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Tournament Rounds

USTA National Level 3 Tournament, 2021, Boys 18

Katy High School

Lothringer, Grant[1] [USA]  
    Lothringer, Grant[1]
Rubel, Joshua [USA]  
    Rubel, Joshua
Huang, Jeffery [USA] 64 61 
Lenderman, Justin[27] [USA]  
    Lenderman, Justin[27]
Marcheli, Dylan [USA] 60 60 
Nguyen, Calis [USA]  
    Hart, Mason
Hart, Mason [USA] 64 62 
Antov, Daniel T.[13] [USA]  
    Antov, Daniel T.[13]
Cockrell, James T. [USA]  
    Cockrell, James T.
Cantu, Luke [USA] 62 62 
Kuo, Eric[25] [USA]  
    Kuo, Eric[25]
Gholson, Hunter [USA] 60 60 
Khot, Rishi [USA]  
    Sehgal, Amar
Sehgal, Amar [USA] 61 62 
Cequea, Cristopher[8] [USA]  
    Cequea, Cristopher[8]
Hobbick, Hayden [USA]  
    Morash, Jackson
Morash, Jackson [USA] 61 61 
Scruggs, Colin[29] [USA]  
    Scruggs, Colin[29]
Savasere, Sahil [USA] 36 62 101 
John, Drew [USA]  
    Urdaneta, Mario
Urdaneta, Mario [USA] 64 60 
Garcia Muriel, Patricio[11] [MEX]  
    Garcia Muriel, Patricio[11]
Bansal, Divyam [USA]  
    Bansal, Divyam
Snell, Jonathan [USA] 62 64 
Schade, Henning [USA]  
    Folse, Caleb B.
Folse, Caleb B. [USA] 63 61 
Do, Noey [USA]  
    Do, Noey
Rajesh, Harsithkrishna [USA] 60 60 
Mesarovic, Marko[4] [USA]  
    Mesarovic, Marko[4]
Nagawanshi, Soham [USA]  
    Nagawanshi, Soham
Hattori, Keita [USA] 63 16 106 
Abuwala, Ali[28] [USA]  
    Phillips, Cole
Phillips, Cole [USA] 61 36 108 
He, Allen [USA]  
    He, Allen
Roussel, Romain [USA] 64 26 106 
Gonzalez, Christian[15] [USA]  
    Gonzalez, Christian[15]
Hunter, Colin [USA]  
    Miller, Zachary
Miller, Zachary [USA] 60 63 
Noel, Joshua[26] [USA]  
    Noel, Joshua[26]
Mckay, Jackson [USA] 46 62 108 
Amte, Mihir [USA]  
    Kittredge, Ethan
Kittredge, Ethan [USA] 53 Ret'd 
Ardila, Landon[7] [USA]  
    Ardila, Landon[7]
Koduri, Purushotham [USA]  
    Koduri, Purushotham
Shu, Gabriel [USA] 63 60 
Kapasi, Kabeer[17] [USA]  
    Kapasi, Kabeer[17]
Turnbull, Dylan [USA]  
    Sabapathy, Devan
Sabapathy, Devan [USA] 60 61 
Konakanchi, Rahulniket[16] [USA]  
    Konakanchi, Rahulniket[16]
Snyman, Joseph [USA]  
    Snyman, Joseph
Pethe, Juno [USA] 63 60 
Lian, Qidao[32] [USA]  
    Lian, Qidao[32]
Tin, Ryan [USA] 63 61 
Leung, Owen [USA]  
    Gibson, Gavin
Gibson, Gavin [USA] 63 62 
Legato, Joseph [USA]  
    Legato, Joseph
Castillo, Daniel [USA] 62 60 
    Au Yeung, Ryan[18]
Au Yeung, Ryan[18] [USA]   
Fowler, Zachary [USA]  
    Fowler, Zachary
Pressley, Jared [USA] 62 76(1) 
    Selvido, Liam Miguel[10]
Selvido, Liam Miguel[10] [USA]   
Park, Alex [USA]  
    Park, Alex
Thornton, Andrew [USA] 62 62 
    Abbey, Matthew[21]
Abbey, Matthew[21] [USA]   
Cordova, Francesco [USA]  
    Silva, Ethan
Silva, Ethan [USA] 62 63 
    Thomas, Deacon[5]
Thomas, Deacon[5] [USA]   
Del Olmo, Emilio Lopez [USA]  
    Del Olmo, Emilio Lopez
Rambo, Lukas [USA] 60 61 
Smith, Ethan A [USA]  
    Smith, Ethan A
Tserng, Nathan[23] [USA] 63 64 
Oberbillig, Jordan [USA]  
    Li, Lawrence K.
Li, Lawrence K. [USA] 61 61 
    Arts, Nicolas[9]
Arts, Nicolas[9] [ESP]   
Psifidis, Alex [USA]  
    Barrera Petter, Tomas[32]
Barrera Petter, Tomas[32] [USA] 75 60 
Wright, Tristan Y. [USA]  
    Wright, Tristan Y.
Li, Jason [USA]  
    Li, Jason
Kumar, Arjun [USA] 61 75 
    Barton, Jerry[3]
Barton, Jerry[3] [USA]   
Riezebeek, Jacob K. [USA]  
    Singh, Rahul
Singh, Rahul [USA] 62 75 
Salazar, Agustin Salazar [MEX]  
    Cuello, Augusto[31]
Cuello, Augusto[31] [USA] 60 60 
Dhanani, Aashish [USA]  
    Dhanani, Aashish
Unson, Heintje [USA] 60 61 
    Mcdonald, Benjamin L[12]
Mcdonald, Benjamin L[12] [USA]   
Shiao, Kaemon [USA]  
    Shiao, Kaemon
Lanoux, Nate [USA] 06 62 102 
Hornung, Lucas [USA]  
    Kersten, Kishan[30]
Kersten, Kishan[30] [USA] 62 76(5) 
Peterson, Myles [USA]  
    Koong, Alex
Koong, Alex [USA] 64 61 
    Totorica, Kyle[6]
Totorica, Kyle[6] [USA]   
Kiblinger, Benjamin [USA]  
    Kiblinger, Benjamin
Narayanan, Anantha [USA] 60 60 
    Jayasundera, Anesh J.[20]
Jayasundera, Anesh J.[20] [USA]   
Parker, Will [USA]  
    Yeaman, Rider
Yeaman, Rider [USA] 60 61 
    Seetha, Kunal[14]
Seetha, Kunal[14] [USA]   
    Butler, John
Butler, John [USA]   
    Anderson, Jett[19]
Anderson, Jett[19] [USA]   
    Yerragudi, Snehin
Yerragudi, Snehin [USA]   
    Cloud, Louis[2]
Cloud, Louis[2] [USA]   
Lothringer, Grant[1] [USA]  
    Lothringer, Grant[1]
Rubel, Joshua [USA] 61 60 
Lenderman, Justin[27] [USA]  
    Lenderman, Justin[27]
Hart, Mason [USA] 62 61 
Antov, Daniel T.[13] [USA]  
    Antov, Daniel T.[13]
Cockrell, James T. [USA] 61 75 
Kuo, Eric[25] [USA]  
    Kuo, Eric[25]
Sehgal, Amar [USA] 44 Ret'd 
Cequea, Cristopher[8] [USA]  
    Morash, Jackson
Morash, Jackson [USA] 64 64 
Scruggs, Colin[29] [USA]  
    Scruggs, Colin[29]
Urdaneta, Mario [USA] 75 16 104 
Garcia Muriel, Patricio[11] [MEX]  
    Garcia Muriel, Patricio[11]
Bansal, Divyam [USA] 64 76(9) 
Folse, Caleb B. [USA]  
    Folse, Caleb B.
Do, Noey [USA] 62 64 
Mesarovic, Marko[4] [USA]  
    Mesarovic, Marko[4]
Nagawanshi, Soham [USA] 60 60 
Phillips, Cole [USA]  
    He, Allen
He, Allen [USA] 60 62 
Gonzalez, Christian[15] [USA]  
    Gonzalez, Christian[15]
Miller, Zachary [USA] 60 61 
Noel, Joshua[26] [USA]  
    Kittredge, Ethan
Kittredge, Ethan [USA] 61 75 
Ardila, Landon[7] [USA]  
    Ardila, Landon[7]
Koduri, Purushotham [USA] 64 63 
Kapasi, Kabeer[17] [USA]  
    Kapasi, Kabeer[17]
Sabapathy, Devan [USA] 61 64 
Konakanchi, Rahulniket[16] [USA]  
    Konakanchi, Rahulniket[16]
Snyman, Joseph [USA] 62 60 
Lian, Qidao[32] [USA]  
    Lian, Qidao[32]
Gibson, Gavin [USA] 62 61 
Legato, Joseph [USA]  
    Au Yeung, Ryan[18]
Au Yeung, Ryan[18] [USA] 75 61 
Fowler, Zachary [USA]  
    Selvido, Liam Miguel[10]
Selvido, Liam Miguel[10] [USA] 62 61 
Park, Alex [USA]  
    Abbey, Matthew[21]
Abbey, Matthew[21] [USA] 75 64 
Silva, Ethan [USA]  
    Thomas, Deacon[5]
Thomas, Deacon[5] [USA] 62 64 
Del Olmo, Emilio Lopez [USA]  
    Del Olmo, Emilio Lopez
Smith, Ethan A [USA] 46 61 104 
Li, Lawrence K. [USA]  
    Arts, Nicolas[9]
Arts, Nicolas[9] [ESP] 61 62 
Barrera Petter, Tomas[32] [USA]  
    Wright, Tristan Y.
Wright, Tristan Y. [USA] 63 64 
Li, Jason [USA]  
    Barton, Jerry[3]
Barton, Jerry[3] [USA] 01 Ret'd 
Singh, Rahul [USA]  
    Cuello, Augusto[31]
Cuello, Augusto[31] [USA] 63 63 
Dhanani, Aashish [USA]  
    Mcdonald, Benjamin L[12]
Mcdonald, Benjamin L[12] [USA] 63 63 
Shiao, Kaemon [USA]  
    Kersten, Kishan[30]
Kersten, Kishan[30] [USA] 75 76(2) 
Koong, Alex [USA]  
    Totorica, Kyle[6]
Totorica, Kyle[6] [USA] 64 52 Ret'd 
Kiblinger, Benjamin [USA]  
    Kiblinger, Benjamin
Jayasundera, Anesh J.[20] [USA] 64 57 106 
Yeaman, Rider [USA]  
    Seetha, Kunal[14]
Seetha, Kunal[14] [USA] 75 46 1513 
Butler, John [USA]  
    Anderson, Jett[19]
Anderson, Jett[19] [USA] 62 63 
Yerragudi, Snehin [USA]  
    Yerragudi, Snehin
Cloud, Louis[2] [USA] w/o 
Lothringer, Grant[1] [USA]  
    Lothringer, Grant[1]
Lenderman, Justin[27] [USA] 57 63 103 
Antov, Daniel T.[13] [USA]  
    Antov, Daniel T.[13]
Kuo, Eric[25] [USA] 76(4) 61 
Morash, Jackson [USA]  
    Scruggs, Colin[29]
Scruggs, Colin[29] [USA] 63 57 1311 
Garcia Muriel, Patricio[11] [MEX]  
    Garcia Muriel, Patricio[11]
Folse, Caleb B. [USA] 64 64 
Mesarovic, Marko[4] [USA]  
    Mesarovic, Marko[4]
He, Allen [USA] 61 62 
Gonzalez, Christian[15] [USA]  
    Gonzalez, Christian[15]
Kittredge, Ethan [USA] w/o 
Ardila, Landon[7] [USA]  
    Ardila, Landon[7]
Kapasi, Kabeer[17] [USA] 61 64 
Konakanchi, Rahulniket[16] [USA]  
    Konakanchi, Rahulniket[16]
Lian, Qidao[32] [USA] 36 64 104 
Au Yeung, Ryan[18] [USA]  
    Selvido, Liam Miguel[10]
Selvido, Liam Miguel[10] [USA] 75 61 
Abbey, Matthew[21] [USA]  
    Thomas, Deacon[5]
Thomas, Deacon[5] [USA] 61 63 
Del Olmo, Emilio Lopez [USA]  
    Arts, Nicolas[9]
Arts, Nicolas[9] [ESP] 62 20 Ret'd 
Wright, Tristan Y. [USA]  
    Barton, Jerry[3]
Barton, Jerry[3] [USA] 61 60 
Cuello, Augusto[31] [USA]  
    Cuello, Augusto[31]
Mcdonald, Benjamin L[12] [USA] 46 75 108 
Kersten, Kishan[30] [USA]  
    Totorica, Kyle[6]
Totorica, Kyle[6] [USA] 61 62 
Kiblinger, Benjamin [USA]  
    Seetha, Kunal[14]
Seetha, Kunal[14] [USA] 26 64 103 
Anderson, Jett[19] [USA]  
    Yerragudi, Snehin
Yerragudi, Snehin [USA] 76(4) 64 
Lothringer, Grant[1] [USA]  
    Lothringer, Grant[1]
Antov, Daniel T.[13] [USA] 62 62 
Scruggs, Colin[29] [USA]  
    Garcia Muriel, Patricio[11]
Garcia Muriel, Patricio[11] [MEX] 64 61 
Mesarovic, Marko[4] [USA]  
    Mesarovic, Marko[4]
Gonzalez, Christian[15] [USA] 61 06 1210 
Ardila, Landon[7] [USA]  
    Ardila, Landon[7]
Konakanchi, Rahulniket[16] [USA] 63 63 
Selvido, Liam Miguel[10] [USA]  
    Thomas, Deacon[5]
Thomas, Deacon[5] [USA] 61 64 
Arts, Nicolas[9] [ESP]  
    Arts, Nicolas[9]
Barton, Jerry[3] [USA] 46 75 107 
Cuello, Augusto[31] [USA]  
    Totorica, Kyle[6]
Totorica, Kyle[6] [USA] 62 61 
Seetha, Kunal[14] [USA]  
    Yerragudi, Snehin
Yerragudi, Snehin [USA] 64 67(5) 1412 
Lothringer, Grant[1] [USA]  
    Lothringer, Grant[1]
Garcia Muriel, Patricio[11] [MEX] 63 61 
Mesarovic, Marko[4] [USA]  
    Ardila, Landon[7]
Ardila, Landon[7] [USA] 63 16 108 
Thomas, Deacon[5] [USA]  
    Thomas, Deacon[5]
Arts, Nicolas[9] [ESP] 64 64 
Totorica, Kyle[6] [USA]  
    Totorica, Kyle[6]
Yerragudi, Snehin [USA] 61 63 
Lothringer, Grant[1] [USA]  
    Ardila, Landon[7]
Ardila, Landon[7] [USA] 63 63 
Thomas, Deacon[5] [USA]  
    Totorica, Kyle[6]
Totorica, Kyle[6] [USA] 75 63 
Ardila, Landon[7] [USA]  
    Ardila, Landon[7]
Totorica, Kyle[6] [USA] 61 62 
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