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Tournament Rounds

M15 Novi Sad 02 [Q], 2022, M15

Haliak, Mikalai[1] [BLR]  
    Haliak, Mikalai[1]
Zhang, Linghao [CHN] 61 61 
Falabella, Lautaro Agustin [ARG]  
    Falabella, Lautaro Agustin
Ivic, Stefan [SRB] 63 62 
Kichigin, Vasily [RUS]  
    Bove, Federico
Bove, Federico [ITA] 63 63 
Schinas, Stephanos [GRE]  
    Juhas, Kristijan[13]
Juhas, Kristijan[13] [SRB] 62 61 
Rodriguez, Lorenzo Joaquin[2] [ARG]  
    Milanovic, Dusan
Milanovic, Dusan [SRB] 76(3) 64 
Milicevic, Stefan [SRB]  
    Milicevic, Stefan
Novakovic, Novak [SRB] 60 64 
Sakellaridis, Michalis [GRE]  
    Todorovic, Luka
Todorovic, Luka [SRB] 63 63 
Roggero, Tommaso [ITA]  
    Roggero, Tommaso
Micov, Stefan[16] [MKD] 64 61 
Kirci, Koray[3] [TUR]  
    Kirci, Koray[3]
Gerasimchuk, Artem (WC) [RUS] 61 61 
Evans, Tom [AUS]  
    Evans, Tom
Bruna, Esteban [CHI] 64 36 105 
Zusman, Richard [USA]  
    Vetrih, Miha
Vetrih, Miha [SLO] 64 61 
Bruna, Nicolas [CHI]  
    Bruna, Nicolas
Gimenez, Igor[14] [BRA] 63 64 
Nesterov, Petr[4] [BUL]  
    Nesterov, Petr[4]
Nedelchev, Nikolay [BUL] 76(4) 63 
Khotchenkov, Egor [RUS]  
    Khotchenkov, Egor
Reid, Josh [AUS] 26 62 104 
Novikov, Egor [RUS]  
    Katic, Dejan (WC)
Katic, Dejan (WC) [SRB] 75 63 
Mihailovic, Aleksandar (WC) [SRB]  
    Miladinovic, Marko[10]
Miladinovic, Marko[10] [SRB] 75 61 
Paroulek, Tadeas[5] [CZE]  
    Paroulek, Tadeas[5]
Vojinovic, Lazar [SRB] 57 Ret'd 
Sakellaridis, Dimitris (ALT) [GRE]  
    Pisaric, Aleksa (WC)
Pisaric, Aleksa (WC) [SRB] 61 61 
Milosavljevic, Mihajlo (WC) [SRB]  
    Drinic, Milan
Drinic, Milan [SRB] 60 61 
Radovic, Sava (WC) [SRB]  
    Minin, Matvey[12]
Minin, Matvey[12] [RUS] 60 62 
Zanellato, Nicolas[6] [BRA]  
    Zanellato, Nicolas[6]
Tomas, Aleksandar [AUT] 62 62 
Cardella, Andrea [ITA]  
    Petrovic, Drazen
Petrovic, Drazen [BIH] 76(1) 61 
Markovic, Sasa [SRB]  
    Markovic, Sasa
Mardjonovic, Aleksa [SRB] 76(4) 62 
Zubac, Dimitrije [SRB]  
    Verbin, Pavel[11]
Verbin, Pavel[11] [RUS] 62 62 
Roncadelli, Franco[7] [URU]  
    Roncadelli, Franco[7]
Habib, Ali [GBR] 62 60 
Saritas, Gokberk [TUR]  
    Saritas, Gokberk
Novak, Marko (WC) [SLO] 63 75 
La Vela, Giuseppe [ITA]  
    La Vela, Giuseppe
Havlicek, Mark [CZE] 62 62 
Zugic, Matija [SRB]  
    Tomasetto, Luca[9]
Tomasetto, Luca[9] [ITA] 61 62 
Sakellaridis, Stefanos[8] [GRE]  
    Sakellaridis, Stefanos[8]
Carraro, Luciano [ITA] 76(6) 63 
Ianin, Nikita [RUS]  
    Biro, Andre
Biro, Andre [HUN] 63 36 104 
Zivotic, Goran [SRB]  
    Zivotic, Goran
Daljev, Pavle [SRB] 63 63 
Mitrovic, Nikola (WC) [SRB]  
    Aksu, Cengiz[15]
Aksu, Cengiz[15] [TUR] 63 61 
Haliak, Mikalai[1] [BLR]  
    Falabella, Lautaro Agustin
Falabella, Lautaro Agustin [ARG] 64 61 
Bove, Federico [ITA]  
    Juhas, Kristijan[13]
Juhas, Kristijan[13] [SRB] 60 63 
Milanovic, Dusan [SRB]  
    Milanovic, Dusan
Milicevic, Stefan [SRB] 62 63 
Todorovic, Luka [SRB]  
    Roggero, Tommaso
Roggero, Tommaso [ITA] 60 62 
Kirci, Koray[3] [TUR]  
    Kirci, Koray[3]
Evans, Tom [AUS] 36 76(4) 108 
Vetrih, Miha [SLO]  
    Bruna, Nicolas
Bruna, Nicolas [CHI] 63 26 107 
Nesterov, Petr[4] [BUL]  
    Nesterov, Petr[4]
Khotchenkov, Egor [RUS] 62 63 
Katic, Dejan (WC) [SRB]  
    Miladinovic, Marko[10]
Miladinovic, Marko[10] [SRB] w/o 
Paroulek, Tadeas[5] [CZE]  
    Paroulek, Tadeas[5]
Pisaric, Aleksa (WC) [SRB] 61 62 
Drinic, Milan [SRB]  
    Drinic, Milan
Minin, Matvey[12] [RUS] 46 63 108 
Zanellato, Nicolas[6] [BRA]  
    Zanellato, Nicolas[6]
Petrovic, Drazen [BIH] 63 64 
Markovic, Sasa [SRB]  
    Markovic, Sasa
Verbin, Pavel[11] [RUS] 46 75 119 
Roncadelli, Franco[7] [URU]  
    Roncadelli, Franco[7]
Saritas, Gokberk [TUR] 62 61 
La Vela, Giuseppe [ITA]  
    La Vela, Giuseppe
Tomasetto, Luca[9] [ITA] 46 64 105 
Sakellaridis, Stefanos[8] [GRE]  
    Sakellaridis, Stefanos[8]
Biro, Andre [HUN] 61 60 
Zivotic, Goran [SRB]  
    Aksu, Cengiz[15]
Aksu, Cengiz[15] [TUR] 41 Ret'd 
Falabella, Lautaro Agustin [ARG]  
    Juhas, Kristijan[13]
Juhas, Kristijan[13] [SRB] 61 60 
Milanovic, Dusan [SRB]  
    Milanovic, Dusan
Roggero, Tommaso [ITA] 64 62 
Kirci, Koray[3] [TUR]  
    Bruna, Nicolas
Bruna, Nicolas [CHI] 63 57 1210 
Nesterov, Petr[4] [BUL]  
    Nesterov, Petr[4]
Miladinovic, Marko[10] [SRB] 76(4) 76(6) 
Paroulek, Tadeas[5] [CZE]  
    Paroulek, Tadeas[5]
Drinic, Milan [SRB] 62 62 
Zanellato, Nicolas[6] [BRA]  
    Zanellato, Nicolas[6]
Markovic, Sasa [SRB] 60 62 
Roncadelli, Franco[7] [URU]  
    Roncadelli, Franco[7]
La Vela, Giuseppe [ITA] 62 75 
Sakellaridis, Stefanos[8] [GRE]  
    Sakellaridis, Stefanos[8]
Aksu, Cengiz[15] [TUR] 63 76(4) 
Juhas, Kristijan[13] [SRB]  
Milanovic, Dusan [SRB]   
Bruna, Nicolas [CHI]  
Nesterov, Petr[4] [BUL]   
Paroulek, Tadeas[5] [CZE]  
Zanellato, Nicolas[6] [BRA]   
Roncadelli, Franco[7] [URU]  
Sakellaridis, Stefanos[8] [GRE]   
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