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M15 Monastir 40 [Q], 2022, M15

Haliak, Mikalai[1] [BLR]  
    Franzini, Marco (WC)
Franzini, Marco (WC) [ITA] 52 Ret'd 
Affes, Mhamed [TUN]  
    Affes, Mhamed
Yalamanchili, Hitesh [IND] 64 46 106 
Pereira, Tiago [POR]  
    Pereira, Tiago
Wunder, Markus [GER] 62 62 
Cebic, Filip [USA]  
    Vallejo Ferrer, Adria[12]
Vallejo Ferrer, Adria[12] [ESP] 46 60 103 
Van Wyk, Kris[2] [RSA]  
    Van Wyk, Kris[2]
Vaise, Tomas [LTU] 64 40 Ret'd 
Romanov, Daniil [RUS]  
    Romanov, Daniil
Said, Mohamed El Hafed [MTN] 61 61 
Yenilmez, Umut Kaan [TUR]  
    Libietis, Mikelis (WC)
Libietis, Mikelis (WC) [LAT] 62 61 
Mahadevan, Arjun [IND]  
    Nortey, Isaac[13]
Nortey, Isaac[13] [GHA] 60 64 
Musitelli, Francois[3] [FRA]  
    Musitelli, Francois[3]
Boubaker, Youssef [TUN] 62 61 
Xiao, Linang [CHN]  
    Xiao, Linang
Khokhlov, Arseniy [RUS] 62 61 
Chien, Christopher [USA]  
    Masiero, Riccardo (WC)
Masiero, Riccardo (WC) [ITA] 61 60 
Soussa, Jordan [AUS]  
    Chen, Derrick[14]
Chen, Derrick[14] [GBR] 60 60 
Li, Majun[4] [CHN]  
    Summers, Matthew
Summers, Matthew [GBR] 63 36 119 
Jorquera, Emiliano [CAN]  
    Jorquera, Emiliano
Baar, Brendan [USA] 63 76(5) 
Cutting, Oscar [GBR]  
    Cutting, Oscar
Tang, Jinpeng (WC) [CHN] 64 62 
Davis, James [GBR]  
    Davis, James
Crowther, Corban[10] [NZL] 46 76(4) 105 
Tang, Sheng[5] [CHN]  
    Tang, Sheng[5]
Blazka, Daniel [CZE] 61 60 
Phanthala, Lucas [FRA]  
    Phanthala, Lucas
Doe, Matthew [GBR] 64 26 103 
Raman, Rishabdev [IND]  
    Raman, Rishabdev
Gauci, Kyle [AUS] 62 62 
Gregoriou, George [GRE]  
    Bradshaw, Jacob[9]
Bradshaw, Jacob[9] [AUS] 62 63 
Vujic, Stefan[6] [AUS]  
    Vujic, Stefan[6]
Ender, Paul [AUT] 64 64 
Dadino, Facundo [ARG]  
    Panaras, Adam (WC)
Panaras, Adam (WC) [FRA] 62 63 
Courtney, Riley [AUS]  
    Mascarini, Riccardo
Mascarini, Riccardo [ITA] 63 63 
Nemakal, Ajay Pruthvi [IND]  
    Zheng, Baoluo[11]
Zheng, Baoluo[11] [CHN] 64 64 
Abibsi, Mohamed Ali[7] [ALG]  
    Abibsi, Mohamed Ali[7]
Horoz Garner, John [GBR] 46 64 106 
Moussa, Christian [COD]  
    Camilli, Gabriele
Camilli, Gabriele [ITA] 61 61 
Khanna, Shivam (WC) [IND]  
    Khanna, Shivam (WC)
Hermanus, Wade [RSA] 76(5) 60 
Ben Abdelkrim, Mohamed Taher [TUN]  
    Krajcik, Andrej[16]
Krajcik, Andrej[16] [SVK] 60 62 
Goldberg Alviani, Nicolas Rafael[8] [ESP]  
    Goldberg Alviani, Nicolas Rafael[8]
Naqvi, Mehdi [GBR] 62 31 Ret'd 
Janci, Kristian [SVK]  
    Hassairi, Ahmed
Hassairi, Ahmed [TUN] 75 75 
Gourar, Mohamed Alaa [TUN]  
    Eskic, Relja
Eskic, Relja [SRB] 62 60 
He, Yecong [CHN]  
    He, Yecong
Chaurasia, Yash[15] [IND] 60 62 
Franzini, Marco (WC) [ITA]  
    Franzini, Marco (WC)
Affes, Mhamed [TUN] 62 40 Ret'd 
Pereira, Tiago [POR]  
    Pereira, Tiago
Vallejo Ferrer, Adria[12] [ESP] 61 61 
Van Wyk, Kris[2] [RSA]  
    Van Wyk, Kris[2]
Romanov, Daniil [RUS] 60 30 Ret'd 
Libietis, Mikelis (WC) [LAT]  
    Nortey, Isaac[13]
Nortey, Isaac[13] [GHA] 26 63 108 
Musitelli, Francois[3] [FRA]  
    Xiao, Linang
Xiao, Linang [CHN] 61 62 
Masiero, Riccardo (WC) [ITA]  
    Chen, Derrick[14]
Chen, Derrick[14] [GBR] 76(5) 64 
Summers, Matthew [GBR]  
    Summers, Matthew
Jorquera, Emiliano [CAN] 62 62 
Cutting, Oscar [GBR]  
    Cutting, Oscar
Davis, James [GBR] 63 63 
Tang, Sheng[5] [CHN]  
    Tang, Sheng[5]
Phanthala, Lucas [FRA] 63 64 
Raman, Rishabdev [IND]  
    Bradshaw, Jacob[9]
Bradshaw, Jacob[9] [AUS] 62 61 
Vujic, Stefan[6] [AUS]  
    Vujic, Stefan[6]
Panaras, Adam (WC) [FRA] 61 61 
Mascarini, Riccardo [ITA]  
    Mascarini, Riccardo
Zheng, Baoluo[11] [CHN] 67(3) 62 104 
Abibsi, Mohamed Ali[7] [ALG]  
    Camilli, Gabriele
Camilli, Gabriele [ITA] 36 61 107 
Khanna, Shivam (WC) [IND]  
    Krajcik, Andrej[16]
Krajcik, Andrej[16] [SVK] 62 60 
Goldberg Alviani, Nicolas Rafael[8] [ESP]  
    Goldberg Alviani, Nicolas Rafael[8]
Hassairi, Ahmed [TUN] 64 61 
Eskic, Relja [SRB]  
    He, Yecong
He, Yecong [CHN] 62 20 Ret'd 
Franzini, Marco (WC) [ITA]  
    Pereira, Tiago
Pereira, Tiago [POR] 62 64 
Van Wyk, Kris[2] [RSA]  
    Van Wyk, Kris[2]
Nortey, Isaac[13] [GHA] 64 61 
Xiao, Linang [CHN]  
    Xiao, Linang
Chen, Derrick[14] [GBR] 62 21 Ret'd 
Summers, Matthew [GBR]  
    Cutting, Oscar
Cutting, Oscar [GBR] 76(2) 57 107 
Tang, Sheng[5] [CHN]  
    Bradshaw, Jacob[9]
Bradshaw, Jacob[9] [AUS] 60 63 
Vujic, Stefan[6] [AUS]  
    Mascarini, Riccardo
Mascarini, Riccardo [ITA] 62 36 106 
Camilli, Gabriele [ITA]  
    Krajcik, Andrej[16]
Krajcik, Andrej[16] [SVK] 16 64 106 
Goldberg Alviani, Nicolas Rafael[8] [ESP]  
    He, Yecong
He, Yecong [CHN] 61 63 
Pereira, Tiago [POR]  
Van Wyk, Kris[2] [RSA]   
Xiao, Linang [CHN]  
Cutting, Oscar [GBR]   
Bradshaw, Jacob[9] [AUS]  
Mascarini, Riccardo [ITA]   
Krajcik, Andrej[16] [SVK]  
He, Yecong [CHN]   
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