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Tournament Rounds

M15 Jakarta 01 [Q], 2022, M15

Son, Ji Hoon[1] [KOR]  
    Jasika, Amor
Jasika, Amor [AUS] 46 61 107 
Susanto, Anthony (WC) [INA]  
    Susanto, Anthony (WC)
Rezky Djufri, Muhammad Hidayatul [INA] 64 60 
Huynh, Phuc [VIE]  
    Huynh, Phuc
Aggarwal, Parth [IND] 63 16 107 
Nahor, Jeremy [INA]  
    Okamura, Issei[8]
Okamura, Issei[8] [JPN] 60 60 
Matsuda, Ryuki[2] [JPN]  
    Matsuda, Ryuki[2]
Salim, Renaldi Aqila A (WC) [INA] 63 60 
Jimenez, Michael Dylan [SGP]  
    Chaiyarin, Credit
Chaiyarin, Credit [THA] 63 61 
Zaytsev, Ivan [RUS]  
    Babanine, Alexander
Babanine, Alexander [AUS] 63 62 
Wibowo, Tegar Abdi Satrio [INA]  
    Ilagan, Andre[11]
Ilagan, Andre[11] [USA] 64 61 
Bathrinath, Lohithaksha[3] [IND]  
    Bathrinath, Lohithaksha[3]
Visaya, Azuma [USA] 46 64 105 
Widyarohmadhiansyah, Faried [INA]  
    Susanto, David Agung
Susanto, David Agung [INA] 61 61 
Kodancha Srinivasan, Dheeraj [IND]  
    Kodancha Srinivasan, Dheeraj
Madyapanna, Audric [INA] 61 60 
Babu, Pranash [IND]  
    Koaykul, Krittin[9]
Koaykul, Krittin[9] [THA] 62 64 
Reddy, Rishi[4] [IND]  
    Callaghan, Hugh
Callaghan, Hugh [AUS] 36 64 104 
Naveen, Nishith [IND]  
    Gupta, Lakshya
Gupta, Lakshya [IND] 76(4) 62 
Macherla, Theertha Shashank [IND]  
    Macherla, Theertha Shashank
Dwi Kurniawan, Aldhito Ramadhan (WC) [INA] 63 63 
Agarwal, Anurag [IND]  
    Chanta, Thanapet[7]
Chanta, Thanapet[7] [THA] 60 61 
Wattanakul, Pol[5] [THA]  
    Wattanakul, Pol[5]
Alcantara, Francis Casey [PHI] 76(7) 36 1513 
Revilla, Made Skar Bholenath [INA]  
    Revilla, Made Skar Bholenath
Sasongko, Aditya Hari (WC) [INA] 16 64 1210 
Tricerri, Shuannon [AUS]  
    Tricerri, Shuannon
Van Donselaar, Freek [NED] 61 67(3) 106 
Trismuwantara, Gunawan (WC) [INA]  
    Sach, Tai[12]
Sach, Tai[12] [AUS] 46 76(2) 105 
Congcar, Congsup[6] [THA]  
    Congcar, Congsup[6]
Lumanau, Claudio Renardi (WC) [INA] 76(5) 62 
Delaney, Jesse [AUS]  
    Delaney, Jesse
Somani, Parikshit [IND] 67(5) 75 119 
Bhatnagar, Shivank [IND]  
    Bhatnagar, Shivank
Hinomaru, Dibbyaro [INA] 61 60 
Kurniawan, Lucky Candra (WC) [INA]  
    Leong, Mitsuki Wei Kang[10]
Leong, Mitsuki Wei Kang[10] [MAS] 61 64 
Jasika, Amor [AUS]  
    Susanto, Anthony (WC)
Susanto, Anthony (WC) [INA] 76(4) 57 119 
Huynh, Phuc [VIE]  
    Okamura, Issei[8]
Okamura, Issei[8] [JPN] 61 46 104 
Matsuda, Ryuki[2] [JPN]  
    Matsuda, Ryuki[2]
Chaiyarin, Credit [THA] 61 61 
Babanine, Alexander [AUS]  
    Babanine, Alexander
Ilagan, Andre[11] [USA] 61 10 Ret'd 
Bathrinath, Lohithaksha[3] [IND]  
    Bathrinath, Lohithaksha[3]
Susanto, David Agung [INA] 46 75 107 
Kodancha Srinivasan, Dheeraj [IND]  
    Koaykul, Krittin[9]
Koaykul, Krittin[9] [THA] 46 62 104 
Callaghan, Hugh [AUS]  
    Callaghan, Hugh
Gupta, Lakshya [IND] 61 64 
Macherla, Theertha Shashank [IND]  
    Chanta, Thanapet[7]
Chanta, Thanapet[7] [THA] 61 76(1) 
Wattanakul, Pol[5] [THA]  
    Wattanakul, Pol[5]
Revilla, Made Skar Bholenath [INA] 63 64 
Tricerri, Shuannon [AUS]  
    Tricerri, Shuannon
Sach, Tai[12] [AUS] 64 76(7) 
Congcar, Congsup[6] [THA]  
    Congcar, Congsup[6]
Delaney, Jesse [AUS] 62 63 
Bhatnagar, Shivank [IND]  
    Leong, Mitsuki Wei Kang[10]
Leong, Mitsuki Wei Kang[10] [MAS] 62 60 
Susanto, Anthony (WC) [INA]  
    Okamura, Issei[8]
Okamura, Issei[8] [JPN] 61 75 
Matsuda, Ryuki[2] [JPN]  
    Babanine, Alexander
Babanine, Alexander [AUS] 61 63 
Bathrinath, Lohithaksha[3] [IND]  
    Bathrinath, Lohithaksha[3]
Koaykul, Krittin[9] [THA] 63 62 
Callaghan, Hugh [AUS]  
    Chanta, Thanapet[7]
Chanta, Thanapet[7] [THA] 62 60 
Wattanakul, Pol[5] [THA]  
    Tricerri, Shuannon
Tricerri, Shuannon [AUS] 64 46 102 
Congcar, Congsup[6] [THA]  
    Leong, Mitsuki Wei Kang[10]
Leong, Mitsuki Wei Kang[10] [MAS] 76(3) 75 
Okamura, Issei[8] [JPN]  
Babanine, Alexander [AUS]   
Bathrinath, Lohithaksha[3] [IND]  
Chanta, Thanapet[7] [THA]   
Tricerri, Shuannon [AUS]  
Leong, Mitsuki Wei Kang[10] [MAS]   
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