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Tournament Rounds

J300 Bradenton \ Eddie Herr International Junior Tennis Championships [Q], 2022, J300 Boys

IMG/Bollettieri Sports Academy

Zeitune, Gonzalo[1] [ARG]  
    Zeitune, Gonzalo[1]
Duda, Adam [CZE] 36 62 119 
Belday, Rohan [USA]  
    Phillips, Daniel
Phillips, Daniel [BER] 62 36 106 
Hendrata, Brendan Nicholas [INA]  
    Chang, Dylan
Chang, Dylan [USA] 61 63 
Otani, Hiro (WC) [JPN]  
    Myslivec, Simon[13]
Myslivec, Simon[13] [CZE] 60 60 
Leroux, Jules[2] [FRA]  
    Leroux, Jules[2]
Petera, Patrik (WC) [CZE] 63 60 
Warik, Caheer [IND]  
    Warik, Caheer
De Silva, Nathan (WC) [USA] 60 60 
Potter, Emmett [CAN]  
    Potter, Emmett
Nguyen, Tyler [USA] 62 62 
Farzam, Matisse (WC) [USA]  
    Pedrico Kravtsov, Albert[11]
Pedrico Kravtsov, Albert[11] [ESP] 75 60 
Mesarovic, Marko[3] [USA]  
    Viiala, Zachary
Viiala, Zachary [AUS] 76(5) 46 103 
Tarasevich, Uladzislau [BLR]  
    Tarasevich, Uladzislau
Jovic, Nikola [SRB] 76(5) 63 
Thompson, Jaden (WC) [USA]  
    Govila, Aditya
Govila, Aditya [IND] 61 61 
Mehta, Kaetan [CAN]  
    Jozwicki, Patrick[15]
Jozwicki, Patrick[15] [AUT] 36 61 105 
    Andrzejewski, Piotr
Andrzejewski, Piotr [USA]   
Healey, Freddie [POR]  
    Murariu, Jose
Murariu, Jose [USA] 60 60 
Afanasjevs, Artjoms [LAT]  
    Ngounoue, Carel Aubriel
Ngounoue, Carel Aubriel [USA] 62 62 
Yassine, Danny [CAN]  
    Padilla Cote, Santiago[16]
Padilla Cote, Santiago[16] [MEX] 63 62 
Milushev, Amir[5] [UZB]  
    Milushev, Amir[5]
Church, Connor [CAN] 75 76(5) 
Mishiro, Takamasa [JPN]  
    Regalia, Stefan
Regalia, Stefan [USA] 62 60 
Ardila, Landon (WC) [USA]  
    Sumann, Elias (WC)
Sumann, Elias (WC) [AUT] w/o 
Rojas, Matias [CHI]  
    Phillips, Joseph[12]
Phillips, Joseph[12] [USA] 63 75 
Torrealba, Benjamin[6] [CHI]  
    Torrealba, Benjamin[6]
Back, Dae Hyun [KOR] 63 61 
Zeitune, Maximo [ARG]  
    Zeitune, Maximo
Wey, Jimmy (WC) [USA] w/o 
Pouatcha, Paris [USA]  
    Pouatcha, Paris
Kajzer, Matej [CAN] 64 75 
Glavas, Christos [GRE]  
    Fahim, Ilyas Milad[14]
Fahim, Ilyas Milad[14] [MAR] 64 64 
Yerdilda, Yerassyl[7] [KAZ]  
    Yerdilda, Yerassyl[7]
Sachdev, Rahul [USA] 64 62 
Etchecoin, Paulo Hugo [BRA]  
    Etchecoin, Paulo Hugo
Zhang, Robert [USA] 60 62 
Menon, Hayden Khoo [MAS]  
    Bao, Denny
Bao, Denny [CAN] 60 75 
Yu, Aaron [HKG]  
    Wen, Evan[9]
Wen, Evan[9] [USA] 46 62 105 
El Kordy, Hady[8] [EGY]  
    Faurel, Thomas
Faurel, Thomas [FRA] 63 62 
Abzhan, Aldiyar [USA]  
    Kirakosov, Egor
Kirakosov, Egor [RUS] 16 63 107 
Dal Boni, Leonardo [USA]  
    Dal Boni, Leonardo
Miletich, Iannis [ITA] 76(3) 67(5) 104 
Forbes, Matthew [USA]  
    Forbes, Matthew
You, Junghee[10] [CAN] 46 63 108 
Zeitune, Gonzalo[1] [ARG]  
    Phillips, Daniel
Phillips, Daniel [BER] 64 63 
Chang, Dylan [USA]  
    Myslivec, Simon[13]
Myslivec, Simon[13] [CZE] 65 Ret'd 
Leroux, Jules[2] [FRA]  
    Warik, Caheer
Warik, Caheer [IND] 16 76(5) 108 
Potter, Emmett [CAN]  
    Pedrico Kravtsov, Albert[11]
Pedrico Kravtsov, Albert[11] [ESP] 67(2) 31 Ret'd 
Viiala, Zachary [AUS]  
    Viiala, Zachary
Tarasevich, Uladzislau [BLR] 63 62 
Govila, Aditya [IND]  
    Govila, Aditya
Jozwicki, Patrick[15] [AUT] 36 64 119 
Andrzejewski, Piotr [USA]  
    Murariu, Jose
Murariu, Jose [USA] 46 64 103 
Ngounoue, Carel Aubriel [USA]  
    Padilla Cote, Santiago[16]
Padilla Cote, Santiago[16] [MEX] 64 62 
Milushev, Amir[5] [UZB]  
    Milushev, Amir[5]
Regalia, Stefan [USA] 75 75 
Sumann, Elias (WC) [AUT]  
    Phillips, Joseph[12]
Phillips, Joseph[12] [USA] 60 64 
Torrealba, Benjamin[6] [CHI]  
    Zeitune, Maximo
Zeitune, Maximo [ARG] 63 16 108 
Pouatcha, Paris [USA]  
    Fahim, Ilyas Milad[14]
Fahim, Ilyas Milad[14] [MAR] 63 36 106 
Yerdilda, Yerassyl[7] [KAZ]  
    Etchecoin, Paulo Hugo
Etchecoin, Paulo Hugo [BRA] 76(8) 26 105 
Bao, Denny [CAN]  
    Wen, Evan[9]
Wen, Evan[9] [USA] 63 57 107 
Faurel, Thomas [FRA]  
    Faurel, Thomas
Kirakosov, Egor [RUS] 63 61 
Dal Boni, Leonardo [USA]  
    Forbes, Matthew
Forbes, Matthew [USA] 64 62 
Phillips, Daniel [BER]  
    Phillips, Daniel
Myslivec, Simon[13] [CZE] 61 16 1210 
Warik, Caheer [IND]  
    Pedrico Kravtsov, Albert[11]
Pedrico Kravtsov, Albert[11] [ESP] 62 61 
Viiala, Zachary [AUS]  
    Govila, Aditya
Govila, Aditya [IND] 06 63 104 
Murariu, Jose [USA]  
    Murariu, Jose
Padilla Cote, Santiago[16] [MEX] 63 62 
Milushev, Amir[5] [UZB]  
    Milushev, Amir[5]
Phillips, Joseph[12] [USA] 46 64 105 
Zeitune, Maximo [ARG]  
    Fahim, Ilyas Milad[14]
Fahim, Ilyas Milad[14] [MAR] 46 64 107 
Etchecoin, Paulo Hugo [BRA]  
    Wen, Evan[9]
Wen, Evan[9] [USA] 60 61 
Faurel, Thomas [FRA]  
    Faurel, Thomas
Forbes, Matthew [USA] 62 60 
Phillips, Daniel [BER]  
Pedrico Kravtsov, Albert[11] [ESP]   
Govila, Aditya [IND]  
Murariu, Jose [USA]   
Milushev, Amir[5] [UZB]  
Fahim, Ilyas Milad[14] [MAR]   
Wen, Evan[9] [USA]  
Faurel, Thomas [FRA]   
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