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J60 Majadahonda \ Internacionales de Majadahonda [Q], 2022, J60 Boys

Planella Hernandez, Sergio[1] [ESP]  
    Montero Diaz, Jan
Montero Diaz, Jan [ESP] 10 Ret'd 
Menarguez, Luis Agullo [ESP]  
    Ledesma, Santiago
Ledesma, Santiago [MEX] 62 26 108 
Rodriguez Gonzalez, Pablo [ESP]  
    Fonseca Garcia, Angel (WC)
Fonseca Garcia, Angel (WC) [ESP] 60 63 
Lopez Dominguez, Jorge [ESP]  
    Gabdullin, Samat[6]
Gabdullin, Samat[6] [RUS] 63 60 
Jodar, Rafael[2] [ESP]  
    Martin Melo, Ausias
Martin Melo, Ausias [ESP] 63 63 
Fernandez Ruiz, Ruben [ESP]  
    Fernandez Ruiz, Ruben
Diaz Adrover, Pedro Antonio [ESP] 64 57 103 
Tudor Gonzalez, Quentin (WC) [ARG]  
    Robert, Nicolas
Robert, Nicolas [FRA] 62 64 
Collar, Enrique (WC) [ESP]  
    Prat Turro, Pere[7]
Prat Turro, Pere[7] [ESP] 62 63 
Rating, Nico[3] [ESP]  
    Rating, Nico[3]
Cordero, Alejandro [ESP] 61 61 
Nath, Kailash [CAN]  
    Garcia Gomez, Hugo
Garcia Gomez, Hugo [ESP] 63 60 
Gonzalez, Javier [ESP]  
    Gonzalez, Javier
Zafra, Antonio [ESP] 75 75 
Martinez Onsalo, Gonzalo [ESP]  
    Edmond Fullone, Hector[8]
Edmond Fullone, Hector[8] [GBR] 26 64 105 
Bogomolov, Artem[4] [RUS]  
    Bogomolov, Artem[4]
Gomez Garcia, Alvaro [ESP] 64 63 
Vedia Sanchez, Guillermo [ESP]  
    Wu, Zhengjie
Wu, Zhengjie [CHN] 60 60 
Helguera Casado, Lucca (WC) [ESP]  
    Helguera Casado, Lucca (WC)
Dillon, Cooper [FRA] 76(2) 75 
Tudor, Liam (WC) [ESP]  
    Galligo Subirana, Jaime[5]
Galligo Subirana, Jaime[5] [ESP] 61 75 
Montero Diaz, Jan [ESP]  
    Montero Diaz, Jan
Ledesma, Santiago [MEX] 64 63 
Fonseca Garcia, Angel (WC) [ESP]  
    Gabdullin, Samat[6]
Gabdullin, Samat[6] [RUS] 75 63 
Martin Melo, Ausias [ESP]  
    Fernandez Ruiz, Ruben
Fernandez Ruiz, Ruben [ESP] 36 64 107 
Robert, Nicolas [FRA]  
    Robert, Nicolas
Prat Turro, Pere[7] [ESP] 63 46 108 
Rating, Nico[3] [ESP]  
    Rating, Nico[3]
Garcia Gomez, Hugo [ESP] 57 63 105 
Gonzalez, Javier [ESP]  
    Gonzalez, Javier
Edmond Fullone, Hector[8] [GBR] 61 62 
Bogomolov, Artem[4] [RUS]  
    Bogomolov, Artem[4]
Wu, Zhengjie [CHN] 75 63 
Helguera Casado, Lucca (WC) [ESP]  
    Helguera Casado, Lucca (WC)
Galligo Subirana, Jaime[5] [ESP] 62 61 
Montero Diaz, Jan [ESP]  
    Montero Diaz, Jan
Gabdullin, Samat[6] [RUS] 62 63 
Fernandez Ruiz, Ruben [ESP]  
    Robert, Nicolas
Robert, Nicolas [FRA] 60 64 
Rating, Nico[3] [ESP]  
    Gonzalez, Javier
Gonzalez, Javier [ESP] 64 75 
Bogomolov, Artem[4] [RUS]  
    Bogomolov, Artem[4]
Helguera Casado, Lucca (WC) [ESP] 63 61 
Montero Diaz, Jan [ESP]  
Robert, Nicolas [FRA]   
Gonzalez, Javier [ESP]  
Bogomolov, Artem[4] [RUS]   
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