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Tournament Rounds

Muller Junior Cup Ulm, 2022, Boys 16 Cat 2

Petkovic, Mika[1] [GER]  
    Petkovic, Mika[1]
Covi, Davide (LL) [ITA] 60 60 
Jovanovski, Daniel [AUS]  
    Jovanovski, Daniel
Yalanuzyan, David [CYP] 62 61 
Sparding, Linus Johan [GER]  
    Stolfi, Leonardo (Q)
Stolfi, Leonardo (Q) [ITA] 63 62 
Franzmann, Julian [GER]  
    Franzmann, Julian
Pocanschi, Nicholas David[16] [CAN] 36 76(4) 75 
Sterniczuk, Oliwier[10] [POL]  
    Held, Noah
Held, Noah [GER] 61 61 
Hadzialijagic, Deni [GER]  
    Hadzialijagic, Deni
Ciarapica, Alberto (Q) [ITA] 61 64 
Abati, Luca [ITA]  
    Walter, Adrian
Walter, Adrian [GER] 63 64 
Siebicke, Conrad Paul (WC) [GER]  
    Siebicke, Conrad Paul (WC)
Folkheims, Danila[8] [LAT] 75 30 Ret'd 
Dallapiazza, Kilian[3] [ITA]  
    Dahler, Mathis
Dahler, Mathis [GER] 64 61 
Stagel, Raphael [GER]  
    Stagel, Raphael
Dina, Ehad (LL) [SUI] 75 62 
Weiss, Philipp (WC) [GER]  
    Sugimoto, Tamaki
Sugimoto, Tamaki [JPN] 61 61 
Podesta, Edoardo (Q) [ITA]  
    Ontiveros, Maximilian[13]
Ontiveros, Maximilian[13] [GER] 62 62 
Grusnius, Ignas[11] [LTU]  
    Grusnius, Ignas[11]
Neumann, Elija (WC) [GER] 61 61 
Trombini, Matteo [ITA]  
    Gasanov, Raffael
Gasanov, Raffael [GER] 75 61 
Schold, Alberto [ITA]  
    Schold, Alberto
Has, Jan Alexander (WC) [GER] 46 62 64 
Fock, Benjamin [GER]  
    Fock, Benjamin
Juuhl Sivertsen, Sander[7] [NOR] 63 67(7) 63 
Olefir, Illia[6] [UKR]  
    Olefir, Illia[6]
Burton, Cameron [AUS] 46 64 62 
Vantini, Matteo [ITA]  
    Meyer, Timo
Meyer, Timo [GER] 61 61 
Haag, Aaron (WC) [GER]  
    Knis, Adam
Knis, Adam [SUI] 63 60 
Mancosale, Francesco Scaffidi (Q) [ITA]  
    Stecker, Ben[9]
Stecker, Ben[9] [GER] 62 63 
Stalmeister, Rasmus[14] [EST]  
    Geiger, Tom
Geiger, Tom [GER] 62 63 
Popov, Matwej [GER]  
    Popov, Matwej
Posca, Shawn [ITA] 61 63 
Amarandei, Daniel Aleksandar [ITA]  
    Gampert, Sebastian
Gampert, Sebastian [GER] 64 63 
Jung, Rene Gabriel (WC) [GER]  
    Jung, Rene Gabriel (WC)
Zanini, Andrea[4] [ITA] 76(1) 63 
Marozau, Artsiom[5] [POL]  
    Marozau, Artsiom[5]
Mathes, Kaspar [GER] 46 62 60 
Mueller, Kent [GER]  
    Mueller, Kent
Lorusso, Cristian (LL) [ITA] 62 61 
Connaughton, Luca [AUS]  
    Klein, Niklas (Q)
Klein, Niklas (Q) [GER] 62 61 
Bergmiller, Lasse (Q) [GER]  
    Ganusevych Gottardo, Daniil[12]
Ganusevych Gottardo, Daniil[12] [ITA] 63 63 
Kohl, Tim[15] [GER]  
    Kohl, Tim[15]
Torino, Andrea [ITA] 61 60 
Cucchi, Nicola [ITA]  
    Cucchi, Nicola
Piller, Noah (Q) [GER] 64 61 
Milanov, Victor [BUL]  
    Milanov, Victor
Probst, Eloy [GER] 62 60 
Balducci, Lorenzo (Q) [ITA]  
    Balducci, Lorenzo (Q)
Castle, Maxwell[2] [GBR] 62 67(4) 61 
Petkovic, Mika[1] [GER]  
    Petkovic, Mika[1]
Jovanovski, Daniel [AUS] 61 64 
Stolfi, Leonardo (Q) [ITA]  
    Stolfi, Leonardo (Q)
Franzmann, Julian [GER] 75 75 
Held, Noah [GER]  
    Hadzialijagic, Deni
Hadzialijagic, Deni [GER] 64 64 
Walter, Adrian [GER]  
    Walter, Adrian
Siebicke, Conrad Paul (WC) [GER] 76(0) 67(4) 61 
Dahler, Mathis [GER]  
    Dahler, Mathis
Stagel, Raphael [GER] 62 62 
Sugimoto, Tamaki [JPN]  
    Sugimoto, Tamaki
Ontiveros, Maximilian[13] [GER] 64 75 
Grusnius, Ignas[11] [LTU]  
    Gasanov, Raffael
Gasanov, Raffael [GER] 46 64 64 
Schold, Alberto [ITA]  
    Fock, Benjamin
Fock, Benjamin [GER] 64 60 
Olefir, Illia[6] [UKR]  
    Olefir, Illia[6]
Meyer, Timo [GER] 63 63 
Knis, Adam [SUI]  
    Stecker, Ben[9]
Stecker, Ben[9] [GER] 61 64 
Geiger, Tom [GER]  
    Popov, Matwej
Popov, Matwej [GER] 46 64 60 
Gampert, Sebastian [GER]  
    Jung, Rene Gabriel (WC)
Jung, Rene Gabriel (WC) [GER] 64 63 
Marozau, Artsiom[5] [POL]  
    Mueller, Kent
Mueller, Kent [GER] 64 67(6) 62 
Klein, Niklas (Q) [GER]  
    Klein, Niklas (Q)
Ganusevych Gottardo, Daniil[12] [ITA] 64 75 
Kohl, Tim[15] [GER]  
    Cucchi, Nicola
Cucchi, Nicola [ITA] 63 75 
Milanov, Victor [BUL]  
    Balducci, Lorenzo (Q)
Balducci, Lorenzo (Q) [ITA] 63 62 
Petkovic, Mika[1] [GER]  
    Petkovic, Mika[1]
Stolfi, Leonardo (Q) [ITA] 61 61 
Hadzialijagic, Deni [GER]  
    Walter, Adrian
Walter, Adrian [GER] 64 57 52 Ret'd 
Dahler, Mathis [GER]  
    Dahler, Mathis
Sugimoto, Tamaki [JPN] 26 63 61 
Gasanov, Raffael [GER]  
    Fock, Benjamin
Fock, Benjamin [GER] 64 62 
Olefir, Illia[6] [UKR]  
    Olefir, Illia[6]
Stecker, Ben[9] [GER] 26 61 63 
Popov, Matwej [GER]  
    Jung, Rene Gabriel (WC)
Jung, Rene Gabriel (WC) [GER] 64 61 
Mueller, Kent [GER]  
    Mueller, Kent
Klein, Niklas (Q) [GER] 63 36 63 
Cucchi, Nicola [ITA]  
    Balducci, Lorenzo (Q)
Balducci, Lorenzo (Q) [ITA] 64 36 60 
Petkovic, Mika[1] [GER]  
    Petkovic, Mika[1]
Walter, Adrian [GER] 60 60 
Dahler, Mathis [GER]  
    Dahler, Mathis
Fock, Benjamin [GER] 63 75 
Olefir, Illia[6] [UKR]  
    Olefir, Illia[6]
Jung, Rene Gabriel (WC) [GER] 76(6) 64 
Mueller, Kent [GER]  
    Mueller, Kent
Balducci, Lorenzo (Q) [ITA] 62 60 
Petkovic, Mika[1] [GER]  
    Petkovic, Mika[1]
Dahler, Mathis [GER] 61 64 
Olefir, Illia[6] [UKR]  
    Mueller, Kent
Mueller, Kent [GER] 26 75 75 
Petkovic, Mika[1] [GER]  
    Petkovic, Mika[1]
Mueller, Kent [GER] 76(5) 61 
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