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Tournament Rounds

M15 Monastir 54 [Q], 2022, M15

Steiner, Maik[1] [GER]  
    Steiner, Maik[1]
Saravanan, Vishal (WC) [IND] 61 61 
Cebic, Filip [USA]  
    Said, Mohamed El Hafed
Said, Mohamed El Hafed [MTN] 16 76(4) 107 
Valle, Federico [ITA]  
    Valle, Federico
Festini Mira, Niccolo (WC) [ITA] 64 64 
Orgiles Garcia Retamero, Izan [ESP]  
    Jones, Miles[13]
Jones, Miles[13] [USA] 62 10 Ret'd 
Jones, Maximus[2] [THA]  
    Jones, Maximus[2]
Dubinin, Alexey [RUS] 60 63 
Arcon, Adrian [AUS]  
    Arcon, Adrian
Venturini, Carlo [SUI] 62 62 
Rohrer, Niklas [AUT]  
    Rohrer, Niklas
Nersu, Udhbhav (WC) [USA] 60 62 
Roe Flannelly, Josh [IRL]  
    Han, Seon Yong[12]
Han, Seon Yong[12] [KOR] w/o 
Claverie, Lorenzo[3] [ITA]  
    Galimardanov, Oscar
Galimardanov, Oscar [RUS] 63 63 
Halmenschlager Reis, Ighor [BRA]  
    Morolli, Alberto
Morolli, Alberto [ITA] 63 64 
Holder, Carl [GBR]  
    Holder, Carl
Malgiaritta, Maurus (WC) [SUI] w/o 
Alekseychuk, Artem [RUS]  
    Moghini, Gabriele
Moghini, Gabriele [SUI] 63 62 
Opitz, Jannik[11] [GER]  
    Opitz, Jannik[11]
Agostinetto, Giovanni[4] [ITA] 64 63 
Dabryian, Artsiom [BLR]  
    Dabryian, Artsiom
Philibert, Nicolas (WC) [GBR] 36 64 105 
Sidana, Jaishvin [IND]  
    Farlie, Ethan
Farlie, Ethan [AUS] 62 60 
Howse, Matthew [GBR]  
    Howse, Matthew
Abibsi, Mohamed Ali[16] [ALG] 64 36 106 
Boureau, Alexis[5] [FRA]  
    Boureau, Alexis[5]
Gadilhe, Thibaut [FRA] 62 61 
Lestir, Loan [FRA]  
    Lestir, Loan
Ben Chouikha, Firas [TUN] 60 64 
Maksymchuk, Illya [UKR]  
    Maksymchuk, Illya
Raman, Rishabdev [IND] 61 63 
Fu, Hong-Lin [TPE]  
    Trochu, Pablo[15]
Trochu, Pablo[15] [FRA] w/o 
Evans, Tom[6] [AUS]  
    Evans, Tom[6]
Sola Pastor, Alvar [ESP] 61 62 
Samardzic, Matija (WC) [MNE]  
    Samardzic, Matija (WC)
Kim, Min Seong [KOR] 76(9) 46 106 
Siddiqui, Amaan [IND]  
    Dodds, Amil
Dodds, Amil [GBR] 75 46 106 
Bhangdia, Jake [USA]  
    Mo, Ye Cong[9]
Mo, Ye Cong[9] [CHN] 61 63 
Wiedenmann, Luca[7] [GER]  
    Wiedenmann, Luca[7]
Walewski, Roman [NZL] 64 60 
Schaer, Raffael [SUI]  
    Schaer, Raffael
Krapivin, Maxim [RUS] 76(4) 16 108 
Berger, Antoine [FRA]  
    Berger, Antoine
Martinez Arjona, Samuel [ESP] 63 64 
Dell'elba, Vito [ITA]  
    Dell'elba, Vito
Xiao, Linang[14] [CHN] 63 36 1210 
Kroslak, Jakub[8] [SVK]  
    Kroslak, Jakub[8]
Quaynor, Louis [GBR] 75 61 
Yin, Bang Shuo (WC) [TPE]  
    Moret, Joris
Moret, Joris [FRA] 61 75 
Simkiss, Luke [GBR]  
    Simkiss, Luke
Jones, Alex [USA] 76(3) 36 105 
Castelletti, Luigi [ITA]  
    Lapalu, Valentin[10]
Lapalu, Valentin[10] [FRA] 64 64 
Steiner, Maik[1] [GER]  
    Steiner, Maik[1]
Said, Mohamed El Hafed [MTN] 61 61 
Valle, Federico [ITA]  
    Jones, Miles[13]
Jones, Miles[13] [USA] 64 62 
Jones, Maximus[2] [THA]  
    Jones, Maximus[2]
Arcon, Adrian [AUS] 61 63 
Rohrer, Niklas [AUT]  
    Han, Seon Yong[12]
Han, Seon Yong[12] [KOR] 62 57 104 
Galimardanov, Oscar [RUS]  
    Galimardanov, Oscar
Morolli, Alberto [ITA] 62 64 
Holder, Carl [GBR]  
    Moghini, Gabriele
Moghini, Gabriele [SUI] 61 62 
Opitz, Jannik[11] [GER]  
    Opitz, Jannik[11]
Dabryian, Artsiom [BLR] 60 62 
Farlie, Ethan [AUS]  
    Howse, Matthew
Howse, Matthew [GBR] 62 75 
Boureau, Alexis[5] [FRA]  
    Boureau, Alexis[5]
Lestir, Loan [FRA] 76(2) 64 
Maksymchuk, Illya [UKR]  
    Trochu, Pablo[15]
Trochu, Pablo[15] [FRA] 64 63 
Evans, Tom[6] [AUS]  
    Evans, Tom[6]
Samardzic, Matija (WC) [MNE] 62 62 
Dodds, Amil [GBR]  
    Mo, Ye Cong[9]
Mo, Ye Cong[9] [CHN] 60 63 
Wiedenmann, Luca[7] [GER]  
    Wiedenmann, Luca[7]
Schaer, Raffael [SUI] 61 75 
Berger, Antoine [FRA]  
    Berger, Antoine
Dell'elba, Vito [ITA] 62 60 
Kroslak, Jakub[8] [SVK]  
    Kroslak, Jakub[8]
Moret, Joris [FRA] 64 60 
Simkiss, Luke [GBR]  
    Simkiss, Luke
Lapalu, Valentin[10] [FRA] 61 64 
Steiner, Maik[1] [GER]  
    Jones, Miles[13]
Jones, Miles[13] [USA] 76(4) 76(7) 
Jones, Maximus[2] [THA]  
    Jones, Maximus[2]
Han, Seon Yong[12] [KOR] 76(8) 16 107 
Galimardanov, Oscar [RUS]  
    Moghini, Gabriele
Moghini, Gabriele [SUI] 63 62 
Opitz, Jannik[11] [GER]  
    Opitz, Jannik[11]
Howse, Matthew [GBR] 64 75 
Boureau, Alexis[5] [FRA]  
    Trochu, Pablo[15]
Trochu, Pablo[15] [FRA] 63 60 
Evans, Tom[6] [AUS]  
    Evans, Tom[6]
Mo, Ye Cong[9] [CHN] w/o 
Wiedenmann, Luca[7] [GER]  
    Wiedenmann, Luca[7]
Berger, Antoine [FRA] 64 62 
Kroslak, Jakub[8] [SVK]  
    Simkiss, Luke
Simkiss, Luke [GBR] 64 16 103 
Jones, Miles[13] [USA]  
Jones, Maximus[2] [THA]   
Moghini, Gabriele [SUI]  
Opitz, Jannik[11] [GER]   
Trochu, Pablo[15] [FRA]  
Evans, Tom[6] [AUS]   
Wiedenmann, Luca[7] [GER]  
Simkiss, Luke [GBR]   
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