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J200 Bogota \ Copa Liga de Tenis de Bogota [Q], 2022, J200 Boys

Ojeda Viloria, Simon Andres[1] [COL]  
    Ojeda Viloria, Simon Andres[1]
Montoya Martinez, Mateo [COL]  
    Montoya Martinez, Mateo
Jaramillo, Eduardo (WC) [COL] 62 61 
Torres Arevalo, Gabriel Eduardo[2] [COL]  
    Torres Arevalo, Gabriel Eduardo[2]
Barros Corredor, Nicolas Eduardo [COL] 46 62 105 
Rodriguez, Mateo [COL]  
    Lopez, Oscar (WC)
Lopez, Oscar (WC) [COL] 64 62 
Miller, Ian[3] [USA]  
    Miller, Ian[3]
Madero, Nicolas [COL] 60 62 
Carmona Lujan, Simon [COL]  
    Carmona Lujan, Simon
Rueda, Tomas [COL] 61 63 
Neira, Matias[4] [COL]  
    Neira, Matias[4]
Hernandez, Rodrigo [COL] 63 62 
Perlaza Hidalgo, Miguel Angel [COL]  
    Hernandez Herrera, Juan Sebastian
Hernandez Herrera, Juan Sebastian [COL] 62 64 
Santos, Daniel William [GBR]  
    Gonzalez Baron, Juan Diego
Gonzalez Baron, Juan Diego [COL] 60 61 
England, Andrew [COL]  
    England, Andrew
Angarita, Kevin [COL] w/o 
Olarte Ruiz, Nicolas Andres [COL]  
    Doria Medina Aviles, Carlos Andres
Doria Medina Aviles, Carlos Andres [BOL] 46 64 105 
Mateus Rojas, Alejandro [COL]  
    Echeverry Baeza, Pablo
Echeverry Baeza, Pablo [COL] 63 36 106 
Sanchez Gomez, Samuel [COL]  
    Sanchez Gomez, Samuel
Guzman, Gabriel [COL] 62 76(4) 
Alonso Moya, Juan Andres [COL]  
    Alonso Moya, Juan Andres
Satizabal Botero, Tomas [COL] w/o 
Vallejo Nieto, Juan Jose [COL]  
    Vallejo Nieto, Juan Jose
Cardona, Emilio (WC) [COL] 63 06 107 
Koelle, Stephan [BRA]  
    Koelle, Stephan
Garcia Angarita, Lucas [COL] 63 63 
Ojeda Viloria, Simon Andres[1] [COL]  
    Ojeda Viloria, Simon Andres[1]
Montoya Martinez, Mateo [COL] 63 61 
Torres Arevalo, Gabriel Eduardo[2] [COL]  
    Torres Arevalo, Gabriel Eduardo[2]
Lopez, Oscar (WC) [COL] 62 62 
Miller, Ian[3] [USA]  
    Miller, Ian[3]
Carmona Lujan, Simon [COL] 76(5) 36 108 
Neira, Matias[4] [COL]  
    Neira, Matias[4]
Hernandez Herrera, Juan Sebastian [COL] 63 62 
Gonzalez Baron, Juan Diego [COL]  
    England, Andrew
England, Andrew [COL] 62 62 
Doria Medina Aviles, Carlos Andres [BOL]  
    Doria Medina Aviles, Carlos Andres
Echeverry Baeza, Pablo [COL] 61 62 
Sanchez Gomez, Samuel [COL]  
    Sanchez Gomez, Samuel
Alonso Moya, Juan Andres [COL] 62 75 
Vallejo Nieto, Juan Jose [COL]  
    Koelle, Stephan
Koelle, Stephan [BRA] 46 62 104 
Ojeda Viloria, Simon Andres[1] [COL]  
Torres Arevalo, Gabriel Eduardo[2] [COL]   
Miller, Ian[3] [USA]  
Neira, Matias[4] [COL]   
England, Andrew [COL]  
Doria Medina Aviles, Carlos Andres [BOL]   
Sanchez Gomez, Samuel [COL]  
Koelle, Stephan [BRA]   
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