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Tournament Rounds

M15 Monastir 16 [Q], 2022, M15

Knaff, Alex[1] [LUX]  
    Knaff, Alex[1]
Bird, Sam (WC) [GBR] 62 63 
Masabayashi, Tomohiro [JPN]  
    Masabayashi, Tomohiro
Makhmudov, Damir (ALT) [KAZ] 64 60 
Li, Zhuyuan [CHN]  
    Hoskins, Sam
Hoskins, Sam [AUS] 63 64 
D'agostino, Stefano (WC) [ITA]  
    Jans, Jarno[13]
Jans, Jarno[13] [NED] 62 36 103 
Palovic, Lukas[2] [SVK]  
    Palovic, Lukas[2]
Echeverry Gomez, Juan Pablo [COL] 60 61 
Braithwaite, Thomas [AUS]  
    Wattanakul, Pol
Wattanakul, Pol [THA] 62 62 
Schueler, Fabio Renato [NED]  
    Schueler, Fabio Renato
Hoole, Austin [CAN] 61 60 
Kunsuwan, Natthasith [THA]  
    Pampanin, Pietro[14]
Pampanin, Pietro[14] [ITA] 46 64 101 
Tabacco, Fausto[3] [ITA]  
    Tabacco, Fausto[3]
Chen, Zi Hui [CHN] 60 61 
Tsarapkin, Egor [RUS]  
    Raynel, Amaury
Raynel, Amaury [FRA] 61 63 
Paulovcak, Samuel [SVK]  
    Paulovcak, Samuel
Zayid, Mubarak Shannan (WC) [QAT] 63 64 
Castagnola, Luca [ITA]  
    Castagnola, Luca
Liu, Hanyi[9] [CHN] 63 26 107 
Tabacco, Giorgio[4] [ITA]  
    Tabacco, Giorgio[4]
Albrecht, Paul Armin (WC) [GER] 62 62 
Edley, Alexander [GBR]  
    Speziali, Filippo
Speziali, Filippo [ITA] 62 62 
Raman, Rishabdev [IND]  
    Raman, Rishabdev
Gao, Qun [CHN] 76(5) 60 
Hartson, James [AUS]  
    Boureau, Alexis[10]
Boureau, Alexis[10] [FRA] 16 63 108 
Weightman, Oscar[5] [GBR]  
    Weightman, Oscar[5]
Southcombe, Josef [GBR] 62 64 
Sharma, Aman (WC) [USA]  
    Marino, Pietro
Marino, Pietro [ITA] 64 64 
Sharma, Tushar (WC) [IND]  
    Foster-Estwick, Matthew
Foster-Estwick, Matthew [BAR] 63 62 
Vaitiekunas, Pijus [LTU]  
    Sueoka, Yamato[12]
Sueoka, Yamato[12] [JPN] 61 62 
Beckley, Alec[6] [RSA]  
    Beckley, Alec[6]
Connor, Preston [IRL] 61 63 
Najvirt Kolaric, Maj (WC) [SLO]  
    Gadilhe, Thibaut
Gadilhe, Thibaut [FRA] 62 63 
Barr, Elbert [GBR]  
    Szajrych, Jasza
Szajrych, Jasza [POL] 61 60 
Desousa, Julian [NED]  
    Sandkaulen, Tim[15]
Sandkaulen, Tim[15] [GER] 61 60 
Steiner, Maik[7] [GER]  
    Steiner, Maik[7]
Mihailovic, Aleksandar [SRB] 63 62 
Trochu, Pablo [FRA]  
    Trochu, Pablo
Aissa Khelifa, Mohamed Amine [ALG] 60 60 
Schroeter, Moritz [GER]  
    Herman, Louis
Herman, Louis [BEL] 63 60 
Frantzen, Constantin [GER]  
    Frantzen, Constantin
Aubriot, Alexandre[16] [FRA] 63 63 
Kumasaka, Takuya[8] [JPN]  
    Kumasaka, Takuya[8]
Ruenger, Roman [GER] 61 60 
Van Den Ham, Tomi [NED]  
    Van Den Ham, Tomi
Emersic Potocnik, Gal [SLO] 46 64 105 
Ferrarolli, Davide [ITA]  
    Ferrarolli, Davide
Frljanic, Stefan [CAN] 63 76(5) 
Andre, Seydina [SEN]  
    Andre, Seydina
Wang, Xiaofei[11] [CHN] 75 75 
Knaff, Alex[1] [LUX]  
    Knaff, Alex[1]
Masabayashi, Tomohiro [JPN] 64 63 
Hoskins, Sam [AUS]  
    Jans, Jarno[13]
Jans, Jarno[13] [NED] 62 60 
Palovic, Lukas[2] [SVK]  
    Palovic, Lukas[2]
Wattanakul, Pol [THA] 75 26 103 
Schueler, Fabio Renato [NED]  
    Pampanin, Pietro[14]
Pampanin, Pietro[14] [ITA] 61 63 
Tabacco, Fausto[3] [ITA]  
    Tabacco, Fausto[3]
Raynel, Amaury [FRA] 64 61 
Paulovcak, Samuel [SVK]  
    Castagnola, Luca
Castagnola, Luca [ITA] 63 60 
Tabacco, Giorgio[4] [ITA]  
    Tabacco, Giorgio[4]
Speziali, Filippo [ITA] 62 76(4) 
Raman, Rishabdev [IND]  
    Boureau, Alexis[10]
Boureau, Alexis[10] [FRA] 46 61 104 
Weightman, Oscar[5] [GBR]  
    Weightman, Oscar[5]
Marino, Pietro [ITA] 75 64 
Foster-Estwick, Matthew [BAR]  
    Sueoka, Yamato[12]
Sueoka, Yamato[12] [JPN] 61 62 
Beckley, Alec[6] [RSA]  
    Beckley, Alec[6]
Gadilhe, Thibaut [FRA] 62 63 
Szajrych, Jasza [POL]  
    Sandkaulen, Tim[15]
Sandkaulen, Tim[15] [GER] 62 62 
Steiner, Maik[7] [GER]  
    Steiner, Maik[7]
Trochu, Pablo [FRA] 76(8) 63 
Herman, Louis [BEL]  
    Herman, Louis
Frantzen, Constantin [GER] 62 61 
Kumasaka, Takuya[8] [JPN]  
    Kumasaka, Takuya[8]
Van Den Ham, Tomi [NED] 61 61 
Ferrarolli, Davide [ITA]  
    Andre, Seydina
Andre, Seydina [SEN] 75 61 
Knaff, Alex[1] [LUX]  
    Knaff, Alex[1]
Jans, Jarno[13] [NED] 64 63 
Palovic, Lukas[2] [SVK]  
    Palovic, Lukas[2]
Pampanin, Pietro[14] [ITA] 61 64 
Tabacco, Fausto[3] [ITA]  
    Tabacco, Fausto[3]
Castagnola, Luca [ITA] 61 61 
Tabacco, Giorgio[4] [ITA]  
    Tabacco, Giorgio[4]
Boureau, Alexis[10] [FRA] 62 64 
Weightman, Oscar[5] [GBR]  
    Weightman, Oscar[5]
Sueoka, Yamato[12] [JPN] 64 61 
Beckley, Alec[6] [RSA]  
    Sandkaulen, Tim[15]
Sandkaulen, Tim[15] [GER] 46 63 1412 
Steiner, Maik[7] [GER]  
    Steiner, Maik[7]
Herman, Louis [BEL] 63 75 
Kumasaka, Takuya[8] [JPN]  
    Kumasaka, Takuya[8]
Andre, Seydina [SEN] 26 63 108 
Knaff, Alex[1] [LUX]  
Palovic, Lukas[2] [SVK]   
Tabacco, Fausto[3] [ITA]  
Tabacco, Giorgio[4] [ITA]   
Weightman, Oscar[5] [GBR]  
Sandkaulen, Tim[15] [GER]   
Steiner, Maik[7] [GER]  
Kumasaka, Takuya[8] [JPN]   
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