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M15 Skopje 04 [Q], 2022, M15

Oberleitner, Neil[1] [AUT]  
    Oberleitner, Neil[1]
Mouilleron Salvo, Manuel [ARG] 63 67(5) 105 
Naumovski, Mason [AUS]  
    Naumovski, Mason
Kovac, Tilen [SLO] 46 64 103 
Shumeiko, Pavel [UKR]  
    Shumeiko, Pavel
Kremenchutskyi, Ivan [UKR] 46 62 104 
Horvat, Roko (WC) [CRO]  
    Horvat, Roko (WC)
Nedelchev, Nikolay[11] [BUL] 64 26 119 
Christopher Romios, Matthew[2] [AUS]  
    Manasov, Ivan
Manasov, Ivan [MKD] w/o 
Krajcik, Andrej [SVK]  
    Krajcik, Andrej
Mrkev, Boris (WC) [MKD] 61 61 
Sorensen, Thomas [CAN]  
    Luca, Alexandru
Luca, Alexandru [ROU] 67(5) 63 107 
Petrovic, Andreja [NOR]  
    Pavel, Bogdan[12]
Pavel, Bogdan[12] [ROU] 76(3) 63 
Tomescu, Dan Alexandru[3] [ROU]  
    Tomescu, Dan Alexandru[3]
Vujic, Stefan [AUS] 61 61 
Marinescu, Mihai Razvan [ROU]  
    Marinescu, Mihai Razvan
Dumitru, Vlad Andrei [ROU] 36 75 101 
Agushi, Fidan [MKD]  
    Halmenschlager Reis, Ighor
Halmenschlager Reis, Ighor [BRA] 60 62 
Musicki, Strahinja [SRB]  
    Novikov, Egor[10]
Novikov, Egor[10] [RUS] 63 63 
Palovic, Lukas[4] [SVK]  
    Palovic, Lukas[4]
Allen, Louis [GBR] 63 61 
Evans, Tom [AUS]  
    Evans, Tom
Matvievici, Egor (WC) [MDA] 63 64 
Andonov, Luka Ljuben [MKD]  
    Andonov, Luka Ljuben
Lazarov, George [BUL] 62 63 
Habib, Ali [GBR]  
    Habib, Ali
Sorger, Sebastian[9] [AUT] 16 64 108 
Roncadelli, Franco[5] [URU]  
    Roncadelli, Franco[5]
Ivanov, Daniil [RUS] 60 60 
Huseinovic, Eldin [MKD]  
    Dragomirov, Dennis
Dragomirov, Dennis [GER] 61 63 
Keremedchiev, Ivailo [BUL]  
    Keremedchiev, Ivailo
Hilderbrand, Trey [USA] 76(5) 61 
Dechev, Ivailo [BUL]  
    Nesterov, Petr[16]
Nesterov, Petr[16] [BUL] 60 60 
Sakellaridis, Stefanos[6] [GRE]  
    Sakellaridis, Stefanos[6]
Deari, Shendrit [MKD] 63 75 
Agushi, Mal [KOS]  
    Durguti, Besir
Durguti, Besir [MKD] 61 60 
Dudun, Igor [UKR]  
    Dudun, Igor
Bojicic Ono, Luka [BRA] 63 62 
Keremedchiev, Nikola [BUL]  
    Keremedchiev, Nikola
Puskar, Samuel[14] [SVK] 61 64 
Wong, Hong Kit[7] [HKG]  
    Wong, Hong Kit[7]
Tasev, Andrej [AUS] 63 62 
Milicevic, Lazar [SRB]  
    Macovei, Radu Florin
Macovei, Radu Florin [ROU] 76(5) 75 
Cankov, Cvetan [BUL]  
    Stoilkovski, Marko (WC)
Stoilkovski, Marko (WC) [MKD] 63 60 
Lukic, Leo [CAN]  
    Bruna, Nicolas[15]
Bruna, Nicolas[15] [CHI] 60 62 
Bielinskyi, Oleksandr[8] [UKR]  
    Bielinskyi, Oleksandr[8]
Kysilov, Grygorii [UKR] 61 63 
Bugarikj, Berk [MKD]  
    Bugarikj, Berk
Kardzhiev, Petyr [BUL] 60 62 
Stoica, Vlad [ROU]  
    Stoica, Vlad
Yanev, Viktor [BUL] 62 62 
Luigi Vilella, Giovanni [BRA]  
    Tomas, Aleksandar[13]
Tomas, Aleksandar[13] [AUT] 63 62 
Oberleitner, Neil[1] [AUT]  
    Oberleitner, Neil[1]
Naumovski, Mason [AUS] 62 60 
Shumeiko, Pavel [UKR]  
    Horvat, Roko (WC)
Horvat, Roko (WC) [CRO] 62 61 
Manasov, Ivan [MKD]  
    Manasov, Ivan
Krajcik, Andrej [SVK] 57 63 96 Ret'd 
Luca, Alexandru [ROU]  
    Pavel, Bogdan[12]
Pavel, Bogdan[12] [ROU] 62 62 
Tomescu, Dan Alexandru[3] [ROU]  
    Tomescu, Dan Alexandru[3]
Marinescu, Mihai Razvan [ROU] 64 63 
Halmenschlager Reis, Ighor [BRA]  
    Novikov, Egor[10]
Novikov, Egor[10] [RUS] 62 64 
Palovic, Lukas[4] [SVK]  
    Palovic, Lukas[4]
Evans, Tom [AUS] 64 76(4) 
Andonov, Luka Ljuben [MKD]  
    Habib, Ali
Habib, Ali [GBR] 63 20 Ret'd 
Roncadelli, Franco[5] [URU]  
    Roncadelli, Franco[5]
Dragomirov, Dennis [GER] 61 63 
Keremedchiev, Ivailo [BUL]  
    Keremedchiev, Ivailo
Nesterov, Petr[16] [BUL] 61 30 Ret'd 
Sakellaridis, Stefanos[6] [GRE]  
    Sakellaridis, Stefanos[6]
Durguti, Besir [MKD] 63 63 
Dudun, Igor [UKR]  
    Keremedchiev, Nikola
Keremedchiev, Nikola [BUL] 64 60 
Wong, Hong Kit[7] [HKG]  
    Macovei, Radu Florin
Macovei, Radu Florin [ROU] 63 26 108 
Stoilkovski, Marko (WC) [MKD]  
    Bruna, Nicolas[15]
Bruna, Nicolas[15] [CHI] 64 63 
Bielinskyi, Oleksandr[8] [UKR]  
    Bugarikj, Berk
Bugarikj, Berk [MKD] 76(7) 61 
Stoica, Vlad [ROU]  
    Stoica, Vlad
Tomas, Aleksandar[13] [AUT] 64 63 
Oberleitner, Neil[1] [AUT]  
    Oberleitner, Neil[1]
Horvat, Roko (WC) [CRO] 63 61 
Manasov, Ivan [MKD]  
    Pavel, Bogdan[12]
Pavel, Bogdan[12] [ROU] 64 62 
Tomescu, Dan Alexandru[3] [ROU]  
    Tomescu, Dan Alexandru[3]
Novikov, Egor[10] [RUS] 63 60 
Palovic, Lukas[4] [SVK]  
    Palovic, Lukas[4]
Habib, Ali [GBR] 76(5) 64 
Roncadelli, Franco[5] [URU]  
    Roncadelli, Franco[5]
Keremedchiev, Ivailo [BUL] 64 63 
Sakellaridis, Stefanos[6] [GRE]  
    Sakellaridis, Stefanos[6]
Keremedchiev, Nikola [BUL] 62 46 108 
Macovei, Radu Florin [ROU]  
    Macovei, Radu Florin
Bruna, Nicolas[15] [CHI] 64 61 
Bugarikj, Berk [MKD]  
    Bugarikj, Berk
Stoica, Vlad [ROU] 76(5) 62 
Oberleitner, Neil[1] [AUT]  
Pavel, Bogdan[12] [ROU]   
Tomescu, Dan Alexandru[3] [ROU]  
Palovic, Lukas[4] [SVK]   
Roncadelli, Franco[5] [URU]  
Sakellaridis, Stefanos[6] [GRE]   
Macovei, Radu Florin [ROU]  
Bugarikj, Berk [MKD]   
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