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Tournament Rounds

M15 Cancun 09 [Q], 2021, M15

Nunez, Daniel Antonio[1] [CHI]  
    Nunez, Daniel Antonio[1]
Gonzalez Fitzmaurice, Eugenio (WC) [USA] 63 62 
Braga, Breno [BRA]  
    Zuniga Cantillana, Fernando Andres
Zuniga Cantillana, Fernando Andres [CHI] 60 60 
Sysoev, Nikolay [RUS]  
    Sysoev, Nikolay
Yapur, Jose Elias [CHI] 60 61 
Munoz Gajardo, Diego Ignacio [CHI]  
    Nakamura, Ren[11]
Nakamura, Ren[11] [JPN] 61 60 
Imamura, Masamichi[2] [JPN]  
    Imamura, Masamichi[2]
Guzman, Javier [CHI] 61 60 
Harper, Cleeve [CAN]  
    Harper, Cleeve
Gonzalez Luna, Sebastian (WC) [MEX] 60 61 
Braga, Victor [BRA]  
    Chavez, Andres
Chavez, Andres [BOL] 46 62 106 
Rojas, Jose Luis [MEX]  
    Sanchez, Samuel[12]
Sanchez, Samuel[12] [MEX] 61 60 
Kissell, Chad[3] [USA]  
    Kissell, Chad[3]
Benoist, Guillaume (WC) [FRA] 60 60 
Lopato-Miguel, Diego [CAN]  
    Zuniga Garcia, Benjamin
Zuniga Garcia, Benjamin [CHI] 61 61 
Scramin Do Lago, Joao Vitor (WC) [BRA]  
    Scramin Do Lago, Joao Vitor (WC)
Alvarez Vergara, Camilo Andres [COL] 75 63 
Macias, Enrique [MEX]  
    Ansari, Austin[8]
Ansari, Austin[8] [USA] 61 62 
Scott, Fletcher[4] [USA]  
    Scott, Fletcher[4]
Strode, Elijah [USA] 76(5) 75 
Rodrigues, Pedro Gabriel [BRA]  
    Rodrigues, Pedro Gabriel
Santamaria, Felipe [COL] 63 62 
Dynka, Tom [CAN]  
    Wunderlich, Ty (WC)
Wunderlich, Ty (WC) [USA] 76(5) 60 
Martinez Mora Esdras, Wulfrano [MEX]  
    Martinez Mora Esdras, Wulfrano
Rocens, Martins[9] [LAT] 67(4) 76(4) 103 
Wojcik, Jakub[5] [USA]  
    Wojcik, Jakub[5]
Moheno, Yahir Emiliano [MEX] 36 61 106 
Moceanu, Nikolas [USA]  
    Moceanu, Nikolas
Rico Arias, Nicolas Esteban [COL] 64 75 
Frances Tessari, Enzo [FRA]  
    Frances Tessari, Enzo
Kawabata Zuccolotto, Gustavo (WC) [BRA] 76(7) 61 
Fuly, Lucas [BRA]  
    Mccormick, Tristan[7]
Mccormick, Tristan[7] [USA] 61 61 
Gregg, Perry[6] [USA]  
    Gregg, Perry[6]
Pinto, Lucca [BRA] 63 64 
Gonzalez, Kevin [COL]  
    Gonzalez, Kevin
Arias Ordonez, Luis Alberto (WC) [MEX] 60 60 
Marino Hidalgo, Marcelo [COL]  
    Marino Hidalgo, Marcelo
Markosian, Edward [ARM] 46 63 108 
Abukusumo, Abasi [USA]  
    Sheehy, Joshua[10]
Sheehy, Joshua[10] [USA] 62 60 
Nunez, Daniel Antonio[1] [CHI]  
    Nunez, Daniel Antonio[1]
Zuniga Cantillana, Fernando Andres [CHI] 61 64 
Sysoev, Nikolay [RUS]  
    Sysoev, Nikolay
Nakamura, Ren[11] [JPN] 26 62 103 
Imamura, Masamichi[2] [JPN]  
    Imamura, Masamichi[2]
Harper, Cleeve [CAN] 64 64 
Chavez, Andres [BOL]  
    Chavez, Andres
Sanchez, Samuel[12] [MEX] 64 64 
Kissell, Chad[3] [USA]  
    Kissell, Chad[3]
Zuniga Garcia, Benjamin [CHI] 64 62 
Scramin Do Lago, Joao Vitor (WC) [BRA]  
    Ansari, Austin[8]
Ansari, Austin[8] [USA] 63 64 
Scott, Fletcher[4] [USA]  
    Scott, Fletcher[4]
Rodrigues, Pedro Gabriel [BRA] 61 60 
Wunderlich, Ty (WC) [USA]  
    Martinez Mora Esdras, Wulfrano
Martinez Mora Esdras, Wulfrano [MEX] 26 64 106 
Wojcik, Jakub[5] [USA]  
    Wojcik, Jakub[5]
Moceanu, Nikolas [USA] 76(5) 64 
Frances Tessari, Enzo [FRA]  
    Mccormick, Tristan[7]
Mccormick, Tristan[7] [USA] 62 75 
Gregg, Perry[6] [USA]  
    Gregg, Perry[6]
Gonzalez, Kevin [COL] 63 75 
Marino Hidalgo, Marcelo [COL]  
    Sheehy, Joshua[10]
Sheehy, Joshua[10] [USA] 62 62 
Nunez, Daniel Antonio[1] [CHI]  
    Nunez, Daniel Antonio[1]
Sysoev, Nikolay [RUS] 64 26 108 
Imamura, Masamichi[2] [JPN]  
    Imamura, Masamichi[2]
Chavez, Andres [BOL] 61 60 
Kissell, Chad[3] [USA]  
    Kissell, Chad[3]
Ansari, Austin[8] [USA] 63 62 
Scott, Fletcher[4] [USA]  
    Scott, Fletcher[4]
Martinez Mora Esdras, Wulfrano [MEX] 61 63 
Wojcik, Jakub[5] [USA]  
    Mccormick, Tristan[7]
Mccormick, Tristan[7] [USA] 76(4) 62 
Gregg, Perry[6] [USA]  
    Gregg, Perry[6]
Sheehy, Joshua[10] [USA] 62 64 
Nunez, Daniel Antonio[1] [CHI]  
Imamura, Masamichi[2] [JPN]   
Kissell, Chad[3] [USA]  
Scott, Fletcher[4] [USA]   
Mccormick, Tristan[7] [USA]  
Gregg, Perry[6] [USA]   
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