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Tournament Rounds

M15 Monastir 30 [Q], 2022, M15

Mu, Tao[1] [CHN]  
    Mu, Tao[1]
Esmail Yazdi, Hesam (WC) [IRI] 60 61 
Massard, Loann [FRA]  
    Calvo Barcelo, Fermin
Calvo Barcelo, Fermin [ARG] 60 62 
El Tawil, Hussein (WC) [EGY]  
    El Tawil, Hussein (WC)
Sharma, Naman [IND] 63 62 
Dhamne, Manas (WC) [IND]  
    Dhamne, Manas (WC)
Schiessl, Joao Eduardo[9] [BRA] 62 36 105 
Crnokrak, Alexander[2] [AUS]  
    Crnokrak, Alexander[2]
Chen, Kai-Hsun [TPE] 61 62 
Kouni, Radhouane [TUN]  
    Aissa Khelifa, Mohamed Amine
Aissa Khelifa, Mohamed Amine [ALG] 61 60 
Piatti, Rocco (WC) [MON]  
    Sun, Qian
Sun, Qian [CHN] 75 75 
Alam, Peter [GBR]  
    Wang, Chukang[10]
Wang, Chukang[10] [CHN] 60 63 
Rodriguez, Lisandru[3] [FRA]  
    Rodriguez, Lisandru[3]
Beecher, Matthew [GBR] 60 62 
Yi Qing, Jiang (WC) [CHN]  
    Bradshaw, Jacob
Bradshaw, Jacob [AUS] 61 62 
Dubinin, Alexey [RUS]  
    Dubinin, Alexey
Moroz, Danila [BLR] 61 62 
Kes, Mael [IND]  
    Koenig, Luc[15]
Koenig, Luc[15] [GBR] 63 62 
Jones, Maximus[4] [THA]  
    Jones, Maximus[4]
Wang, Kai-I [TPE] 76(2) 61 
Kaparov, Arystanbek [KAZ]  
    Kaparov, Arystanbek
Naveen, Nishith [IND] 75 62 
Schenekenberg, Gabriel [BRA]  
    Zheng, Baoluo
Zheng, Baoluo [CHN] 64 76(6) 
Orlov, Alexander [SUI]  
    Singh, Karan[11]
Singh, Karan[11] [IND] 62 75 
Abderrahman, Wissam[5] [TUN]  
    Abderrahman, Wissam[5]
Cigna, Nicola [ITA] 61 75 
Christiansen, Rudolf Niklas (WC) [GER]  
    Chen, Zi Hui
Chen, Zi Hui [CHN] 63 75 
Correa, Adrian [AUS]  
    Correa, Adrian
Drumond Ribeiro, Joao Pedro [BRA] 62 67(5) 105 
Sidorov, Nikita [KAZ]  
    Sidorov, Nikita
Bueres, Matheus[16] [BRA] 76(4) 63 
Tamm, Kristjan[6] [EST]  
    Alkotop, Mousa
Alkotop, Mousa [JOR] 57 62 106 
Dong, Zhenxiong [CHN]  
    Dong, Zhenxiong
Reynolds, Josh (WC) [GBR] 63 61 
Hartson, James [AUS]  
    Hartson, James
Shah, Dharmil [IND] 64 60 
Cunat, Max [FRA]  
    Cunat, Max
Sibille, Imran[13] [MAR] 36 63 
Wang, Xiaofei[7] [CHN]  
    Wang, Xiaofei[7]
Kim, David (WC) [KOR] 62 61 
Drayton, Thomas [GBR]  
    Drayton, Thomas
Yang, Kai Shiang [TPE] 62 61 
Tang, Sheng [CHN]  
    Tang, Sheng
Li, Majun [CHN] 46 63 105 
Vasilev, Dmitrii [RUS]  
    Vasilev, Dmitrii
Lin, Ping Chen[12] [TPE] 63 61 
Matsuda, Ryuki[8] [JPN]  
    Lima, Enzo
Lima, Enzo [BRA] 76(2) 64 
Dorofeev, Artiom [FRA]  
    Charlton, Joshua
Charlton, Joshua [AUS] 60 64 
De Carvalho, Valentin [FRA]  
    Bhatnagar, Shivank
Bhatnagar, Shivank [IND] 63 60 
Rsovac, Dusan [AUS]  
    Abibsi, Mohamed Ali[14]
Abibsi, Mohamed Ali[14] [ALG] 36 63 104 
Mu, Tao[1] [CHN]  
    Mu, Tao[1]
Calvo Barcelo, Fermin [ARG] 75 63 
El Tawil, Hussein (WC) [EGY]  
    Dhamne, Manas (WC)
Dhamne, Manas (WC) [IND] 62 64 
Crnokrak, Alexander[2] [AUS]  
    Crnokrak, Alexander[2]
Aissa Khelifa, Mohamed Amine [ALG] 61 61 
Sun, Qian [CHN]  
    Wang, Chukang[10]
Wang, Chukang[10] [CHN] 75 62 
Rodriguez, Lisandru[3] [FRA]  
    Rodriguez, Lisandru[3]
Bradshaw, Jacob [AUS] 76(1) 60 
Dubinin, Alexey [RUS]  
    Koenig, Luc[15]
Koenig, Luc[15] [GBR] 61 63 
Jones, Maximus[4] [THA]  
    Jones, Maximus[4]
Kaparov, Arystanbek [KAZ] 63 62 
Zheng, Baoluo [CHN]  
    Zheng, Baoluo
Singh, Karan[11] [IND] 61 64 
Abderrahman, Wissam[5] [TUN]  
    Abderrahman, Wissam[5]
Chen, Zi Hui [CHN] 76(4) 61 
Correa, Adrian [AUS]  
    Sidorov, Nikita
Sidorov, Nikita [KAZ] 76(1) 61 
Alkotop, Mousa [JOR]  
    Alkotop, Mousa
Dong, Zhenxiong [CHN] 64 57 101 
Hartson, James [AUS]  
    Cunat, Max
Cunat, Max [FRA] 61 75 
Wang, Xiaofei[7] [CHN]  
    Wang, Xiaofei[7]
Drayton, Thomas [GBR] 61 60 
Tang, Sheng [CHN]  
    Tang, Sheng
Vasilev, Dmitrii [RUS] 62 46 104 
Lima, Enzo [BRA]  
    Charlton, Joshua
Charlton, Joshua [AUS] 61 63 
Bhatnagar, Shivank [IND]  
    Abibsi, Mohamed Ali[14]
Abibsi, Mohamed Ali[14] [ALG] 75 64 
Mu, Tao[1] [CHN]  
    Mu, Tao[1]
Dhamne, Manas (WC) [IND] 75 60 
Crnokrak, Alexander[2] [AUS]  
    Crnokrak, Alexander[2]
Wang, Chukang[10] [CHN] 67(5) 62 107 
Rodriguez, Lisandru[3] [FRA]  
    Koenig, Luc[15]
Koenig, Luc[15] [GBR] 61 61 
Jones, Maximus[4] [THA]  
    Jones, Maximus[4]
Zheng, Baoluo [CHN] 63 61 
Abderrahman, Wissam[5] [TUN]  
    Abderrahman, Wissam[5]
Sidorov, Nikita [KAZ] 64 61 
Alkotop, Mousa [JOR]  
    Alkotop, Mousa
Cunat, Max [FRA] 64 64 
Wang, Xiaofei[7] [CHN]  
    Tang, Sheng
Tang, Sheng [CHN] 64 76(6) 
Charlton, Joshua [AUS]  
    Charlton, Joshua
Abibsi, Mohamed Ali[14] [ALG] 62 63 
Mu, Tao[1] [CHN]  
Crnokrak, Alexander[2] [AUS]   
Koenig, Luc[15] [GBR]  
Jones, Maximus[4] [THA]   
Abderrahman, Wissam[5] [TUN]  
Alkotop, Mousa [JOR]   
Tang, Sheng [CHN]  
Charlton, Joshua [AUS]   
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