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Tournament Rounds

J300 Traralgon \ Loy Yang Power Traralgon International, 2015, J300 Boys

Traralgon Tennis Association

Luz, Orlando[1] [BRA]  
    Luz, Orlando[1]
Guell Bartrina, Eduard [ESP] 62 64 
Ellis, Blake (WC) [AUS]  
    Pellegrino, Andrea
Pellegrino, Andrea [ITA] 63 76(6) 
Polmans, Marc [AUS]  
    Leshem, Edan (Q)
Leshem, Edan (Q) [ISR] 64 64 
Ingildsen, Johannes (Q) [DEN]  
    Tsitsipas, Stefanos[13]
Tsitsipas, Stefanos[13] [GRE] 64 64 
Rosas, Juan Jose[12] [PER]  
    Hurkacz, Hubert
Hurkacz, Hubert [POL] 64 76(9) 
Nolan, Daniel [AUS]  
    Kumar, Sameer
Kumar, Sameer [USA] 63 62 
Watanuki, Yosuke [JPN]  
    Watanuki, Yosuke
Fallert, Fabian [GER] 75 67(4) 63 
Pokotilov, Boris [RUS]  
    Hong, Seong-Chan[6]
Hong, Seong-Chan[6] [KOR] 75 61 
Fritz, Taylor[3] [USA]  
    Fritz, Taylor[3]
Tran, Brian (WC) [AUS] 61 63 
Wu, Tung-Lin [TPE]  
    Harris, Lloyd
Harris, Lloyd [RSA] 62 63 
Fukuda, Sora [JPN]  
    Fukuda, Sora
Popyrin, Alexei (WC) [AUS] 67(7) 62 62 
Matheson, William (Q) [NZL]  
    Nikles, Johan[15]
Nikles, Johan[15] [SUI] 61 64 
Bobrov, Bogdan[11] [RUS]  
    Bobrov, Bogdan[11]
Karimov, Jurabek [UZB] 63 62 
Moutet, Corentin [FRA]  
    Moutet, Corentin
Delaney, Jake [AUS] 46 63 62 
Dougaz, Aziz [TUN]  
    Dougaz, Aziz
Harper, Mitchell (Q) [AUS] 62 26 61 
Nagal, Sumit [IND]  
    Nagal, Sumit
Yamasaki, Jumpei[7] [JPN] 63 60 
Mmoh, Michael[5] [USA]  
    Mmoh, Michael[5]
Pearson, Kody (WC) [AUS] 61 63 
Bakshi, Aleksandre [GEO]  
    Bakshi, Aleksandre
Kai, Naoto (Q) [JPN] 63 64 
Osmakcic, Marko [SUI]  
    Osmakcic, Marko
Jones, Scott (WC) [AUS] 75 61 
Bublik, Alexander [KAZ]  
    Bublik, Alexander
Denolly, Corentin[9] [FRA] 64 06 61 
Kecmanovic, Miomir[16] [SRB]  
    Kecmanovic, Miomir[16]
Wessels, Louis [GER] 62 63 
De Minaur, Alex (WC) [AUS]  
    Biljesko, Domagoj
Biljesko, Domagoj [CRO] 57 61 63 
Ly, Nam Hoang [VIE]  
    Tokuda, Renta (Q)
Tokuda, Renta (Q) [JPN] 62 62 
Lo, Chien Hsun [TPE]  
    Chung, Yunseong[4]
Chung, Yunseong[4] [KOR] 36 64 62 
Ymer, Mikael[8] [SWE]  
    Te, Rigele
Te, Rigele [CHN] 62 67(3) 63 
Durasovic, Viktor [NOR]  
    Durasovic, Viktor
Hobart, Daniel (WC) [AUS] 76(5) 63 
Molcan, Alex [SVK]  
    Rakotomalala, Mandresy
Rakotomalala, Mandresy [FRA] 46 64 63 
Blumberg, William [USA]  
    Van Rijthoven, Tim[10]
Van Rijthoven, Tim[10] [NED] 57 76(7) 62 
Santillan, Akira[14] [AUS]  
    Santillan, Akira[14]
Hannestad, Benjamin [DEN] 63 60 
Chikami, Shohei (Q) [JPN]  
    Kwon, Soonwoo
Kwon, Soonwoo [KOR] 75 60 
Jaede, Jack (WC) [AUS]  
    Lopez San Martin, Alvaro (Q)
Lopez San Martin, Alvaro (Q) [ESP] 62 62 
Roveri Sidney, Gabriel [BRA]  
    Safiullin, Roman[2]
Safiullin, Roman[2] [RUS] 61 62 
Luz, Orlando[1] [BRA]  
    Pellegrino, Andrea
Pellegrino, Andrea [ITA] 62 64 
Leshem, Edan (Q) [ISR]  
    Tsitsipas, Stefanos[13]
Tsitsipas, Stefanos[13] [GRE] 63 76(6) 
Hurkacz, Hubert [POL]  
    Kumar, Sameer
Kumar, Sameer [USA] 64 62 
Watanuki, Yosuke [JPN]  
    Hong, Seong-Chan[6]
Hong, Seong-Chan[6] [KOR] 61 62 
Fritz, Taylor[3] [USA]  
    Fritz, Taylor[3]
Harris, Lloyd [RSA] 60 76(2) 
Fukuda, Sora [JPN]  
    Nikles, Johan[15]
Nikles, Johan[15] [SUI] 63 75 
Bobrov, Bogdan[11] [RUS]  
    Moutet, Corentin
Moutet, Corentin [FRA] 67(5) 75 62 
Dougaz, Aziz [TUN]  
    Nagal, Sumit
Nagal, Sumit [IND] 63 64 
Mmoh, Michael[5] [USA]  
    Mmoh, Michael[5]
Bakshi, Aleksandre [GEO] 63 62 
Osmakcic, Marko [SUI]  
    Bublik, Alexander
Bublik, Alexander [KAZ] 63 64 
Kecmanovic, Miomir[16] [SRB]  
    Kecmanovic, Miomir[16]
Biljesko, Domagoj [CRO] 57 76(6) 62 
Tokuda, Renta (Q) [JPN]  
    Tokuda, Renta (Q)
Chung, Yunseong[4] [KOR] 63 62 
Te, Rigele [CHN]  
    Te, Rigele
Durasovic, Viktor [NOR] 64 76(4) 
Rakotomalala, Mandresy [FRA]  
    Van Rijthoven, Tim[10]
Van Rijthoven, Tim[10] [NED] 76(7) 64 
Santillan, Akira[14] [AUS]  
    Santillan, Akira[14]
Kwon, Soonwoo [KOR] 62 62 
Lopez San Martin, Alvaro (Q) [ESP]  
    Safiullin, Roman[2]
Safiullin, Roman[2] [RUS] 26 62 75 
Pellegrino, Andrea [ITA]  
    Tsitsipas, Stefanos[13]
Tsitsipas, Stefanos[13] [GRE] 62 64 
Kumar, Sameer [USA]  
    Hong, Seong-Chan[6]
Hong, Seong-Chan[6] [KOR] 63 62 
Fritz, Taylor[3] [USA]  
    Fritz, Taylor[3]
Nikles, Johan[15] [SUI] 60 75 
Moutet, Corentin [FRA]  
    Nagal, Sumit
Nagal, Sumit [IND] 62 64 
Mmoh, Michael[5] [USA]  
    Bublik, Alexander
Bublik, Alexander [KAZ] 76(6) 67(7) 62 
Kecmanovic, Miomir[16] [SRB]  
    Tokuda, Renta (Q)
Tokuda, Renta (Q) [JPN] 64 62 
Te, Rigele [CHN]  
    Van Rijthoven, Tim[10]
Van Rijthoven, Tim[10] [NED] 60 60 
Santillan, Akira[14] [AUS]  
    Safiullin, Roman[2]
Safiullin, Roman[2] [RUS] 16 61 63 
Tsitsipas, Stefanos[13] [GRE]  
    Hong, Seong-Chan[6]
Hong, Seong-Chan[6] [KOR] 63 76(4) 
Fritz, Taylor[3] [USA]  
    Nagal, Sumit
Nagal, Sumit [IND] w/o 
Bublik, Alexander [KAZ]  
    Bublik, Alexander
Tokuda, Renta (Q) [JPN] 63 62 
Van Rijthoven, Tim[10] [NED]  
    Van Rijthoven, Tim[10]
Safiullin, Roman[2] [RUS] 76(6) 75 
Hong, Seong-Chan[6] [KOR]  
    Hong, Seong-Chan[6]
Nagal, Sumit [IND] 67(1) 76(6) 61 
Bublik, Alexander [KAZ]  
    Van Rijthoven, Tim[10]
Van Rijthoven, Tim[10] [NED] 64 63 
Hong, Seong-Chan[6] [KOR]  
    Hong, Seong-Chan[6]
Van Rijthoven, Tim[10] [NED] 61 36 62 
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