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M15 Kottingbrunn 05 [Q], 2022, M15

Trinker, Jonas[1] [AUT]  
    Malgiaritta, Maurus
Malgiaritta, Maurus [SUI] 64 64 
Muller, Martin (WC) [AUT]  
    Muller, Martin (WC)
Hollender, Nicolas [ARG] 06 61 104 
Romano, Gino [ARG]  
    Romano, Gino
Paulovcak, Samuel [SVK] 64 64 
Vogeli, Frederic [SUI]  
    Vogeli, Frederic
Kasemi, Kiyan Santino[9] [GER] 64 64 
Novansky, Michal[2] [SVK]  
    Novansky, Michal[2]
Malik, Patrick (WC) [AUT] 61 62 
Rohrer, Niklas (WC) [AUT]  
    Ramskogler, Gregor (WC)
Ramskogler, Gregor (WC) [AUT] 26 63 106 
Gloeckler, Michael [AUT]  
    Gloeckler, Michael
Dragomirov, Dennis [GER] 64 64 
Blecha, Adam [CZE]  
    Blecha, Adam
Lazarov, George[10] [BUL] 75 36 108 
Yunis, Facundo[3] [GER]  
    Yunis, Facundo[3]
Thurner, Noah [GER] 60 30 Ret'd 
Zanotti, Alessio [ITA]  
    Zanotti, Alessio
Ilnytskyy, Svyatoslav [UKR] 63 63 
Lanik, Tomas [SVK]  
    Mruzek, Stepan
Mruzek, Stepan [CZE] 57 64 102 
Wolfschmidt, Alexander [GER]  
    Baroni, Niccolo[8]
Baroni, Niccolo[8] [ITA] 64 76(1) 
Homberg, Maximilian[4] [GER]  
    Homberg, Maximilian[4]
Schifris, Jeremy [GER] 76(6) 76(2) 
Mares, Vojtech [CZE]  
    Kaufmann, Hans Peter (WC)
Kaufmann, Hans Peter (WC) [AUT] 26 63 108 
Kountourakis, Ioannis [GRE]  
    Kountourakis, Ioannis
Jaeger, Nico [SUI] 62 75 
Benes, Martin [CZE]  
    Vlkovsky, Vojtech[12]
Vlkovsky, Vojtech[12] [CZE] 16 61 105 
Ferrari, Francesco[5] [ITA]  
    Ferrari, Francesco[5]
Tomic, David (WC) [AUT] 63 61 
Pozzani, Nicolo [ITA]  
    Pozzani, Nicolo
Galik, Matej [SVK] 63 62 
Michalik, Radovan [SVK]  
    Michalik, Radovan
Varga-Toth, Oliver [HUN] 61 61 
Frank, Michael (WC) [AUT]  
    Frank, Michael (WC)
Strom, Gustaf[7] [SWE] 61 67(4) 119 
Katuch, Jakub[6] [SVK]  
    Katuch, Jakub[6]
Zeljenka, Martin [HUN] 57 63 104 
Hausberger, Gregor [AUT]  
    Hausberger, Gregor
Mugelli, Pietro [ITA] 36 75 107 
D'agostino, Stefano [ITA]  
    D'agostino, Stefano
Krawcewicz, Kris [AUT] 64 75 
Halmenschlager Reis, Ighor [BRA]  
    Boros, Attila[11]
Boros, Attila[11] [HUN] 63 63 
Malgiaritta, Maurus [SUI]  
    Malgiaritta, Maurus
Muller, Martin (WC) [AUT] 63 63 
Romano, Gino [ARG]  
    Vogeli, Frederic
Vogeli, Frederic [SUI] 75 57 104 
Novansky, Michal[2] [SVK]  
    Ramskogler, Gregor (WC)
Ramskogler, Gregor (WC) [AUT] 62 64 
Gloeckler, Michael [AUT]  
    Gloeckler, Michael
Blecha, Adam [CZE] 75 76(6) 
Yunis, Facundo[3] [GER]  
    Yunis, Facundo[3]
Zanotti, Alessio [ITA] 67(6) 76(0) 107 
Mruzek, Stepan [CZE]  
    Baroni, Niccolo[8]
Baroni, Niccolo[8] [ITA] 76(4) 62 
Homberg, Maximilian[4] [GER]  
    Kaufmann, Hans Peter (WC)
Kaufmann, Hans Peter (WC) [AUT] 64 75 
Kountourakis, Ioannis [GRE]  
    Vlkovsky, Vojtech[12]
Vlkovsky, Vojtech[12] [CZE] 64 64 
Ferrari, Francesco[5] [ITA]  
    Ferrari, Francesco[5]
Pozzani, Nicolo [ITA] 63 63 
Michalik, Radovan [SVK]  
    Michalik, Radovan
Frank, Michael (WC) [AUT] 61 63 
Katuch, Jakub[6] [SVK]  
    Katuch, Jakub[6]
Hausberger, Gregor [AUT] 76(5) 36 104 
D'agostino, Stefano [ITA]  
    Boros, Attila[11]
Boros, Attila[11] [HUN] 64 63 
Malgiaritta, Maurus [SUI]  
    Vogeli, Frederic
Vogeli, Frederic [SUI] 26 61 108 
Ramskogler, Gregor (WC) [AUT]  
    Gloeckler, Michael
Gloeckler, Michael [AUT] 62 64 
Yunis, Facundo[3] [GER]  
    Yunis, Facundo[3]
Baroni, Niccolo[8] [ITA] 64 62 
Kaufmann, Hans Peter (WC) [AUT]  
    Vlkovsky, Vojtech[12]
Vlkovsky, Vojtech[12] [CZE] 61 46 106 
Ferrari, Francesco[5] [ITA]  
    Ferrari, Francesco[5]
Michalik, Radovan [SVK] 76(1) 63 
Katuch, Jakub[6] [SVK]  
    Boros, Attila[11]
Boros, Attila[11] [HUN] 60 62 
Vogeli, Frederic [SUI]  
Gloeckler, Michael [AUT]   
Yunis, Facundo[3] [GER]  
Vlkovsky, Vojtech[12] [CZE]   
Ferrari, Francesco[5] [ITA]  
Boros, Attila[11] [HUN]   
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