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Tournament Rounds

J300 San Jose \ Coffee Bowl (Copa del Cafe) [Q], 2023, J300 Boys

Costa Rica Country Club

Stenzer, Max[1] [GER]  
    Stenzer, Max[1]
Boschmans, Tiago [POR] 26 62 107 
Munk Mesa, Bernardo [ESP]  
    Lee, Mitchell
Lee, Mitchell [USA] 61 61 
Phillips, Daniel [BER]  
    Kask, Matthias Uwe
Kask, Matthias Uwe [CAN] 46 61 106 
Noltorp, Tom [SWE]  
    Exsted, Maxwell[5]
Exsted, Maxwell[5] [USA] 63 76(1) 
Xu, Kuang Qing[2] [CAN]  
    Xu, Kuang Qing[2]
Rodriguez, David Jose (WC) [CRC] 62 61 
Olar, Jacob [USA]  
    Olar, Jacob
Nashiki Perez, Luis Yoshi (WC) [MEX] 61 60 
Ferraz Sandoval Carvalho, Luis Felipe [BRA]  
    Ferraz Sandoval Carvalho, Luis Felipe
Cruz, Cesar [ESA] 76(1) 62 
Pouatcha, Paris [USA]  
    Schoenhaus, Max[7]
Schoenhaus, Max[7] [GER] 63 64 
Lavizzari, Matteo[3] [SUI]  
    Lavizzari, Matteo[3]
Ispas, Andres (WC) [CAN] 64 62 
Dussault, Maximus [USA]  
    Dussault, Maximus
De La Hormaza, Felipe (WC) [CRC] 62 61 
Fuentes Vasquez, Juan Carlos (WC) [ESA]  
    Kohlmann De Freitas, Enzo
Kohlmann De Freitas, Enzo [BRA] 62 61 
Engel, Justin [GER]  
    Engel, Justin
Padilla Cote, Santiago[6] [MEX] 16 63 1210 
Rietkerk, Kyvan[4] [NED]  
    Baierl, Calvin
Baierl, Calvin [USA] 64 63 
Bao, Denny [CAN]  
    Guilleme, Joaquin
Guilleme, Joaquin [NCA] 36 64 106 
Dedura-Palomero, Diego [GER]  
    Dedura-Palomero, Diego
Barot, Meethre [USA] 64 46 106 
Fallas, Fabrizio (WC) [CRC]  
    Costanzi De Brito, Henrique[8]
Costanzi De Brito, Henrique[8] [BRA] 64 62 
Stenzer, Max[1] [GER]  
    Stenzer, Max[1]
Lee, Mitchell [USA] 64 16 107 
Kask, Matthias Uwe [CAN]  
    Exsted, Maxwell[5]
Exsted, Maxwell[5] [USA] 61 76(3) 
Xu, Kuang Qing[2] [CAN]  
    Xu, Kuang Qing[2]
Olar, Jacob [USA] 61 75 
Ferraz Sandoval Carvalho, Luis Felipe [BRA]  
    Ferraz Sandoval Carvalho, Luis Felipe
Schoenhaus, Max[7] [GER] 63 46 107 
Lavizzari, Matteo[3] [SUI]  
    Lavizzari, Matteo[3]
Dussault, Maximus [USA] 64 62 
Kohlmann De Freitas, Enzo [BRA]  
    Engel, Justin
Engel, Justin [GER] 63 64 
Baierl, Calvin [USA]  
    Baierl, Calvin
Guilleme, Joaquin [NCA] 64 46 105 
Dedura-Palomero, Diego [GER]  
    Dedura-Palomero, Diego
Costanzi De Brito, Henrique[8] [BRA] 64 60 
Stenzer, Max[1] [GER]  
    Exsted, Maxwell[5]
Exsted, Maxwell[5] [USA] 62 64 
Xu, Kuang Qing[2] [CAN]  
    Ferraz Sandoval Carvalho, Luis Felipe
Ferraz Sandoval Carvalho, Luis Felipe [BRA] 61 61 
Lavizzari, Matteo[3] [SUI]  
    Engel, Justin
Engel, Justin [GER] 26 63 105 
Baierl, Calvin [USA]  
    Dedura-Palomero, Diego
Dedura-Palomero, Diego [GER] 61 76(6) 
Exsted, Maxwell[5] [USA]  
Ferraz Sandoval Carvalho, Luis Felipe [BRA]   
Engel, Justin [GER]  
Dedura-Palomero, Diego [GER]   
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