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J5 Vale do Lobo \ Vale do Lobo Junior Open [Q], 2022, J30 Boys

Sanz Muela, Hugo[1] [ESP]  
    Sanz Muela, Hugo[1]
Vlahos, Sebastian Anthony [POL] 63 61 
Kamp, Enzo [DEN]  
    Bernardo, Martim
Bernardo, Martim [POR] 57 61 108 
Ferrez Frisch Silva, Andre [POR]  
    Ferrez Frisch Silva, Andre
Bockelmann Evans, Felix [GBR] 75 67(6) 108 
Frost, Jonathan [ISR]  
    Frost, Jonathan
Couto, Vicente [POR] 62 63 
Ryden, Victor[2] [SWE]  
    Ryden, Victor[2]
Lima Salvador Araujo Burmester, Henrique [POR] 62 61 
Pinto Goncalves, Martim [POR]  
    Pinto Goncalves, Martim
Daniels, Geoffrey [IRL] 75 61 
Serafim, Diogo [POR]  
    Struski, Igor
Struski, Igor [POL] 60 76(3) 
Heidlmair, Maximilian [AUT]  
    Correia, Duarte
Correia, Duarte [POR] 63 61 
Courte, Heremana[3] [FRA]  
    Morgado, Joao
Morgado, Joao [POR] 61 76(2) 
Buckle, Daniel [GBR]  
    Buckle, Daniel
Nunes, Pedro [POR] 60 60 
Tasev, Richard [BUL]  
    Coelho, Guilherme
Coelho, Guilherme [POR] 62 63 
Lammas, James [IRL]  
    Lammas, James
Milasauskas, Kristijonas [LTU] 63 62 
Rangarajan, Smaran[4] [AUS]  
    Tenil, Tomas
Tenil, Tomas [POR] 63 Ret'd 
Sa, Tomas [POR]  
    Pottbecker, Nils (WC)
Pottbecker, Nils (WC) [GER] 60 64 
Barata Marques, Manuel [POR]  
    O Nuallain, Sean
O Nuallain, Sean [IRL] 76(5) 63 
Pyzhyanov, Leonid [RUS]  
    Pyzhyanov, Leonid
Reis, Miguel [POR] 64 60 
Faria, Vicente[5] [POR]  
    Faria, Vicente[5]
Fiedler, Hartmut [AUT] 61 60 
Williams, Ethan [GBR]  
    Nowacki, Jan
Nowacki, Jan [POL] 62 63 
Coelho, Diogo [POR]  
    Kell, William
Kell, William [IRL] 46 62 106 
Menano Carvalho, Joao Maria [POR]  
    Suljic, Svit
Suljic, Svit [SLO] 61 61 
Quinn, Eoin [IRL]  
    Quinn, Eoin
Miranda, Rafael [POR] 75 75 
Vale, Manuel [POR]  
    Bowles-Rokudo, Nicholas Miharu (WC)
Bowles-Rokudo, Nicholas Miharu (WC) [JPN] 60 64 
Grebentsov, Vitor [POR]  
    Grebentsov, Vitor
Tomasiak, Jakub [POL] 76(6) 46 104 
West, Luke [GBR]  
    West, Luke
Figueiredo, Bernardo [POR] 63 64 
Engstrom, Axel [SWE]  
    Ramos, Vasco
Ramos, Vasco [POR] 63 57 107 
Couto, Martim [POR]  
    Couto, Martim
Cordero, Alejandro (WC) [ESP] 64 75 
Espinheira Santos, Afonso [POR]  
    Hudson, Finlay (WC)
Hudson, Finlay (WC) [GBR] 60 60 
Pugliese, Joao [POR]  
    Serpa Neves, Tiago
Serpa Neves, Tiago [POR] 62 63 
Espanca Ramos Maia, Miguel [POR]  
    Espanca Ramos Maia, Miguel
Giuseppe Capitanio, Umberto (WC) [ITA] 64 62 
Nilsson, Evin [SWE]  
    Nilsson, Evin
Leitao, Henrique [POR] 62 63 
Figueiredo, Luis [POR]  
    Kushnir, Adam
Kushnir, Adam [GBR] 60 60 
Cottin, Cyprien [FRA]  
    Cottin, Cyprien
Fernandez, Alex Matthew [ESP] 62 63 
Sanz Muela, Hugo[1] [ESP]  
    Sanz Muela, Hugo[1]
Bernardo, Martim [POR] 63 61 
Ferrez Frisch Silva, Andre [POR]  
    Ferrez Frisch Silva, Andre
Frost, Jonathan [ISR] 64 61 
Ryden, Victor[2] [SWE]  
    Ryden, Victor[2]
Pinto Goncalves, Martim [POR] 61 61 
Struski, Igor [POL]  
    Correia, Duarte
Correia, Duarte [POR] 63 62 
Morgado, Joao [POR]  
    Buckle, Daniel
Buckle, Daniel [GBR] 36 01 Ret'd 
Coelho, Guilherme [POR]  
    Coelho, Guilherme
Lammas, James [IRL] 63 75 
Tenil, Tomas [POR]  
    Pottbecker, Nils (WC)
Pottbecker, Nils (WC) [GER] 62 63 
O Nuallain, Sean [IRL]  
    Pyzhyanov, Leonid
Pyzhyanov, Leonid [RUS] 63 64 
Faria, Vicente[5] [POR]  
    Faria, Vicente[5]
Nowacki, Jan [POL] 46 62 107 
Kell, William [IRL]  
    Suljic, Svit
Suljic, Svit [SLO] 76(6) 63 
Quinn, Eoin [IRL]  
    Bowles-Rokudo, Nicholas Miharu (WC)
Bowles-Rokudo, Nicholas Miharu (WC) [JPN] 61 46 107 
Grebentsov, Vitor [POR]  
    Grebentsov, Vitor
West, Luke [GBR] 63 61 
Ramos, Vasco [POR]  
    Ramos, Vasco
Couto, Martim [POR] 36 63 106 
Hudson, Finlay (WC) [GBR]  
    Serpa Neves, Tiago
Serpa Neves, Tiago [POR] 64 26 119 
Espanca Ramos Maia, Miguel [POR]  
    Nilsson, Evin
Nilsson, Evin [SWE] 63 61 
Kushnir, Adam [GBR]  
    Cottin, Cyprien
Cottin, Cyprien [FRA] 76(7) 64 
Sanz Muela, Hugo[1] [ESP]  
    Sanz Muela, Hugo[1]
Ferrez Frisch Silva, Andre [POR] 62 62 
Ryden, Victor[2] [SWE]  
    Ryden, Victor[2]
Correia, Duarte [POR] 62 62 
Buckle, Daniel [GBR]  
    Coelho, Guilherme
Coelho, Guilherme [POR] 61 62 
Pottbecker, Nils (WC) [GER]  
    Pottbecker, Nils (WC)
Pyzhyanov, Leonid [RUS] 62 62 
Faria, Vicente[5] [POR]  
    Suljic, Svit
Suljic, Svit [SLO] 46 61 107 
Bowles-Rokudo, Nicholas Miharu (WC) [JPN]  
    Bowles-Rokudo, Nicholas Miharu (WC)
Grebentsov, Vitor [POR] 62 61 
Ramos, Vasco [POR]  
    Serpa Neves, Tiago
Serpa Neves, Tiago [POR] 46 63 1210 
Nilsson, Evin [SWE]  
    Cottin, Cyprien
Cottin, Cyprien [FRA] 75 36 104 
Sanz Muela, Hugo[1] [ESP]  
Ryden, Victor[2] [SWE]   
Coelho, Guilherme [POR]  
Pottbecker, Nils (WC) [GER]   
Suljic, Svit [SLO]  
Bowles-Rokudo, Nicholas Miharu (WC) [JPN]   
Serpa Neves, Tiago [POR]  
Cottin, Cyprien [FRA]   
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