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Tournament Rounds

M15 Monastir 43 [Q], 2022, M15

Dellavedova, Matthew[1] [AUS]  
    Dellavedova, Matthew[1]
Nersu, Udhbhav [USA]  
    Arcon, Adrian
Arcon, Adrian [AUS] 62 63 
Yang, Runze [CHN]  
    Yang, Runze
Ben Abdelkrim, Mohamed Taher [TUN] 61 61 
Bikom, Albert Bisong [NGR]  
    Chaurasia, Yash[16]
Chaurasia, Yash[16] [IND] 63 62 
Nedelchev, Nikolay[2] [BUL]  
    Nedelchev, Nikolay[2]
Dodds, Amil [GBR]  
    Dodds, Amil
Narinsky Vargas, Tadeo [ARG] 63 64 
Kerouat, Yessine [TUN]  
    Kerouat, Yessine
Mouhan, Ahmed [LBA] 62 60 
Rudan, Zelimir [USA]  
    Rudan, Zelimir
Roggero, Tommaso[13] [ITA] 46 61 119 
Oetzbach, Adrian[3] [GER]  
    Oetzbach, Adrian[3]
Fiorentini, Andrea [ITA]  
    Fiorentini, Andrea
Djinbachian, Esteban [ARG] 62 61 
Soussa, Jordan [AUS]  
    Soussa, Jordan
Saunders, Jeremy [AUS] 62 61 
Politowicz, Marcel (WC) [POL]  
    Crowther, Corban[15]
Crowther, Corban[15] [NZL] 61 75 
Kumaran, Bharath Nishok[4] [IND]  
    Kumaran, Bharath Nishok[4]
Hughes, Robert [GBR]  
    Jandy, Radoslaw
Jandy, Radoslaw [POL] 26 76(5) 108 
Schlossmann, Frederic [GER]  
    Tang, Jinpeng
Tang, Jinpeng [CHN] 62 46 119 
Zheng, Baoluo [CHN]  
    Abibsi, Mohamed Ali[9]
Abibsi, Mohamed Ali[9] [ALG] 76(3) 63 
Sun, Qian[5] [CHN]  
    Sun, Qian[5]
Maker, Sahej [GBR]  
    Xiao, Linang
Xiao, Linang [CHN] 64 60 
Gourar, Mohamed Alaa [TUN]  
    Figl, Maximilian
Figl, Maximilian [ITA] 63 61 
Doukhan, Leo [FRA]  
    Bradshaw, Jacob[12]
Bradshaw, Jacob[12] [AUS] 62 61 
Ibragimov, Daniel[6] [RUS]  
    Ibragimov, Daniel[6]
Gauci, Kyle [AUS]  
    Gauci, Kyle
Affes, Mhamed [TUN] 63 63 
Sharma, Tushar [IND]  
    Sharma, Tushar
Boubaker, Youssef [TUN] 75 61 
Zhou, Xian Yao [CHN]  
    Trochu, Pablo[14]
Trochu, Pablo[14] [FRA] 64 63 
Koenig, Luc[7] [GBR]  
    Koenig, Luc[7]
Duric, Andrej [BIH] 62 62 
Quaynor, Louis [GBR]  
    Quaynor, Louis
Cooper, Michael [USA] 63 61 
Mahadevan, Arjun [IND]  
    Mahadevan, Arjun
Meneghetti, Matteo [ITA] 63 61 
Scott, Andreas [GBR]  
    Scott, Andreas
Tsarapkin, Egor[11] [RUS] 36 63 104 
Spadola, Alessandro[8] [ITA]  
    Spadola, Alessandro[8]
Amiri, Farzan [USA] 62 62 
Ben Chiekh, Anas [TUN]  
    Augenti, Daniele
Augenti, Daniele [ITA] 62 75 
Spiridon, Denis [ITA]  
    Spiridon, Denis
Said, Mohamed El Hafed [MTN] 61 61 
Jiang, Haoda [CHN]  
    Evans, Tom[10]
Evans, Tom[10] [AUS] 61 62 
Dellavedova, Matthew[1] [AUS]  
    Dellavedova, Matthew[1]
Arcon, Adrian [AUS] 60 61 
Yang, Runze [CHN]  
    Chaurasia, Yash[16]
Chaurasia, Yash[16] [IND] 61 62 
Nedelchev, Nikolay[2] [BUL]  
    Nedelchev, Nikolay[2]
Dodds, Amil [GBR] 61 61 
Kerouat, Yessine [TUN]  
    Rudan, Zelimir
Rudan, Zelimir [USA] 61 76(3) 
Oetzbach, Adrian[3] [GER]  
    Oetzbach, Adrian[3]
Fiorentini, Andrea [ITA] 63 62 
Soussa, Jordan [AUS]  
    Crowther, Corban[15]
Crowther, Corban[15] [NZL] 62 75 
Kumaran, Bharath Nishok[4] [IND]  
    Kumaran, Bharath Nishok[4]
Jandy, Radoslaw [POL] 61 61 
Tang, Jinpeng [CHN]  
    Abibsi, Mohamed Ali[9]
Abibsi, Mohamed Ali[9] [ALG] 36 62 119 
Sun, Qian[5] [CHN]  
    Xiao, Linang
Xiao, Linang [CHN] 67(4) 64 103 
Figl, Maximilian [ITA]  
    Bradshaw, Jacob[12]
Bradshaw, Jacob[12] [AUS] 61 61 
Ibragimov, Daniel[6] [RUS]  
    Ibragimov, Daniel[6]
Gauci, Kyle [AUS] 61 64 
Sharma, Tushar [IND]  
    Trochu, Pablo[14]
Trochu, Pablo[14] [FRA] 61 62 
Koenig, Luc[7] [GBR]  
    Koenig, Luc[7]
Quaynor, Louis [GBR] 46 63 105 
Mahadevan, Arjun [IND]  
    Scott, Andreas
Scott, Andreas [GBR] 67(2) 63 107 
Spadola, Alessandro[8] [ITA]  
    Spadola, Alessandro[8]
Augenti, Daniele [ITA] 64 62 
Spiridon, Denis [ITA]  
    Evans, Tom[10]
Evans, Tom[10] [AUS] 75 36 108 
Dellavedova, Matthew[1] [AUS]  
    Dellavedova, Matthew[1]
Chaurasia, Yash[16] [IND] 60 64 
Nedelchev, Nikolay[2] [BUL]  
    Nedelchev, Nikolay[2]
Rudan, Zelimir [USA] 62 61 
Oetzbach, Adrian[3] [GER]  
    Oetzbach, Adrian[3]
Crowther, Corban[15] [NZL] 62 63 
Kumaran, Bharath Nishok[4] [IND]  
    Kumaran, Bharath Nishok[4]
Abibsi, Mohamed Ali[9] [ALG] 63 75 
Xiao, Linang [CHN]  
    Bradshaw, Jacob[12]
Bradshaw, Jacob[12] [AUS] 76(4) 76(3) 
Ibragimov, Daniel[6] [RUS]  
    Trochu, Pablo[14]
Trochu, Pablo[14] [FRA] 62 61 
Koenig, Luc[7] [GBR]  
    Koenig, Luc[7]
Scott, Andreas [GBR] 63 75 
Spadola, Alessandro[8] [ITA]  
    Evans, Tom[10]
Evans, Tom[10] [AUS] 76(6) 75 
Dellavedova, Matthew[1] [AUS]  
Nedelchev, Nikolay[2] [BUL]   
Oetzbach, Adrian[3] [GER]  
Kumaran, Bharath Nishok[4] [IND]   
Bradshaw, Jacob[12] [AUS]  
Trochu, Pablo[14] [FRA]   
Koenig, Luc[7] [GBR]  
Evans, Tom[10] [AUS]   
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