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Tournament Rounds

M15 Cancun 07 [Q], 2022, M15

Phillips, Rowland[1] [JAM]  
    Sau Franco, Alan
Sau Franco, Alan [MEX] 06 61 107 
Esquici, Lorenzo [BRA]  
    Esquici, Lorenzo
Rudan, Zelimir (WC) [CAN] 61 76(0) 
Soumahoro, Sibi Junior [CIV]  
    De Alba Valdes, Rafael Alfonso (WC)
De Alba Valdes, Rafael Alfonso (WC) [MEX] 62 63 
Ciocanu, Aurel [CAN]  
    Papac, Tomislav Edward[11]
Papac, Tomislav Edward[11] [AUS] 16 61 108 
Zink, Tyler[2] [USA]  
    Zink, Tyler[2]
Beltranena, Diego [GUA] 60 60 
Jauregui Sainz De Rozas, Rodolfo (WC) [MEX]  
    Jauregui Sainz De Rozas, Rodolfo (WC)
Reyna, Rodrigo (WC) [MEX] 62 62 
Cameron, Scott [USA]  
    Ostajewski, Jakub
Ostajewski, Jakub [USA] 62 64 
Johnson, Austin [USA]  
    Evans, Gabriel[10]
Evans, Gabriel[10] [USA] 61 61 
Nordquist, Arvid[3] [SWE]  
    Nordquist, Arvid[3]
Alexandre, Ronaldo [BRA] 61 60 
Giannella, Joao [BRA]  
    Giannella, Joao
Lopato-Miguel, Diego [CAN] 61 61 
Reyna, Ricardo (WC) [MEX]  
    Irkar, Chaitanya
Irkar, Chaitanya [USA] 75 63 
Bustiman Gonzalez, Hans Christian [CHI]  
    Bustiman Gonzalez, Hans Christian
Boyer, Toby D[7] [USA] 76(5) 67(4) 104 
Sysoev, Nikolay[5] [RUS]  
    Sysoev, Nikolay[5]
Hernandez Mariona, Kaeri [GUA] 61 63 
Miller, Codrin [USA]  
    Miller, Codrin
Espinoza Tapia, Pedro [CHI] 60 61 
Frances Tessari, Enzo [FRA]  
    Frances Tessari, Enzo
Achurra Contreras, Vicente Martin [CHI] 61 62 
Leal, Vitor [BRA]  
    Aramburu Contreras, Ivar Jose[8]
Aramburu Contreras, Ivar Jose[8] [MEX] 76(5) 61 
Sunish, Dhruv[4] [IND]  
    Jones, Alex
Jones, Alex [USA] 06 62 106 
Cabrera, Miguel Angel [CHI]  
    Cabrera, Miguel Angel
Hernandez Mariona, Kris Alessandro [GUA] 63 16 107 
Wunderlich, Ty [USA]  
    Strode, Elijah
Strode, Elijah [USA] 62 61 
Escurra Isnardi, Hernando Jose [PAR]  
    Escurra Isnardi, Hernando Jose
Sanchez, Samuel[9] [MEX] 76(6) 61 
Huang, Haoyuan[6] [CHN]  
    Huang, Haoyuan[6]
Becroft, Isaac [NZL] 63 63 
Younan, Michael (WC) [CAN]  
    Fernandes, Victor Barros
Fernandes, Victor Barros [BRA] 63 57 108 
Martinez Mora Esdras, Wulfrano [MEX]  
    Tedesco, Gustavo
Tedesco, Gustavo [BRA] 75 63 
Moheno, Yahir Emiliano [MEX]  
    Bataljin, Lawrence[12]
Bataljin, Lawrence[12] [AUS] 62 60 
Sau Franco, Alan [MEX]  
    Sau Franco, Alan
Esquici, Lorenzo [BRA] 61 75 
De Alba Valdes, Rafael Alfonso (WC) [MEX]  
    De Alba Valdes, Rafael Alfonso (WC)
Papac, Tomislav Edward[11] [AUS] 63 36 107 
Zink, Tyler[2] [USA]  
    Zink, Tyler[2]
Jauregui Sainz De Rozas, Rodolfo (WC) [MEX] 76(4) 63 
Ostajewski, Jakub [USA]  
    Evans, Gabriel[10]
Evans, Gabriel[10] [USA] 63 64 
Nordquist, Arvid[3] [SWE]  
    Nordquist, Arvid[3]
Giannella, Joao [BRA] 63 63 
Irkar, Chaitanya [USA]  
    Bustiman Gonzalez, Hans Christian
Bustiman Gonzalez, Hans Christian [CHI] 60 60 
Sysoev, Nikolay[5] [RUS]  
    Sysoev, Nikolay[5]
Miller, Codrin [USA] 62 60 
Frances Tessari, Enzo [FRA]  
    Aramburu Contreras, Ivar Jose[8]
Aramburu Contreras, Ivar Jose[8] [MEX] 64 62 
Jones, Alex [USA]  
    Cabrera, Miguel Angel
Cabrera, Miguel Angel [CHI] 57 64 106 
Strode, Elijah [USA]  
    Strode, Elijah
Escurra Isnardi, Hernando Jose [PAR] 76(5) 75 
Huang, Haoyuan[6] [CHN]  
    Huang, Haoyuan[6]
Fernandes, Victor Barros [BRA] 60 61 
Tedesco, Gustavo [BRA]  
    Bataljin, Lawrence[12]
Bataljin, Lawrence[12] [AUS] 64 63 
Sau Franco, Alan [MEX]  
    Sau Franco, Alan
De Alba Valdes, Rafael Alfonso (WC) [MEX] 64 62 
Zink, Tyler[2] [USA]  
    Evans, Gabriel[10]
Evans, Gabriel[10] [USA] 26 64 107 
Nordquist, Arvid[3] [SWE]  
    Bustiman Gonzalez, Hans Christian
Bustiman Gonzalez, Hans Christian [CHI] 63 46 107 
Sysoev, Nikolay[5] [RUS]  
    Sysoev, Nikolay[5]
Aramburu Contreras, Ivar Jose[8] [MEX] 67(5) 63 108 
Cabrera, Miguel Angel [CHI]  
    Strode, Elijah
Strode, Elijah [USA] 64 63 
Huang, Haoyuan[6] [CHN]  
    Huang, Haoyuan[6]
Bataljin, Lawrence[12] [AUS] 60 63 
Sau Franco, Alan [MEX]  
Evans, Gabriel[10] [USA]   
Bustiman Gonzalez, Hans Christian [CHI]  
Sysoev, Nikolay[5] [RUS]   
Strode, Elijah [USA]  
Huang, Haoyuan[6] [CHN]   
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