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Tournament Rounds

Orange Bowl Int'l Tennis Championships, 2022, Boys 16

Orange Bowl International Tennis Championship

Brockett, Stiles[1] [USA]  
    Brockett, Stiles[1]
Mcmillin, Woodson [USA] 75 61 
Fayerman, Dylan [USA]  
    Ismoilov, Asror
Ismoilov, Asror [UZB] 61 46 76(2) 
Hance, Keaton [USA]  
    Arseneault, Nicolas
Arseneault, Nicolas [CAN] 62 63 
Chunduru, Abhinav [USA]  
    Leach, Jagger[16]
Leach, Jagger[16] [USA] 75 61 
Baierl, Calvin[9] [USA]  
    Gamble, Jon
Gamble, Jon [USA] 62 00 Ret'd 
Gaskell, Lachlan [USA]  
    Arseneault, Mikael
Arseneault, Mikael [CAN] 62 76(5) 
Patrick, Nicholas [USA]  
    Patrick, Nicholas
Caldwell, Simon [USA] 36 76(1) 61 
Dayal, Nav [USA]  
    Tobon, Miguel[7]
Tobon, Miguel[7] [COL] 62 36 61 
Munk Mesa, Bernardo[3] [ESP]  
    Munk Mesa, Bernardo[3]
Willwerth, Benjamin [USA] 46 63 75 
Jaen, Dylan [USA]  
    Palavestra, Ilija
Palavestra, Ilija [USA] 76(4) 63 
Saltman, Benjamin [USA]  
    Kudrjavtsev, Troy
Kudrjavtsev, Troy [USA] 62 62 
Azar, Benjamin [CAN]  
    Oyebog Jr, Joseph[14]
Oyebog Jr, Joseph[14] [USA] 36 62 61 
Schinnerer, Kase[12] [USA]  
    Forbes, Matthew
Forbes, Matthew [USA] 64 26 64 
Feies, Alex [USA]  
    Feies, Alex
Brady, Jaden [USA] 62 61 
Karki, Ronit [USA]  
    Karki, Ronit
Satterfield, Jack [USA] 46 75 76(3) 
Nittmann, Yannic [GER]  
    Nittmann, Yannic
Thorat, Abhishek[6] [USA] 75 00 Ret'd 
Pouatcha, Paris[8] [USA]  
    Pouatcha, Paris[8]
Weber, James [USA] 64 64 
Farag Cao, Adam [CAN]  
    Farzam, Matisse
Farzam, Matisse [USA] 63 63 
Ena, Andrew [USA]  
    Ena, Andrew
Henceroth, Cole [USA] 64 64 
Liao, Edward [USA]  
    Ngounoue, Carel Aubriel[11]
Ngounoue, Carel Aubriel[11] [USA] 57 64 63 
Chunduru, Prathinav[13] [USA]  
    Chunduru, Prathinav[13]
Nejedly, Brody [USA] 36 75 61 
Snyder, Nicholas [PUR]  
    Chow, Brennon
Chow, Brennon [USA] 64 60 
Long, Dylan [USA]  
    Garcia, Mario
Garcia, Mario [USA] 64 63 
Blokhin, Nathan [USA]  
    Blokhin, Nathan
Rivadeneira Gallegos, Felipe Jose [ECU] 62 61 
Honda, Naoya[5] [JPN]  
    Honda, Naoya[5]
Nieder, Sammy [USA] 61 63 
Dussault, Maximus [USA]  
    Dussault, Maximus
Mosejczuk, Dominick [USA] 63 62 
Sparks, Benjamin [USA]  
    Johnston, Noah
Johnston, Noah [USA] 75 62 
Riggs, Cal [USA]  
    Olar, Jacob
Olar, Jacob [USA] 60 60 
Ubri, Yubel[15] [USA]  
    Glavas, Christos
Glavas, Christos [GRE] 36 64 61 
Seversen, Michael [USA]  
    Krupkin, Mark
Krupkin, Mark [USA] 06 62 62 
Kohlmann De Freitas, Enzo [BRA]  
    Kohlmann De Freitas, Enzo
Han, Cooper [USA] 46 62 62 
Gold, Nathan [USA]  
    Exsted, Maxwell[2]
Exsted, Maxwell[2] [USA] 61 76(4) 
Brockett, Stiles[1] [USA]  
    Brockett, Stiles[1]
Ismoilov, Asror [UZB] 62 64 
Arseneault, Nicolas [CAN]  
    Leach, Jagger[16]
Leach, Jagger[16] [USA] 63 61 
Gamble, Jon [USA]  
    Arseneault, Mikael
Arseneault, Mikael [CAN] 75 61 
Patrick, Nicholas [USA]  
    Tobon, Miguel[7]
Tobon, Miguel[7] [COL] 63 62 
Munk Mesa, Bernardo[3] [ESP]  
    Munk Mesa, Bernardo[3]
Palavestra, Ilija [USA] 64 75 
Kudrjavtsev, Troy [USA]  
    Kudrjavtsev, Troy
Oyebog Jr, Joseph[14] [USA] 57 76(4) 62 
Forbes, Matthew [USA]  
    Forbes, Matthew
Feies, Alex [USA] 62 64 
Karki, Ronit [USA]  
    Nittmann, Yannic
Nittmann, Yannic [GER] 64 61 
Pouatcha, Paris[8] [USA]  
    Farzam, Matisse
Farzam, Matisse [USA] 60 64 
Ena, Andrew [USA]  
    Ena, Andrew
Ngounoue, Carel Aubriel[11] [USA] 57 64 62 
Chunduru, Prathinav[13] [USA]  
    Chunduru, Prathinav[13]
Chow, Brennon [USA] 63 64 
Garcia, Mario [USA]  
    Blokhin, Nathan
Blokhin, Nathan [USA] 64 76(5) 
Honda, Naoya[5] [JPN]  
    Honda, Naoya[5]
Dussault, Maximus [USA] 60 60 
Johnston, Noah [USA]  
    Johnston, Noah
Olar, Jacob [USA] 64 62 
Glavas, Christos [GRE]  
    Glavas, Christos
Krupkin, Mark [USA] 76(4) 60 
Kohlmann De Freitas, Enzo [BRA]  
    Kohlmann De Freitas, Enzo
Exsted, Maxwell[2] [USA] 64 26 64 
Brockett, Stiles[1] [USA]  
    Leach, Jagger[16]
Leach, Jagger[16] [USA] 64 16 75 
Arseneault, Mikael [CAN]  
    Tobon, Miguel[7]
Tobon, Miguel[7] [COL] 60 64 
Munk Mesa, Bernardo[3] [ESP]  
    Munk Mesa, Bernardo[3]
Kudrjavtsev, Troy [USA] 76(2) 60 
Forbes, Matthew [USA]  
    Forbes, Matthew
Nittmann, Yannic [GER] 64 62 
Farzam, Matisse [USA]  
    Ena, Andrew
Ena, Andrew [USA] 26 63 64 
Chunduru, Prathinav[13] [USA]  
    Chunduru, Prathinav[13]
Blokhin, Nathan [USA] 76(3) 63 
Honda, Naoya[5] [JPN]  
    Honda, Naoya[5]
Johnston, Noah [USA] 61 60 
Glavas, Christos [GRE]  
    Kohlmann De Freitas, Enzo
Kohlmann De Freitas, Enzo [BRA] 26 75 62 
Leach, Jagger[16] [USA]  
    Tobon, Miguel[7]
Tobon, Miguel[7] [COL] 63 62 
Munk Mesa, Bernardo[3] [ESP]  
    Forbes, Matthew
Forbes, Matthew [USA] 62 62 
Ena, Andrew [USA]  
    Chunduru, Prathinav[13]
Chunduru, Prathinav[13] [USA] 64 63 
Honda, Naoya[5] [JPN]  
    Honda, Naoya[5]
Kohlmann De Freitas, Enzo [BRA] 62 46 64 
Tobon, Miguel[7] [COL]  
    Forbes, Matthew
Forbes, Matthew [USA] 75 60 
Chunduru, Prathinav[13] [USA]  
    Honda, Naoya[5]
Honda, Naoya[5] [JPN] 60 61 
Forbes, Matthew [USA]  
    Honda, Naoya[5]
Honda, Naoya[5] [JPN] 63 64 
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