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Tournament Rounds

M15 Cairo 19 [Q], 2022, M15

Al-Solaimaneyah Tennis Center

Mazza, Manuel[1] [ITA]  
    Mazza, Manuel[1]
Bini, Victor [BRA]  
    Giacomini, Enrico
Giacomini, Enrico [ITA] 63 75 
Abou Taleb, Belal [EGY]  
    Bellifemine, Alessandro
Bellifemine, Alessandro [ITA] 63 62 
Lobanov, Aleksandr [RUS]  
    Makhlouf, Sherif[13]
Makhlouf, Sherif[13] [EGY] 16 61 105 
Llanes, Francisco[2] [URU]  
    Llanes, Francisco[2]
Schneider, Yanick [AUT]  
    Schneider, Yanick
Hesselmann, Luca [GER] 64 62 
Rimskii, Mikhail [RUS]  
    Elmahdy, Youssef (WC)
Elmahdy, Youssef (WC) [EGY] 63 61 
Bronzetti, Alberto [ITA]  
    El Sallaly, Akram[14]
El Sallaly, Akram[14] [EGY] 63 61 
Bachmaier, Philip[3] [AUT]  
    Bachmaier, Philip[3]
Moens, Mohamed Mostafa [EGY]  
    Moens, Mohamed Mostafa
Iemmi, Leonardo [ITA] 06 64 105 
Hollender, Nicolas [ARG]  
    Ribeiro Lago, Elio Jose
Ribeiro Lago, Elio Jose [ITA] 62 61 
Sada, Iacopo [ITA]  
    Sada, Iacopo
Favero, Lorenzo[10] [ITA] 75 61 
Jones, Maximus[4] [THA]  
    Jones, Maximus[4]
Tsai, Mu Fu [TPE] 60 60 
Abdelaziz, Ahmed [EGY]  
    Pecorella, Andrea
Pecorella, Andrea [ITA] 62 61 
Ali, Omar [EGY]  
    Dickerson, Ryan
Dickerson, Ryan [USA] 63 62 
Mirdzhaliev, Mirgiiaz [KGZ]  
    Emesz, Benedikt[16]
Emesz, Benedikt[16] [AUT] 63 63 
Zakaria, Fares[5] [EGY]  
    Zakaria, Fares[5]
Mansour, Hamzah [EGY] 62 60 
Bassem Sobhy, Michael [EGY]  
    Bassem Sobhy, Michael
Barreto, Arthur Machado [BRA] 60 60 
Drumond Ribeiro, Joao Pedro [BRA]  
    Genedy, Abdullah Amr Mohamed
Genedy, Abdullah Amr Mohamed [EGY] 62 76(3) 
Zuev, Adam [UKR]  
    Gomaa, Mohamad[9]
Gomaa, Mohamad[9] [EGY] 60 61 
Hess, Sean[6] [ARG]  
    Hess, Sean[6]
El Rafie, Aly [EGY] 62 63 
Elkamony, Anwar [EGY]  
    Guerra, Davide
Guerra, Davide [ITA] 60 61 
Elsharkawy, Belal [EGY]  
    Huber, Joseph
Huber, Joseph [AUT] 62 62 
Abdellatif, Youssef [EGY]  
    Nakamura, Ren[15]
Nakamura, Ren[15] [JPN] 64 63 
Cigarran, Thiago[7] [ARG]  
    Cigarran, Thiago[7]
Ihab Mokhles, Youssef [EGY] 60 62 
Alarcon, Benjamin Denis [ARG]  
    Rudiukov, Ilya
Rudiukov, Ilya [RUS] 62 64 
Chiu, Jordan [USA]  
    Chiu, Jordan
Hamed, Zyad [EGY] 63 63 
Raja, Aaron [USA]  
    Tresca, Giuseppe[12]
Tresca, Giuseppe[12] [ITA] 61 63 
Fantini, Luca[8] [ITA]  
    De Rosa, Marco
De Rosa, Marco [ITA] 64 64 
Valle, Federico [ITA]  
    Valle, Federico
Abou El Ezz, Magd [EGY] 75 62 
Baldovinetti, Guelfo [ITA]  
    Schubert, Hans Albert
Schubert, Hans Albert [CHI] 62 61 
Perruzza, Valerio [ITA]  
    Perruzza, Valerio
Montes De Oca Murillo, Rodrigo Nicolas[11] [PER] 61 60 
Mazza, Manuel[1] [ITA]  
    Mazza, Manuel[1]
Giacomini, Enrico [ITA] 63 36 107 
Bellifemine, Alessandro [ITA]  
    Bellifemine, Alessandro
Makhlouf, Sherif[13] [EGY] 61 76(2) 
Llanes, Francisco[2] [URU]  
    Llanes, Francisco[2]
Schneider, Yanick [AUT] 62 61 
Elmahdy, Youssef (WC) [EGY]  
    El Sallaly, Akram[14]
El Sallaly, Akram[14] [EGY] 60 63 
Bachmaier, Philip[3] [AUT]  
    Bachmaier, Philip[3]
Moens, Mohamed Mostafa [EGY] 62 62 
Ribeiro Lago, Elio Jose [ITA]  
    Ribeiro Lago, Elio Jose
Sada, Iacopo [ITA] 63 60 
Jones, Maximus[4] [THA]  
    Jones, Maximus[4]
Pecorella, Andrea [ITA] 26 63 105 
Dickerson, Ryan [USA]  
    Dickerson, Ryan
Emesz, Benedikt[16] [AUT] 64 67(2) 104 
Zakaria, Fares[5] [EGY]  
    Zakaria, Fares[5]
Bassem Sobhy, Michael [EGY] 75 62 
Genedy, Abdullah Amr Mohamed [EGY]  
    Gomaa, Mohamad[9]
Gomaa, Mohamad[9] [EGY] 63 61 
Hess, Sean[6] [ARG]  
    Hess, Sean[6]
Guerra, Davide [ITA] 61 76(5) 
Huber, Joseph [AUT]  
    Nakamura, Ren[15]
Nakamura, Ren[15] [JPN] 63 63 
Cigarran, Thiago[7] [ARG]  
    Cigarran, Thiago[7]
Rudiukov, Ilya [RUS] 64 63 
Chiu, Jordan [USA]  
    Tresca, Giuseppe[12]
Tresca, Giuseppe[12] [ITA] 63 63 
De Rosa, Marco [ITA]  
    Valle, Federico
Valle, Federico [ITA] 63 57 107 
Schubert, Hans Albert [CHI]  
    Perruzza, Valerio
Perruzza, Valerio [ITA] 63 62 
Mazza, Manuel[1] [ITA]  
    Mazza, Manuel[1]
Bellifemine, Alessandro [ITA] 61 76(2) 
Llanes, Francisco[2] [URU]  
    Llanes, Francisco[2]
El Sallaly, Akram[14] [EGY] 57 64 108 
Bachmaier, Philip[3] [AUT]  
    Ribeiro Lago, Elio Jose
Ribeiro Lago, Elio Jose [ITA] 61 64 
Jones, Maximus[4] [THA]  
    Jones, Maximus[4]
Dickerson, Ryan [USA] 26 63 107 
Zakaria, Fares[5] [EGY]  
    Gomaa, Mohamad[9]
Gomaa, Mohamad[9] [EGY] 26 75 107 
Hess, Sean[6] [ARG]  
    Hess, Sean[6]
Nakamura, Ren[15] [JPN] 61 61 
Cigarran, Thiago[7] [ARG]  
    Cigarran, Thiago[7]
Tresca, Giuseppe[12] [ITA] 75 57 1210 
Valle, Federico [ITA]  
    Perruzza, Valerio
Perruzza, Valerio [ITA] 60 62 
Mazza, Manuel[1] [ITA]  
Llanes, Francisco[2] [URU]   
Ribeiro Lago, Elio Jose [ITA]  
Jones, Maximus[4] [THA]   
Gomaa, Mohamad[9] [EGY]  
Hess, Sean[6] [ARG]   
Cigarran, Thiago[7] [ARG]  
Perruzza, Valerio [ITA]   
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