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Tournament Rounds

Eddie Herr International Junior Tennis Championships [Q], 2008, J300 Boys

IMG / Bollettieri Sports Academy

Mina, Gianni[1] [FRA]  
    Mina, Gianni[1]
Neumann, Ace Alexander Christoffer [CAN] 61 60 
Salaba, Libor [CZE]  
    Cheung, Ryan Wan Tat
Cheung, Ryan Wan Tat [HKG] 76(6) 63 
Semenzato, Bruno [BRA]  
    Thomsen, Ulrik
Thomsen, Ulrik [DEN] 36 61 75 
Ristovski, Dimitar [MKD]  
    Carleton, Frank[16]
Carleton, Frank[16] [USA] 61 61 
Bangoura, Sekou[11] [USA]  
    Bangoura, Sekou[11]
White, Zachary [USA] 64 64 
Golding, Alex [GBR]  
    Golding, Alex
Albrecht, Taylor Alden [USA] 63 46 62 
Baluda, Victor [RUS]  
    Baluda, Victor
Wharton, Devard [BAR] 63 60 
Cromwell, Brett [USA]  
    Whike, James
Whike, James [GBR] 63 61 
Basilashvili, Nikoloz[3] [GEO]  
    Basilashvili, Nikoloz[3]
Lunn, Justin [BAH] 60 60 
Titov, Mikhail [RUS]  
    Titov, Mikhail
Prabhakar, Amogh [IND] 75 63 
Vargas, Alejandro [VEN]  
    Mcmorrow, Kyle
Mcmorrow, Kyle [USA] 60 61 
Halaj, Erik [SVK]  
    Holiner, David[13]
Holiner, David[13] [USA] 60 63 
Fabik, Adam[9] [CZE]  
    Fabik, Adam[9]
Gheorghe, Lucian [ROU] 62 62 
Bull, Alexander [GBR]  
    Bull, Alexander
Carpenter, Peter Tyler [USA] 63 75 
Lopez, Salvador [MEX]  
    Lopez, Salvador
Yedigarian, Garik [USA] 46 62 61 
Jiganti, Zach (WC) [USA]  
    Bega, Alessandro[7]
Bega, Alessandro[7] [ITA] 75 62 
Ore, Junior A.[8] [USA]  
    Ore, Junior A.[8]
Vanis, Pavel [CZE] 62 60 
Samson, Mario [PAR]  
    Allemby, James
Allemby, James [GBR] 64 57 62 
Mihai, Valentin [ROU]  
    Osintsev, Ilia
Osintsev, Ilia [RUS] 64 76 
Sierra-Short, Jose Emilio [PUR]  
    Marquis, Christopher[10]
Marquis, Christopher[10] [IND] 63 62 
Bucaro, Andres[14] [GUA]  
    Bucaro, Andres[14]
Corrente, Ricardo [VEN] 62 60 
Fernandes, Tiago [BRA]  
    Fernandes, Tiago
Rodriguez, Alfredo [VEN] 61 60 
Robles, Alex [USA]  
    Prikryl, Martin
Prikryl, Martin [CZE] 64 63 
Pinko, Vadim [LTU]  
    Pinko, Vadim
Hank, Tigre[4] [MEX] 64 63 
Molina, Emanuele[5] [ITA]  
    Molina, Emanuele[5]
Smith, Connor [USA] 67(4) 62 64 
Seguso, Ridley H. (WC) [USA]  
    Seguso, Ridley H. (WC)
Sano, Giacomo [VEN] 60 60 
Neykov, Andreas [BUL]  
    Krainik, Pavel
Krainik, Pavel [CAN] 64 64 
Sawicki, Bartosz [POL]  
    Lin, Denis[12]
Lin, Denis[12] [USA] 57 62 62 
Carey, Rodney[15] [BAH]  
    Fanselow, Sebastian
Fanselow, Sebastian [GER] 62 75 
Laster, Ian [USA]  
    Vrnak, Lukas
Vrnak, Lukas [CZE] 16 64 60 
Lundberg, Carl [SWE]  
    Lundberg, Carl
Fomine, Nikita [RUS] 64 57 64 
Vladimirsky, Gregory [USA]  
    Davis, Michael[2]
Davis, Michael[2] [GBR] 62 64 
Mina, Gianni[1] [FRA]  
    Mina, Gianni[1]
Cheung, Ryan Wan Tat [HKG] 64 62 
Thomsen, Ulrik [DEN]  
    Thomsen, Ulrik
Carleton, Frank[16] [USA] 76(3) 63 
Bangoura, Sekou[11] [USA]  
    Bangoura, Sekou[11]
Golding, Alex [GBR] 63 61 
Baluda, Victor [RUS]  
    Whike, James
Whike, James [GBR] 63 64 
Basilashvili, Nikoloz[3] [GEO]  
    Basilashvili, Nikoloz[3]
Titov, Mikhail [RUS] 61 62 
Mcmorrow, Kyle [USA]  
    Mcmorrow, Kyle
Holiner, David[13] [USA] 63 36 76(5) 
Fabik, Adam[9] [CZE]  
    Fabik, Adam[9]
Bull, Alexander [GBR] 16 62 64 
Lopez, Salvador [MEX]  
    Bega, Alessandro[7]
Bega, Alessandro[7] [ITA] 64 62 
Ore, Junior A.[8] [USA]  
    Ore, Junior A.[8]
Allemby, James [GBR] 62 62 
Osintsev, Ilia [RUS]  
    Marquis, Christopher[10]
Marquis, Christopher[10] [IND] 26 62 76(5) 
Bucaro, Andres[14] [GUA]  
    Fernandes, Tiago
Fernandes, Tiago [BRA] 64 62 
Prikryl, Martin [CZE]  
    Pinko, Vadim
Pinko, Vadim [LTU] 76(10) 36 75 
Molina, Emanuele[5] [ITA]  
    Molina, Emanuele[5]
Seguso, Ridley H. (WC) [USA] 64 75 
Krainik, Pavel [CAN]  
    Lin, Denis[12]
Lin, Denis[12] [USA] 36 75 62 
Fanselow, Sebastian [GER]  
    Fanselow, Sebastian
Vrnak, Lukas [CZE] 62 63 
Lundberg, Carl [SWE]  
    Lundberg, Carl
Davis, Michael[2] [GBR] 75 75 
Mina, Gianni[1] [FRA]  
    Mina, Gianni[1]
Thomsen, Ulrik [DEN] 60 60 
Bangoura, Sekou[11] [USA]  
    Bangoura, Sekou[11]
Whike, James [GBR] 57 75 64 
Basilashvili, Nikoloz[3] [GEO]  
    Basilashvili, Nikoloz[3]
Mcmorrow, Kyle [USA] 36 75 75 
Fabik, Adam[9] [CZE]  
    Bega, Alessandro[7]
Bega, Alessandro[7] [ITA] 75 06 63 
Ore, Junior A.[8] [USA]  
    Ore, Junior A.[8]
Marquis, Christopher[10] [IND] 60 62 
Fernandes, Tiago [BRA]  
    Fernandes, Tiago
Pinko, Vadim [LTU] 36 63 64 
Molina, Emanuele[5] [ITA]  
    Molina, Emanuele[5]
Lin, Denis[12] [USA] 36 64 63 
Fanselow, Sebastian [GER]  
    Fanselow, Sebastian
Lundberg, Carl [SWE] 64 60 
Mina, Gianni[1] [FRA]  
Bangoura, Sekou[11] [USA]   
Basilashvili, Nikoloz[3] [GEO]  
Bega, Alessandro[7] [ITA]   
Ore, Junior A.[8] [USA]  
Fernandes, Tiago [BRA]   
Molina, Emanuele[5] [ITA]  
Fanselow, Sebastian [GER]   
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