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Tournament Rounds

USA F22 Futures [Q], 2008, M25

The Claremont Club

Das, Jeffrey[1] [USA]  
    Cameron, Robert
Cameron, Robert [USA] 75 64 
Derakhshani, Arzhang [USA]  
    Derakhshani, Arzhang
Chitkara, Vikram [IND] 67(3) 63 61 
Lane, Alex [USA]  
    Lane, Alex
Mateljan, Andrew [USA] 67(3) 61 62 
Morgan, Adam [USA]  
    Morgan, Adam
Keyser, Elliot [AUS] 61 62 
Roselt, Seth [RSA]  
    Brockett, Russell
Brockett, Russell [USA] 67(2) 62 63 
Ezerins, Cordell [USA]  
    Kells, Andrew
Kells, Andrew [USA] 64 64 
Smith, Taylor [USA]  
    Tam, Norman
Tam, Norman [USA] 62 61 
Oh, Seung Hoon [KOR]  
    Oh, Seung Hoon
Hindle, Zeke [USA] 64 60 
Meister, Nicolas[2] [USA]  
    Gliner, Daniel
Gliner, Daniel [USA] 46 24 Ret'd 
Hohenstein, Scott [USA]  
    Smith, Xavier
Smith, Xavier [USA] 64 62 
Fuller, Mason [USA]  
    Schulz Van Endert, Tim
Schulz Van Endert, Tim [GER] 64 61 
Oueilhe, Edward Louies [USA]  
    Yovan, Aaron
Yovan, Aaron [USA] 60 61 
Mcmorrow, Kyle [USA]  
    Mcmorrow, Kyle
Gerst, Andrew [USA] 75 63 
Bridge, Jordan [USA]  
    Bridge, Jordan
Karosi, Austin [USA] 63 63 
Tsai, Zac [USA]  
    Toth, Attila
Toth, Attila [HUN] 60 63 
Meyer, Jacob [USA]  
    Edlefsen, Nicholas[13]
Edlefsen, Nicholas[13] [USA] 60 63 
Abougzir, Ytai[3] [USA]  
    Abougzir, Ytai[3]
Cirne Lima, Carlos [BRA] 64 60 
Vea, Mikaiah [USA]  
    Mackenzie, Logan
Mackenzie, Logan [NZL] 62 60 
Kunkel, Matthew [USA]  
    Kunkel, Matthew
Ambrose, Cezhan [USA] 60 75 
Sacks, Gary [RSA]  
    Sacks, Gary
Taylor, Max [USA] 62 64 
Longanecker, Michael [USA]  
    Hovhannisyan, Mousheg
Hovhannisyan, Mousheg [USA] 63 62 
Cazzaro, Andrea [ITA]  
    Chanakira, Tinotenda
Chanakira, Tinotenda [ZIM] 64 63 
Taylor, Douglas [USA]  
    Taylor, Douglas
Rynsaardt, Peter [AUS] 60 61 
Wardman, Blake [USA]  
    Novak, Balazs[9]
Novak, Balazs[9] [HUN] 61 63 
Ludlow, James[4] [USA]  
    Ludlow, James[4]
Nguyen, Donald [USA] 60 60 
Berman, Sean [USA]  
    Berman, Sean
Valenti, John [USA] 62 62 
Bouras, Mehdi [ALG]  
    Bouras, Mehdi
Giuffrida, Andrew [USA] 64 62 
Beron, Michael [USA]  
    Beron, Michael
Najjar, Jack [USA] 63 62 
Rattenhuber, Luis [GER]  
    Rattenhuber, Luis
Sosa, Kevin [ARG] 62 63 
Landes, Henri [USA]  
    Landes, Henri
Vaidyanathan, Gautam [USA] 63 62 
Thompson, Clay [USA]  
    Thompson, Clay
Bowman, Tyler [USA] 75 63 
Bregman, Darren [USA]  
    Johnson, Steve[11]
Johnson, Steve[11] [USA] 60 60 
Brogan, Brian[5] [USA]  
    Brogan, Brian[5]
Compton, Brian [USA] 63 62 
Wei, Brandon [USA]  
    Wei, Brandon
Rovati, German J. [VEN] 46 61 62 
Dong, Tin [USA]  
    Sarkissian, Alexander
Sarkissian, Alexander [USA] 62 63 
Drucker, Jared [USA]  
    Drucker, Jared
Kazarian, Jonathan [USA] 60 61 
Maxwell, David [USA]  
    Golas, Bartosz
Golas, Bartosz [GER] 62 62 
Mccall, Daniel [USA]  
    Mccall, Daniel
Kemick, Dustin [USA] 62 46 63 
Sabater, Andrew [USA]  
    Pisarek, Cyprian
Pisarek, Cyprian [USA] 75 61 
Smith, Spencer [USA]  
    Smith, Spencer
Johnson, Richard[14] [USA] 76(5) 63 
Ventre, Alessandro-Damiano[6] [BRA]  
    Grant, Michael
Grant, Michael [USA] 76(2) 64 
Liebman, Matthew S. [USA]  
    Liebman, Matthew S.
Gould, Sam [NZL] 75 36 61 
Colman, Jordan [USA]  
    Colman, Jordan
Vea, Justin [USA] 75 64 
Maqdes, Abdullah [KUW]  
    Maqdes, Abdullah
Strumlauf, Raphael [USA] 61 61 
Kearney, Chris [USA]  
    Kearney, Chris
Lankenau, Benjamin [USA] 62 64 
Khoury, Robert [USA]  
    Khoury, Robert
Makarchik, Alexander [RUS] 62 61 
Li, Henry [TPE]  
    Stege, Stephen
Stege, Stephen [USA] 60 60 
Jacobs, Drew [USA]  
    Jacobs, Drew
Gomez, Juan-Andres[12] [ECU] 61 44 Ret'd 
Zivkovic, Denis[7] [USA]  
    Zivkovic, Denis[7]
Fafek, Denny [USA] 46 61 63 
Formentera, Lawrence L. [USA]  
    Sundling, Alex
Sundling, Alex [USA] 63 64 
Martineau, James [USA]  
    Martineau, James
Lorenzon, Alessandro [ITA] 61 26 61 
Dome, Andre [USA]  
    Dome, Andre
Carere, Christian [CAN] 63 76(2) 
Beninca, Paolo [ITA]  
    Henderson, Steven
Henderson, Steven [USA] 60 Ret'd 
Barlocchi, Luca [SUI]  
    Barlocchi, Luca
Esquer Cota, Ian Carlo [MEX] 61 62 
Kinard, Travis [USA]  
    Kinard, Travis
Quiroz-Valdez, Jose-Antonio [CHI] 61 62 
Feliz, Andre [USA]  
    Hardy, Stefan[10]
Hardy, Stefan[10] [USA] 61 61 
Parbhu, Sheeva[8] [USA]  
    Parbhu, Sheeva[8]
Spearman, Cameron [USA] 62 61 
Sundling, J.t. [USA]  
    Sundling, J.t.
Flach, Richard [USA] 61 61 
Jim, Sydney [USA]  
    Stronk, Benedikt
Stronk, Benedikt [GER] 62 61 
Freeman, Christopher [USA]  
    Mcnaughton, Jason
Mcnaughton, Jason [USA] 61 63 
Rogers, Benjamin [USA]  
    Rogers, Benjamin
Young, Joe [USA] 36 76(4) 64 
Sanchez, Alvaro [USA]  
    Kelly, Tyler
Kelly, Tyler [USA] 46 64 62 
Bates, Joe [USA]  
    Bates, Joe
Paajanen, Aaron [USA] 46 60 61 
Dobson, Trevor [USA]  
    Bartlett, Alex[15]
Bartlett, Alex[15] [USA] 64 36 64 
Cameron, Robert [USA]  
    Cameron, Robert
Derakhshani, Arzhang [USA] 62 62 
Lane, Alex [USA]  
    Morgan, Adam
Morgan, Adam [USA] 46 76(4) 64 
Brockett, Russell [USA]  
    Brockett, Russell
Kells, Andrew [USA] 57 62 76(4) 
Tam, Norman [USA]  
    Oh, Seung Hoon
Oh, Seung Hoon [KOR] 63 61 
Gliner, Daniel [USA]  
    Gliner, Daniel
Smith, Xavier [USA] 64 75 
Schulz Van Endert, Tim [GER]  
    Yovan, Aaron
Yovan, Aaron [USA] 60 62 
Mcmorrow, Kyle [USA]  
    Mcmorrow, Kyle
Bridge, Jordan [USA] 61 61 
Toth, Attila [HUN]  
    Toth, Attila
Edlefsen, Nicholas[13] [USA] 67(2) 64 76(4) 
Abougzir, Ytai[3] [USA]  
    Mackenzie, Logan
Mackenzie, Logan [NZL] 75 16 61 
Kunkel, Matthew [USA]  
    Sacks, Gary
Sacks, Gary [RSA] 61 63 
Hovhannisyan, Mousheg [USA]  
    Hovhannisyan, Mousheg
Chanakira, Tinotenda [ZIM] 62 64 
Taylor, Douglas [USA]  
    Novak, Balazs[9]
Novak, Balazs[9] [HUN] 61 60 
Ludlow, James[4] [USA]  
    Ludlow, James[4]
Berman, Sean [USA] 46 75 60 
Bouras, Mehdi [ALG]  
    Bouras, Mehdi
Beron, Michael [USA] 26 62 62 
Rattenhuber, Luis [GER]  
    Landes, Henri
Landes, Henri [USA] 67(2) 64 76(1) 
Thompson, Clay [USA]  
    Johnson, Steve[11]
Johnson, Steve[11] [USA] 76(2) 63 
Brogan, Brian[5] [USA]  
    Brogan, Brian[5]
Wei, Brandon [USA] 61 60 
Sarkissian, Alexander [USA]  
    Drucker, Jared
Drucker, Jared [USA] 64 64 
Golas, Bartosz [GER]  
    Golas, Bartosz
Mccall, Daniel [USA] 63 60 
Pisarek, Cyprian [USA]  
    Pisarek, Cyprian
Smith, Spencer [USA] 63 75 
Grant, Michael [USA]  
    Grant, Michael
Liebman, Matthew S. [USA] 75 61 
Colman, Jordan [USA]  
    Maqdes, Abdullah
Maqdes, Abdullah [KUW] 62 61 
Kearney, Chris [USA]  
    Kearney, Chris
Khoury, Robert [USA] 61 10 Ret'd 
Stege, Stephen [USA]  
    Stege, Stephen
Jacobs, Drew [USA] 67(0) 62 62 
Zivkovic, Denis[7] [USA]  
    Zivkovic, Denis[7]
Sundling, Alex [USA] 61 63 
Martineau, James [USA]  
    Dome, Andre
Dome, Andre [USA] 76(5) 63 
Henderson, Steven [USA]  
    Barlocchi, Luca
Barlocchi, Luca [SUI] 64 61 
Kinard, Travis [USA]  
    Hardy, Stefan[10]
Hardy, Stefan[10] [USA] 61 62 
Parbhu, Sheeva[8] [USA]  
    Parbhu, Sheeva[8]
Sundling, J.t. [USA] 60 64 
Stronk, Benedikt [GER]  
    Stronk, Benedikt
Mcnaughton, Jason [USA] 64 76(7) 
Rogers, Benjamin [USA]  
    Rogers, Benjamin
Kelly, Tyler [USA] 63 63 
Bates, Joe [USA]  
    Bates, Joe
Bartlett, Alex[15] [USA] 64 61 
Cameron, Robert [USA]  
    Cameron, Robert
Morgan, Adam [USA] 57 64 75 
Brockett, Russell [USA]  
    Oh, Seung Hoon
Oh, Seung Hoon [KOR] 61 60 
Gliner, Daniel [USA]  
    Yovan, Aaron
Yovan, Aaron [USA] 64 60 
Mcmorrow, Kyle [USA]  
    Mcmorrow, Kyle
Toth, Attila [HUN] 63 63 
Mackenzie, Logan [NZL]  
    Sacks, Gary
Sacks, Gary [RSA] 61 26 76(5) 
Hovhannisyan, Mousheg [USA]  
    Novak, Balazs[9]
Novak, Balazs[9] [HUN] 75 63 
Ludlow, James[4] [USA]  
    Ludlow, James[4]
Bouras, Mehdi [ALG] 67(9) 64 64 
Landes, Henri [USA]  
    Johnson, Steve[11]
Johnson, Steve[11] [USA] 62 61 
Brogan, Brian[5] [USA]  
    Brogan, Brian[5]
Drucker, Jared [USA] 61 62 
Golas, Bartosz [GER]  
    Pisarek, Cyprian
Pisarek, Cyprian [USA] 64 46 75 
Grant, Michael [USA]  
    Maqdes, Abdullah
Maqdes, Abdullah [KUW] 64 62 
Kearney, Chris [USA]  
    Kearney, Chris
Stege, Stephen [USA] 63 62 
Zivkovic, Denis[7] [USA]  
    Dome, Andre
Dome, Andre [USA] 63 62 
Barlocchi, Luca [SUI]  
    Hardy, Stefan[10]
Hardy, Stefan[10] [USA] 63 64 
Parbhu, Sheeva[8] [USA]  
    Parbhu, Sheeva[8]
Stronk, Benedikt [GER] 30 Ret'd 
Rogers, Benjamin [USA]  
    Rogers, Benjamin
Bates, Joe [USA] 62 36 61 
Cameron, Robert [USA]  
    Oh, Seung Hoon
Oh, Seung Hoon [KOR] 63 36 76(3) 
Yovan, Aaron [USA]  
    Mcmorrow, Kyle
Mcmorrow, Kyle [USA] 67(3) 75 64 
Sacks, Gary [RSA]  
    Sacks, Gary
Novak, Balazs[9] [HUN] 76(8) 36 63 
Ludlow, James[4] [USA]  
    Johnson, Steve[11]
Johnson, Steve[11] [USA] 64 46 64 
Brogan, Brian[5] [USA]  
    Brogan, Brian[5]
Pisarek, Cyprian [USA] 75 22 Ret'd 
Maqdes, Abdullah [KUW]  
    Kearney, Chris
Kearney, Chris [USA] 63 75 
Dome, Andre [USA]  
    Hardy, Stefan[10]
Hardy, Stefan[10] [USA] 62 62 
Parbhu, Sheeva[8] [USA]  
    Parbhu, Sheeva[8]
Rogers, Benjamin [USA] 75 61 
Oh, Seung Hoon [KOR]  
Mcmorrow, Kyle [USA]   
Sacks, Gary [RSA]  
Johnson, Steve[11] [USA]   
Brogan, Brian[5] [USA]  
Kearney, Chris [USA]   
Hardy, Stefan[10] [USA]  
Parbhu, Sheeva[8] [USA]   
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