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Tournament Rounds

J3 Cancun \ Cancun Junior Championship, 2022, J100 Boys

Winter, Edward[1] [AUS]  
    Winter, Edward[1]
Jasso Cancino, Jose Eduardo (WC) [MEX]  
    Botran Neutze, Rafael
Botran Neutze, Rafael [GUA] 62 60 
Guilleme, Joaquin (Q) [NCA]  
    Guilleme, Joaquin (Q)
Valdez Guzon, Juan Pablo [MEX] 61 62 
    Pouatcha, Paris[15]
Pouatcha, Paris[15] [USA]   
Boosarawongse, Thanaphat[12] [THA]  
    Boosarawongse, Thanaphat[12]
Rojas, Matias [CHI]  
    Rojas, Matias
Hernandez, Alejandro [MEX] 62 63 
Vales, Amit [ISR]  
    Vales, Amit
Padilla Cote, Santiago [MEX] 57 62 63 
    Kim, Min Jae[5]
Kim, Min Jae[5] [KOR]   
Alcocer, Luciano[4] [MEX]  
    Alcocer, Luciano[4]
Alonso, Julian [ESP]  
    Alonso, Julian
Zauber, Ariel (WC) [USA] 64 63 
Etchecoin, Paulo Hugo [BRA]  
    Etchecoin, Paulo Hugo
Martinez De Freitas, Oscar Andres [VEN] 63 61 
    Jenkins, Wil[16]
Jenkins, Wil[16] [GBR]   
Suarez Berrezueta, Omar[11] [ECU]  
    Suarez Berrezueta, Omar[11]
Castellanos, Maximo Llamas (WC) [MEX]  
    Baker, Carson
Baker, Carson [USA] 62 61 
Ruy Sanchez Pavon, Ernesto [MEX]  
    Ong, Gareth (LL)
Ong, Gareth (LL) [SGP] 57 64 76(5) 
    Hattori, Reiya[6]
Hattori, Reiya[6] [JPN]   
Stephens, Zach[8] [GBR]  
    Stephens, Zach[8]
Delgado, Gerardo (Q) [MEX]  
    Delgado, Gerardo (Q)
Cressoni, Kaua Lopes [BRA] 63 75 
Navarro, Gian Carlo (WC) [MEX]  
    Uppu, Pavan (Q)
Uppu, Pavan (Q) [USA] 62 62 
    Masuda, Shingo[9]
Masuda, Shingo[9] [JPN]   
Shimanov, Ofek[13] [ISR]  
    Shimanov, Ofek[13]
Segura, Pablo (WC) [MEX]  
    Segura, Pablo (WC)
Choi, Caymus Hei Tung [HKG] 63 64 
Phillips, Sklar (Q) [USA]  
    Uribe, Enrique (Q)
Uribe, Enrique (Q) [MEX] 64 26 63 
    Licea, Alejandro[3]
Licea, Alejandro[3] [ESA]   
Sinopoli, Francisco[7] [VEN]  
    Sinopoli, Francisco[7]
Schtulmann Gasca, Mauricio (WC) [MEX]  
    Karahan, Atakan
Karahan, Atakan [TUR] 63 63 
Bribiesca Ponce, Eduardo [MEX]  
    Menon, Hayden Khoo
Menon, Hayden Khoo [MAS] 76(5) 63 
    Roh, Hoyoung[10]
Roh, Hoyoung[10] [KOR]   
Lemaitre, Luca[14] [MEX]  
    Lemaitre, Luca[14]
Flyckt, Santiago (Q) [SWE]  
    Johnstone, Matthew
Johnstone, Matthew [SGP] 46 76(4) 63 
Delgadillo, Andres [MEX]  
    Murugesan, Shrikeshav
Murugesan, Shrikeshav [USA] 64 75 
    Miyoshi, Kenta[2]
Miyoshi, Kenta[2] [JPN]   
Winter, Edward[1] [AUS]  
    Winter, Edward[1]
Botran Neutze, Rafael [GUA] 75 63 
Guilleme, Joaquin (Q) [NCA]  
    Pouatcha, Paris[15]
Pouatcha, Paris[15] [USA] 75 63 
Boosarawongse, Thanaphat[12] [THA]  
    Boosarawongse, Thanaphat[12]
Rojas, Matias [CHI] 63 61 
Vales, Amit [ISR]  
    Kim, Min Jae[5]
Kim, Min Jae[5] [KOR] 62 62 
Alcocer, Luciano[4] [MEX]  
    Alcocer, Luciano[4]
Alonso, Julian [ESP] 64 76(6) 
Etchecoin, Paulo Hugo [BRA]  
    Etchecoin, Paulo Hugo
Jenkins, Wil[16] [GBR] 63 63 
Suarez Berrezueta, Omar[11] [ECU]  
    Baker, Carson
Baker, Carson [USA] 26 63 76(6) 
Ong, Gareth (LL) [SGP]  
    Hattori, Reiya[6]
Hattori, Reiya[6] [JPN] 76(1) 63 
Stephens, Zach[8] [GBR]  
    Stephens, Zach[8]
Delgado, Gerardo (Q) [MEX] 63 63 
Uppu, Pavan (Q) [USA]  
    Uppu, Pavan (Q)
Masuda, Shingo[9] [JPN] 46 64 61 
Shimanov, Ofek[13] [ISR]  
    Shimanov, Ofek[13]
Segura, Pablo (WC) [MEX] 62 62 
Uribe, Enrique (Q) [MEX]  
    Licea, Alejandro[3]
Licea, Alejandro[3] [ESA] 63 63 
Sinopoli, Francisco[7] [VEN]  
    Karahan, Atakan
Karahan, Atakan [TUR] 64 76(7) 
Menon, Hayden Khoo [MAS]  
    Roh, Hoyoung[10]
Roh, Hoyoung[10] [KOR] 62 76(3) 
Lemaitre, Luca[14] [MEX]  
    Lemaitre, Luca[14]
Johnstone, Matthew [SGP] 61 21 Ret'd 
Murugesan, Shrikeshav [USA]  
    Miyoshi, Kenta[2]
Miyoshi, Kenta[2] [JPN] 62 63 
Winter, Edward[1] [AUS]  
    Winter, Edward[1]
Pouatcha, Paris[15] [USA] 61 64 
Boosarawongse, Thanaphat[12] [THA]  
    Kim, Min Jae[5]
Kim, Min Jae[5] [KOR] 57 62 64 
Alcocer, Luciano[4] [MEX]  
    Etchecoin, Paulo Hugo
Etchecoin, Paulo Hugo [BRA] 75 60 
Baker, Carson [USA]  
    Hattori, Reiya[6]
Hattori, Reiya[6] [JPN] 75 40 Ret'd 
Stephens, Zach[8] [GBR]  
    Stephens, Zach[8]
Uppu, Pavan (Q) [USA] 64 62 
Shimanov, Ofek[13] [ISR]  
    Shimanov, Ofek[13]
Licea, Alejandro[3] [ESA] 60 62 
Karahan, Atakan [TUR]  
    Karahan, Atakan
Roh, Hoyoung[10] [KOR] 36 63 61 
Lemaitre, Luca[14] [MEX]  
    Miyoshi, Kenta[2]
Miyoshi, Kenta[2] [JPN] 76(4) 60 
Winter, Edward[1] [AUS]  
    Winter, Edward[1]
Kim, Min Jae[5] [KOR] 64 64 
Etchecoin, Paulo Hugo [BRA]  
    Hattori, Reiya[6]
Hattori, Reiya[6] [JPN] 61 63 
Stephens, Zach[8] [GBR]  
    Shimanov, Ofek[13]
Shimanov, Ofek[13] [ISR] 63 64 
Karahan, Atakan [TUR]  
    Miyoshi, Kenta[2]
Miyoshi, Kenta[2] [JPN] 63 61 
Winter, Edward[1] [AUS]  
    Winter, Edward[1]
Hattori, Reiya[6] [JPN] 61 63 
Shimanov, Ofek[13] [ISR]  
    Shimanov, Ofek[13]
Miyoshi, Kenta[2] [JPN] 62 63 
Winter, Edward[1] [AUS]  
    Winter, Edward[1]
Shimanov, Ofek[13] [ISR] 61 61 
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