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Tournament Rounds

Yucatan Cup, 2014, J300 Boys

Mexico Merida

Rublev, Andrey[1] [RUS]  
    Rublev, Andrey[1]
Hossam, Youssef [EGY] 46 64 62 
Ramirez Lascurain, Fernando (Q) [MEX]  
    Ruehl, Tim
Ruehl, Tim [GER] 64 76(3) 
Pena Lopez, Manuel [ARG]  
    Tsitsipas, Stefanos
Tsitsipas, Stefanos [GRE] 63 76(4) 
Van Slyke, Jack W [CAN]  
    Boyd, Kalman[16]
Boyd, Kalman[16] [USA] 76(4) 63 
Dougaz, Aziz[11] [TUN]  
    Mbithi, Mwendwa
Mbithi, Mwendwa [USA] 62 76(2) 
Holmgren, August (Q) [DEN]  
    Cannell, Joel
Cannell, Joel [GBR] 46 64 62 
Habib, Hady [LBN]  
    Habib, Hady
Penchyna Cardenas, Gerardo (WC) [MEX] 61 64 
Janglin, Oscar [SWE]  
    Janglin, Oscar
Harris, Lloyd[6] [RSA] 64 16 63 
Hong, Seong-Chan[3] [KOR]  
    Hong, Seong-Chan[3]
Ponwith, Nathan [USA] 64 61 
Vasa, Eero [FIN]  
    Vasa, Eero
Morfin Friebel, Luis Eduardo (WC) [MEX] 61 62 
Cunha-Silva, Felipe [POR]  
    Mateas, Catalin
Mateas, Catalin [USA] 46 61 64 
Lin, Jack Mingjie [CAN]  
    Wessels, Louis[15]
Wessels, Louis[15] [GER] 62 62 
Valkusz, Mate[9] [HUN]  
    Valkusz, Mate[9]
Caruana, Liam [ITA] 63 75 
Marcondes, Igor [BRA]  
    Marcondes, Igor
Rubio Fierros, Alan Fernando (WC) [MEX] 63 62 
Capalbo, Franco [ARG]  
    Capalbo, Franco
Galarneau, Alexis (Q) [CAN] 62 61 
Hernandez, Alex (WC) [MEX]  
    Kumar, Sameer[7]
Kumar, Sameer[7] [USA] 76(4) 62 
Fukuda, Sora[5] [JPN]  
    Fukuda, Sora[5]
Niklas-Salminen, Patrik [FIN] 64 64 
Velazquez Duran, Alejandro [MEX]  
    Reinberg, Emil
Reinberg, Emil [USA] 61 61 
Ingildsen, Johannes [DEN]  
    Sandkaulen, Tim
Sandkaulen, Tim [GER] 64 64 
Kodali, Anudeep [USA]  
    Ly, Nam Hoang[10]
Ly, Nam Hoang[10] [VIE] 62 62 
Roveri Sidney, Gabriel[13] [BRA]  
    Roveri Sidney, Gabriel[13]
Husin, Bryan (Q) [INA] 76(4) 61 
Lebedev, Alexander [USA]  
    Herrera Federico Matias, Federico Matias (Q)
Herrera Federico Matias, Federico Matias (Q) [ARG] 75 62 
Fernandez Del Valle, Pedro (WC) [MEX]  
    Peck, Joshua (LL)
Peck, Joshua (LL) [CAN] 76(4) 26 61 
Shcherba, Vitalii [UKR]  
    Ymer, Mikael[4]
Ymer, Mikael[4] [SWE] 63 36 62 
Tabilo, Alejandro[8] [CHI]  
    Wojcik, Jakub (LL)
Wojcik, Jakub (LL) [USA] 63 63 
Fallert, Fabian [GER]  
    Schmidt, Arturo (Q)
Schmidt, Arturo (Q) [SUI] 63 75 
Blanch, Ulises [USA]  
    Blanch, Ulises
El Sallaly, Akram [EGY] 61 61 
Suarez Rivas, Jesus Santiago (WC) [MEX]  
    Barrios Vera, Tomas[12]
Barrios Vera, Tomas[12] [CHI] 61 61 
Hannestad, Benjamin[14] [DEN]  
    Levine, Robert
Levine, Robert [USA] 63 63 
Moreno, Agustin (WC) [MEX]  
    Koelle, Lucas (Q)
Koelle, Lucas (Q) [BRA] 60 61 
Roberto, Riccardo [ITA]  
    Sacco, Agustin (Q)
Sacco, Agustin (Q) [ARG] 76(3) 63 
Sigouin, Benjamin [CAN]  
    Fritz, Taylor[2]
Fritz, Taylor[2] [USA] 63 62 
Rublev, Andrey[1] [RUS]  
    Rublev, Andrey[1]
Ruehl, Tim [GER] 46 63 62 
Tsitsipas, Stefanos [GRE]  
    Tsitsipas, Stefanos
Boyd, Kalman[16] [USA] 62 61 
Mbithi, Mwendwa [USA]  
    Cannell, Joel
Cannell, Joel [GBR] 61 76(5) 
Habib, Hady [LBN]  
    Janglin, Oscar
Janglin, Oscar [SWE] 36 63 64 
Hong, Seong-Chan[3] [KOR]  
    Vasa, Eero
Vasa, Eero [FIN] 64 62 
Mateas, Catalin [USA]  
    Wessels, Louis[15]
Wessels, Louis[15] [GER] 64 61 
Valkusz, Mate[9] [HUN]  
    Valkusz, Mate[9]
Marcondes, Igor [BRA] 46 63 62 
Capalbo, Franco [ARG]  
    Capalbo, Franco
Kumar, Sameer[7] [USA] 67(3) 62 62 
Fukuda, Sora[5] [JPN]  
    Fukuda, Sora[5]
Reinberg, Emil [USA] 61 64 
Sandkaulen, Tim [GER]  
    Ly, Nam Hoang[10]
Ly, Nam Hoang[10] [VIE] 64 60 
Roveri Sidney, Gabriel[13] [BRA]  
    Roveri Sidney, Gabriel[13]
Herrera Federico Matias, Federico Matias (Q) [ARG] 61 62 
Peck, Joshua (LL) [CAN]  
    Ymer, Mikael[4]
Ymer, Mikael[4] [SWE] 61 76(6) 
Wojcik, Jakub (LL) [USA]  
    Schmidt, Arturo (Q)
Schmidt, Arturo (Q) [SUI] 60 60 
Blanch, Ulises [USA]  
    Blanch, Ulises
Barrios Vera, Tomas[12] [CHI] 63 26 76(6) 
Levine, Robert [USA]  
    Koelle, Lucas (Q)
Koelle, Lucas (Q) [BRA] 64 64 
Sacco, Agustin (Q) [ARG]  
    Fritz, Taylor[2]
Fritz, Taylor[2] [USA] 60 62 
Rublev, Andrey[1] [RUS]  
    Rublev, Andrey[1]
Tsitsipas, Stefanos [GRE] 64 64 
Cannell, Joel [GBR]  
    Cannell, Joel
Janglin, Oscar [SWE] 46 63 63 
Vasa, Eero [FIN]  
    Wessels, Louis[15]
Wessels, Louis[15] [GER] 60 64 
Valkusz, Mate[9] [HUN]  
    Valkusz, Mate[9]
Capalbo, Franco [ARG] 61 64 
Fukuda, Sora[5] [JPN]  
    Fukuda, Sora[5]
Ly, Nam Hoang[10] [VIE] 63 62 
Roveri Sidney, Gabriel[13] [BRA]  
    Ymer, Mikael[4]
Ymer, Mikael[4] [SWE] 62 61 
Schmidt, Arturo (Q) [SUI]  
    Blanch, Ulises
Blanch, Ulises [USA] 64 64 
Koelle, Lucas (Q) [BRA]  
    Fritz, Taylor[2]
Fritz, Taylor[2] [USA] 64 57 75 
Rublev, Andrey[1] [RUS]  
    Rublev, Andrey[1]
Cannell, Joel [GBR] 63 64 
Wessels, Louis[15] [GER]  
    Valkusz, Mate[9]
Valkusz, Mate[9] [HUN] 61 67(5) 76(4) 
Fukuda, Sora[5] [JPN]  
    Ymer, Mikael[4]
Ymer, Mikael[4] [SWE] 67(3) 63 64 
Blanch, Ulises [USA]  
    Fritz, Taylor[2]
Fritz, Taylor[2] [USA] 63 46 64 
Rublev, Andrey[1] [RUS]  
    Rublev, Andrey[1]
Valkusz, Mate[9] [HUN] 62 64 
Ymer, Mikael[4] [SWE]  
    Fritz, Taylor[2]
Fritz, Taylor[2] [USA] 76(7) 61 
Rublev, Andrey[1] [RUS]  
    Fritz, Taylor[2]
Fritz, Taylor[2] [USA] 64 63 
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