC) [FRA] 62 64 
Jans, Jarno [NED]  
    Jans, Jarno
Khoeblal, Elgin[16] [NED] 46 63 107 
Mu, Tao[2] [CHN]  
    Mu, Tao[2]
Van Donselaar, Freek [NED] 61 62 
Zhibul, Daniil [RUS]  
    Larwig, Noel[13]
Larwig, Noel[13] [GER] 63 62 
Volonski, Nikita[3] [AUS]  
    Southcombe, Mattias
Southcombe, Mattias [GBR] 61 36 107 
Zhang, Linghao [CHN]  
    Winter, Edward
Winter, Edward [AUS] 62 62 
Dermiens, Guillaume[4] [BEL]  
    Dermiens, Guillaume[4]
Stone, Zakai [USA] 62 62 
Pawelski, Martyn [POL]  
    Pawelski, Martyn
Bourgois, Cesar[12] [FRA] 75 64 
Boureau, Alexis[5] [FRA]  
    Sueoka, Yamato
Sueoka, Yamato [JPN] 46 75 108 
Cosnet, Charlelie [FRA]  
    Cosnet, Charlelie
Suntic, Sabit[11] [SRB] 63 63 
Vasiliauskas, Matas[6] [LTU]  
    Pennaforti, Gabriele (WC)
Pennaforti, Gabriele (WC) [ITA] 62 63 
Aissa Khelifa, Mohamed Amine [ALG]  
    Calzi, Raphael[10]
Calzi, Raphael[10] [LUX] 61 61 
Chikami, Shohei[7] [JPN]  
    Zhou, Xian Yao
Zhou, Xian Yao [CHN] 63 63 
Turchi, Anthony [FRA]  
    Dubouch, Maxime[14]
Dubouch, Maxime[14] [FRA] 61 62 
Tsarapkin, Egor [RUS]  
    Tsarapkin, Egor
Busoms Puig, Joan [ESP] 63 61 
Carretero, Pablo [ESP]  
    Ruscica, Alexandre[15]
Ruscica, Alexandre[15] [FRA] 76(3) 63 
Brigida, Omar[1] [ITA]  
    Brigida, Omar[1]
Jans, Jarno [NED] 76(2) 64 
Mu, Tao[2] [CHN]  
    Mu, Tao[2]
Larwig, Noel[13] [GER] 63 60 
Southcombe, Mattias [GBR]  
    Winter, Edward
Winter, Edward [AUS] 76(2) 62 
Dermiens, Guillaume[4] [BEL]  
    Pawelski, Martyn
Pawelski, Martyn [POL] 62 64 
Sueoka, Yamato [JPN]  
    Sueoka, Yamato
Cosnet, Charlelie [FRA] 76(5) 46 103 
Pennaforti, Gabriele (WC) [ITA]  
    Pennaforti, Gabriele (WC)
Calzi, Raphael[10] [LUX] 61 64 
Zhou, Xian Yao [CHN]  
    Dubouch, Maxime[14]
Dubouch, Maxime[14] [FRA] 63 46 106 
Tsarapkin, Egor [RUS]  
    Ruscica, Alexandre[15]
Ruscica, Alexandre[15] [FRA] 61 63 
Brigida, Omar[1] [ITA]  
Mu, Tao[2] [CHN]   
Winter, Edward [AUS]  
Pawelski, Martyn [POL]   
Sueoka, Yamato [JPN]  
Pennaforti, Gabriele (WC) [ITA]   
Dubouch, Maxime[14] [FRA]  
Ruscica, Alexandre[15] [FRA]   
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