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J30 Lambare \ Mburucuya Bowl [Q], 2022, J30 Boys

Yacht y Golf Club Paraguayo

Zeitune, Maximo[1] [ARG]  
    Zeitune, Maximo[1]
Veloni Burin, Pedro (ALT) [BRA] 61 63 
Kirmayr, Max [BRA]  
    Kirmayr, Max
Zamora, Bastian [CHI] 64 16 108 
Boyer, Elouan (WC) [SUI]  
    Giusti Jodas, Rafael
Giusti Jodas, Rafael [BRA] 61 61 
Meneo, Tadeo [ARG]  
    Meneo, Tadeo
De Benedictis Andreta, Eduardo[6] [BRA] 60 26 105 
Magrin, Vinicius Giolo[2] [BRA]  
    Magrin, Vinicius Giolo[2]
Ranciaro, Mateus (ALT) [BRA] 61 61 
Cueto, Rafael (WC) [PER]  
    Enzo Barauna, Enzo Ronchesel Barauna (WC)
Enzo Barauna, Enzo Ronchesel Barauna (WC) [BRA] 46 62 105 
Crespo Lima, Patrick Oscar [BOL]  
    Octavio De Camargo Fischer, Joao (ALT)
Octavio De Camargo Fischer, Joao (ALT) [BRA] 75 46 1412 
Vidaller Ranciaro, Lucas [BRA]  
    Rodriguez Zorat, Valentin[5]
Rodriguez Zorat, Valentin[5] [ARG] 62 75 
Gobbi Brandao, Luiz Felipe[3] [BRA]  
    Gobbi Brandao, Luiz Felipe[3]
Troelsen, Ivo [ARG] 61 61 
Sakiyama, Enzo [BRA]  
    Sakiyama, Enzo
Naranjo, Maximiliano [CHI] 26 60 107 
Cardinali, Rafael [BRA]  
    Barbier, Rene
Barbier, Rene [ARG] 76(4) 62 
Braga, Breno [BRA]  
    Braga, Breno
Petroski Rocha, Pedro[8] [BRA] 63 62 
Benvenutti, Joao[4] [BRA]  
    Ros, Nicholas (ALT)
Ros, Nicholas (ALT) [BRA] 67(0) 64 108 
Zarate, Carlos Maria [ARG]  
    Zarate, Carlos Maria
Matta, Bruno [BRA] 63 63 
Mohamed Nazima Badran Coimbra, Caua Millerand [BRA]  
    Terrazas, Juan Diego
Terrazas, Juan Diego [BOL] 61 63 
Cristoffanini Rosenberg, Pietro [CHI]  
    Moreira, Joao Marcelo[7]
Moreira, Joao Marcelo[7] [BRA] 64 61 
Zeitune, Maximo[1] [ARG]  
    Zeitune, Maximo[1]
Kirmayr, Max [BRA] 61 62 
Giusti Jodas, Rafael [BRA]  
    Meneo, Tadeo
Meneo, Tadeo [ARG] 63 63 
Magrin, Vinicius Giolo[2] [BRA]  
    Magrin, Vinicius Giolo[2]
Enzo Barauna, Enzo Ronchesel Barauna (WC) [BRA] 76(5) 57 108 
Octavio De Camargo Fischer, Joao (ALT) [BRA]  
    Rodriguez Zorat, Valentin[5]
Rodriguez Zorat, Valentin[5] [ARG] 61 62 
Gobbi Brandao, Luiz Felipe[3] [BRA]  
    Sakiyama, Enzo
Sakiyama, Enzo [BRA] 63 46 108 
Barbier, Rene [ARG]  
    Braga, Breno
Braga, Breno [BRA] 61 61 
Ros, Nicholas (ALT) [BRA]  
    Zarate, Carlos Maria
Zarate, Carlos Maria [ARG] 61 62 
Terrazas, Juan Diego [BOL]  
    Moreira, Joao Marcelo[7]
Moreira, Joao Marcelo[7] [BRA] 61 62 
Zeitune, Maximo[1] [ARG]  
    Zeitune, Maximo[1]
Meneo, Tadeo [ARG] 60 63 
Magrin, Vinicius Giolo[2] [BRA]  
    Rodriguez Zorat, Valentin[5]
Rodriguez Zorat, Valentin[5] [ARG] 63 62 
Sakiyama, Enzo [BRA]  
    Braga, Breno
Braga, Breno [BRA] 75 63 
Zarate, Carlos Maria [ARG]  
    Moreira, Joao Marcelo[7]
Moreira, Joao Marcelo[7] [BRA] 46 64 105 
Zeitune, Maximo[1] [ARG]  
Rodriguez Zorat, Valentin[5] [ARG]   
Braga, Breno [BRA]  
Moreira, Joao Marcelo[7] [BRA]   
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