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Tournament Rounds

M15 Monastir 60 [Q], 2022, M15

Sabanin, Yan[1] [RUS]  
    Sabanin, Yan[1]
Thompson, Ryan (WC) [USA] 62 61 
Stojanovic, Boris [SRB]  
    Ahouda, Walid
Ahouda, Walid [MAR] 60 61 
Bill, Alen [CRO]  
    Bill, Alen
Mezouar, Skander [TUN] 63 61 
Amiri, Farhan (WC) [USA]  
    Van Rensburg, Sean[12]
Van Rensburg, Sean[12] [AUS] 60 61 
Vincent, Antoine[2] [FRA]  
    Vincent, Antoine[2]
Bationo, Abdoulaziz [CIV] 60 63 
Grebentsov, Filipe [POR]  
    Van Baal, Aloys Johannes Willem
Van Baal, Aloys Johannes Willem [NED] 61 63 
Raman, Rishabdev [IND]  
    Arcon, Adrian
Arcon, Adrian [AUS] 16 63 107 
Orlov, Alexander [SUI]  
    Orlov, Alexander
Larwig, Noel[15] [GER] 36 63 108 
Hamza Reguig, Samir[3] [ALG]  
    Hamza Reguig, Samir[3]
Marquiselli, Victorio [ARG] 61 61 
Tramontin, Alessio [ITA]  
    Tramontin, Alessio
Lin, Ping Chen [TPE] 26 64 104 
Bellifemine, Alessandro [ITA]  
    Bellifemine, Alessandro
Venturini, Carlo [SUI] 63 76(3) 
Guerrero Alvarez, Carlos [ESP]  
    Guerrero Alvarez, Carlos
Abibsi, Mohamed Ali[16] [ALG] 62 63 
Evans, Tom[4] [AUS]  
    Evans, Tom[4]
Babu, Pranash [IND] 62 63 
Amiri, Farzan [USA]  
    Rita, Andrea (WC)
Rita, Andrea (WC) [ITA] 60 60 
Nitschke, Tristan [GER]  
    Nitschke, Tristan
Bove, Federico [ITA] 62 64 
Paris, Tom [FRA]  
    Paris, Tom
Al Azmeh, Taym[14] [GER] 64 57 108 
Khoeblal, Elgin[5] [NED]  
    Khoeblal, Elgin[5]
Walewski, Roman (ALT) [NZL] 61 62 
Formella, Leon [GER]  
    Suresh, Darrshan
Suresh, Darrshan [MAS] 62 46 119 
Bozemoj, Brian [NED]  
    Bozemoj, Brian
Emersic Potocnik, Gal [SLO] 63 63 
Bol, Jurriaan [NED]  
    Agafonov, Egor[9]
Agafonov, Egor[9] [RUS] 63 36 106 
Rossi, Leonardo[6] [ITA]  
    Rossi, Leonardo[6]
Knippling, Paulo (WC) [GER] 75 61 
Kouni, Radhouane [TUN]  
    Politowicz, Marcel
Politowicz, Marcel [POL] 60 60 
Einig, Felix [GER]  
    Einig, Felix
Ginefri, Benjamin [FRA] 64 62 
Calzi, Raphael [LUX]  
    Rojas, Olivier[11]
Rojas, Olivier[11] [BEL] 64 63 
Oetzbach, Adrian[7] [GER]  
    Oetzbach, Adrian[7]
Matsiush, Aliaksey [BLR] 62 60 
Alkotop, Mousa (WC) [JOR]  
    Alkotop, Mousa (WC)
Popovic, Stevan (WC) [GER] 61 62 
Canter, Alexis [GBR]  
    Canter, Alexis
Balj, Alexandar [SRB] 62 60 
Gschwendtner, Jeremy [GBR]  
    Gschwendtner, Jeremy
Waldner, Niklas[13] [AUT] 63 61 
Pecci, Alessandro[8] [ITA]  
    Pecci, Alessandro[8]
Dimitrijevic, Jan [SLO] 63 62 
Kouame, Myko Yohann Himad [CIV]  
    Kouame, Myko Yohann Himad
Schneider, Yanick [AUT] 63 30 Ret'd 
Nel, Anro (WC) [RSA]  
    Nel, Anro (WC)
Vuletic, Luke (WC) [AUS] 46 63 102 
Duncan, Dwaine [AUS]  
    Mikrut, Luka[10]
Mikrut, Luka[10] [CRO] 64 63 
Sabanin, Yan[1] [RUS]  
    Ahouda, Walid
Ahouda, Walid [MAR] 76(3) 46 107 
Bill, Alen [CRO]  
    Van Rensburg, Sean[12]
Van Rensburg, Sean[12] [AUS] 61 26 108 
Vincent, Antoine[2] [FRA]  
    Vincent, Antoine[2]
Van Baal, Aloys Johannes Willem [NED] 75 36 106 
Arcon, Adrian [AUS]  
    Orlov, Alexander
Orlov, Alexander [SUI] 64 61 
Hamza Reguig, Samir[3] [ALG]  
    Hamza Reguig, Samir[3]
Tramontin, Alessio [ITA] 62 62 
Bellifemine, Alessandro [ITA]  
    Bellifemine, Alessandro
Guerrero Alvarez, Carlos [ESP] 46 63 1210 
Evans, Tom[4] [AUS]  
    Evans, Tom[4]
Rita, Andrea (WC) [ITA] 62 63 
Nitschke, Tristan [GER]  
    Paris, Tom
Paris, Tom [FRA] 62 63 
Khoeblal, Elgin[5] [NED]  
    Khoeblal, Elgin[5]
Suresh, Darrshan [MAS] 63 62 
Bozemoj, Brian [NED]  
    Bozemoj, Brian
Agafonov, Egor[9] [RUS] 62 61 
Rossi, Leonardo[6] [ITA]  
    Rossi, Leonardo[6]
Politowicz, Marcel [POL] 46 64 1412 
Einig, Felix [GER]  
    Rojas, Olivier[11]
Rojas, Olivier[11] [BEL] 64 76(5) 
Oetzbach, Adrian[7] [GER]  
    Oetzbach, Adrian[7]
Alkotop, Mousa (WC) [JOR] 63 62 
Canter, Alexis [GBR]  
    Canter, Alexis
Gschwendtner, Jeremy [GBR] 57 60 106 
Pecci, Alessandro[8] [ITA]  
    Pecci, Alessandro[8]
Kouame, Myko Yohann Himad [CIV] 62 62 
Nel, Anro (WC) [RSA]  
    Mikrut, Luka[10]
Mikrut, Luka[10] [CRO] 63 40 Ret'd 
Ahouda, Walid [MAR]  
    Ahouda, Walid
Van Rensburg, Sean[12] [AUS] 64 26 108 
Vincent, Antoine[2] [FRA]  
    Orlov, Alexander
Orlov, Alexander [SUI] 36 76(2) 107 
Hamza Reguig, Samir[3] [ALG]  
    Hamza Reguig, Samir[3]
Bellifemine, Alessandro [ITA] 60 62 
Evans, Tom[4] [AUS]  
    Paris, Tom
Paris, Tom [FRA] 76(3) 75 
Khoeblal, Elgin[5] [NED]  
    Khoeblal, Elgin[5]
Bozemoj, Brian [NED] 36 63 104 
Rossi, Leonardo[6] [ITA]  
    Rossi, Leonardo[6]
Rojas, Olivier[11] [BEL] 76(3) 75 
Oetzbach, Adrian[7] [GER]  
    Oetzbach, Adrian[7]
Canter, Alexis [GBR] 64 64 
Pecci, Alessandro[8] [ITA]  
    Mikrut, Luka[10]
Mikrut, Luka[10] [CRO] 76(7) 46 104 
Ahouda, Walid [MAR]  
Orlov, Alexander [SUI]   
Hamza Reguig, Samir[3] [ALG]  
Paris, Tom [FRA]   
Khoeblal, Elgin[5] [NED]  
Rossi, Leonardo[6] [ITA]   
Oetzbach, Adrian[7] [GER]  
Mikrut, Luka[10] [CRO]   
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